Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1841: The second diagnosis of Kampo Contest

Ye Chen felt that he had entered the ninth-level peak of the Qi Refining Period in an instant, and he was more energetic than that. Looking at the time, it was already more than two o'clock in the morning, and Ye Chen took a pajamas to the bathroom and took a bath comfortably.

After going outside, Ye Chen dried her hair on the balcony, and then went back to rest on the big bed.

The next day, when Ye Chen got up, Gao Meilin and Yang Jingya hadn't gotten up yet. Because the two women were frightened last night and fell asleep late, Ye Chen didn't wake them up, and went straight to the hotel for breakfast.

After eating breakfast, Ye Chen saw that the Japanese government sent more agents outside the hotel.

Last night, Ye Chen was besieged and killed by members of the Yamaguchi group. Others may not know this matter, but the Japanese government must be very clear. What's more, if Ye Chen comes to participate in the Kampo Contest, if something happens during the match, it will definitely affect the reputation of the Japanese government.

In addition, Ye Chen does have other functions for the Japanese government.

Therefore, after Ye Chen injured a member of the Yamaguchi group last night, when the Yamaguchi group wanted to send more gang members to deal with Ye Chen, the Japanese government had already warned the Yamaguchi group seriously if Ye Chen encountered this again during the Kampo Contest. The Yamaguchi team is solely responsible for the consequences.

Under this circumstance, the Yamaguchi team had to let Ye Chen go first, and when the Han Fang competition was over, they were ready to trouble Ye Chen. Even the Yamaguchi group has decided to leave Ye Chen's life in Tokyo.

Seeing those Japanese agents, Ye Chen ignored them. He knew that these agents were fine to protect ordinary people, but if they encountered those ninja masters, they would not be those ninja opponents at all.

Ye Chen did not wake Gao Meilin and Yang Jingya, but only sent them a text message, and then went to the closed hospital to see the conditions of the five patients.

Time came quietly. In addition to visiting the patients every day, Ye Chen and Gao Meilin were in Tokyo at other times, and even the surrounding scenic spots.

On the fifteenth day of coming to Japan and the fourteenth day of visiting those patients, Ye Chen knew that they had visited the second clinic for those patients.

When I came to the ward of the old Japanese old Mr. Iguchi, I saw that he was alone in the ward. However, after Ye Chen's treatment for half a month, all the herpes on Mr. Iguchi's shoulders and backs are now healed and scarred. Except for some red marks, they look no different from normal skin.

This time, because he needed to see the second clinic, Ye Chen specially called the volunteer from the Hanfang Competition. Ye Chen asked the old Mr. Jingguo questions, and the volunteer translated it again.

From the exchanges between Ye Chen and Mr. Iguchi, Ye Chen already knew the situation of the snake sores on the shoulders of the Japanese old man.

According to the materials from Ye Chen, the "Yi Zong Jin Jian" believes that the disease can be divided into dryness and wetness: "The dry person is red and red, shaped like a cloud, with wind millet on it, which is used for phlegm and heat, which belongs to the liver and heart. The second meridian is wind and fire, the treatment is suitable for Longdan Xiegan Decoction; the wet ones are yellow and white, and the blisters are of different sizes, which make rotten water, and the dry ones are more painful. "

Later doctors often said from this point on, but the "Surgery Dacheng" believed that the disease was caused by "heart and kidney failure, liver fire internally", so Huanglian Decoction should be soothed within.

From the information in these ancient books, Ye Chen knows that middle-aged and elderly patients often have intractable neuralgia after the rash subsides, which often lasts for several months or longer.

After the rash subsides, the local pain does not stop. The traditional Chinese medicine dialectics is mostly of Qi stagnation and blood stasis type. Generally, the life is to promote blood circulation and relieve pain.

As for the situation of the old Japanese patient Mr. Iguchi, the moss is thin and lavender, with tooth marks on the sides, and the pulse is thin and astringent. All are signs of qi stagnation and blood stasis, mainly because the liver and heart are blocked by the wind and fire in the meridians. In the treatment of wind and fire, although the wind and fire are eliminated, the stasis is not removed, it is blocked by the meridian, and it is painful if it is blocked, so the patient has severe local pain and more severe night sting.

Ye Chen reused salvia, zedoary turmeric, peach kernels for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and also with angelica, spatholobi nourishes blood and blood, red white peony nourishes blood and restrains yin. It is good at searching, so add Dilong to dispel the remaining evil, relieve the remaining toxins, remove stagnation of collaterals, and use Xu Changqing to relieve pain.

Therefore, after Ye Chen's treatment, not only herpes scarring, but also from alleviating the pain to completely relieve the pain.

Now regarding the situation of the old patient Mr. Iguchi, after checking his condition clearly, I took out his medical record and wrote under the prescription for the first diagnosis: "Second consultation: After the patient is treated, the pain is not obvious and can be normal. Rest, scars and red marks. The moss is thin and light, with tooth marks on the sides, and the pulse is thin. The prescription is obvious in the front, and the original prescription is continued to take 7 doses to consolidate."

After Ye Chen finished writing, he was also very strange looking at the situation of the Japanese old man. Although Japan is very developed, compared with domestic family ties, it is indeed much weaker.

After watching the old man for half a month, he didn't even meet his family or relatives once. Even if Ye Chen came at the wrong time, he couldn't have encountered each other once.

To see the situation of the old Mr. Iguchi, Ye Chen went to visit the young woman, Miss Sakurada, on her oral sores.

Judging from Ye Chen's half-month treatment, the effect is still obvious. However, erythema nodules still appeared on her lower extremities. Palpitations, sleepiness at night, dry mouth, chest tightness and palpitations still exist after falling asleep.

"Prescription: 9 grams of Asparagus from the front, 9 grams of Schisandra, 15 grams of Citrus, 30 grams of Salvia, 12 grams of Eupatorium. 7 doses, decocted in water, 1 dose per day."

Ye Chen sorted out the prescription, and then asked her about her situation, and Ye Chen sent her the decoction.

Although it is now a competition, Ye Chen can only pick up the medicine and decoct it by himself, but this Miss Sakurada still thinks that Ye Chen, a young doctor from China, is very good.

If it wasn't for Ye Chen who didn't like women like her, she really wanted to follow Ye Chen.

Ye Chen didn't know that Miss Sakurada, the short and fat Japanese young woman, would have other ideas. He only focused on the patient's condition. He knew that it was not only the problem of mouth sores, but also the erythema of her lower extremities.

According to the ancient Chinese medicine book "Sanji Zongluomen" read by Ye Chen: "Aphthous patients have heat in the heart and spleen, the qi rushes to the focus, and the recurrence of the tongue, pretending to be sores."

Clinically, the treatment of heart and spleen therapy is more effective in the treatment of acute attack. At the first diagnosis, the proof of dampness and heat is obvious, so the Simiao Pills are used to clear heat and eliminate dampness, Shengdi, Danpi, red peony root to relieve fire and cool blood, Anemarrhena, white flowers Oldenlandia diffusa clears the fire in the stomach, and Jiaotai pill induces the fire to return to the menstruation.

Moreover, Miss Sakurada’s mouth sores recurring recurring obviously, during treatment, the bitter cold and fire-reducing drugs should not be used indiscriminately for the local inflammation.