Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1848: Chinatown

When coming out of the center of the International Conference Room, Ye Chen found a van, put the bronze man on the van, and drove directly in the direction of the embassy.

During the award ceremony just now, a person in charge of the embassy passed by, but Ye Chen said hello to him.

When he came to the door of the embassy, ​​Ye Chen got out of the car, went inside the embassy, ​​and saw seven or eight staff members inside.

If it were other ordinary people, the embassy staff might not be in a mood when they saw coming in to do business, but when they saw Ye Chen's arrival, they seemed very attentive.

Seeing Ye Chen's arrival, the second person in charge of the embassy immediately grabbed Ye Chen's hand to congratulate him.

"Doctor Ye, congratulations on your winning the first place in the competition." The person in charge smiled.

"It's just a fluke. I asked the embassy this time. I hope the embassy can help." Ye Chen said.

The second person in charge of the embassy is still surprised. What does Ye Chen want now?

Ye Chen didn't ask the embassy to help others, but said: "I'm afraid that I will not be able to bring my reward, the bronze figure of Song Tian Sheng, back to Shanghai, so I hope the embassy will help and send it back to Shanghai safely."

When I heard that this was the case, the head of the embassy immediately understood what was going on. He also knew the nature of those Japanese people. Although they had already been given out as rewards, if the Japanese would go back and do it secretly. The hands and feet were changed to other bronze men and transported back. It must be Ye Chen's loss.

When the second person in charge of the embassy agreed to come down, Ye Chen asked him to move the bronze figure in. When the red cloth was opened, it was indeed lifelike.

To be sure, the value of this bronze man is more valuable than the ten million yuan.

Ye Chen and the embassy signed an agreement to safely **** the bronze man, and he came out again.

It can be said that from now on, he will be very dangerous in Japan.

First, he has to target the Yamaguchi group and the Ninja organization, and second, he has to face other goals of the Japanese government against him.

Ye Chen was not afraid of the Yamaguchi group and the Ninja group. However, if facing the Japanese government, he must be careful.

Because starting today, the Kampo Contest is truly over. He can stay in the Ginza Hotel for free. Now if he continues to stay, he will have to pay the fee.

Of course, if you stay in other hotels, you still need to pay.

However, Ye Chen didn't want to stay in the Ginza Hotel anymore. When he packed his clothes and came out of it, he paid for the room where Gao Meilin and Yang Jingya lived.

He came out of the Ginza Hotel and drove to Tokyo Chinatown.

Tokyo Chinatown, also known as Tokyo Chinatown, he and Gao Meilin have been here for dinner many times. But this time, he really came over.

He felt safer here in Chinatown.

In Japan, from the information we know, there are four Chinese people, one of whom lives in Tokyo’s Chinatown.

Of course, compared with the Chinatowns in the United States, here is still very scattered, and there is no Chinese gathering area with a few streets.

In this respect, it is somewhat similar to the blacks scattered in Guangzhou.

However, when he came here, he saw the billboards and the words from all over China, and he could see the difference between this place and other places in Japan.

Ye Chen likes this kind of place where many Chinese gather, but when he came here, many Chinese immediately recognized his identity.

"Doctor Ye, you are here." Those Chinese greeted Ye Chen one after another.

Ye Chen responded enthusiastically.

When he found a Chinese-run high-end hotel to stay, Ye Chen knew that he could only live here for the time being, looking for a suitable opportunity to return to Shanghai.

However, he knew that as long as he was still in Japan, he could not hide it. He lived here in Chinatown. Therefore, he did not hide, but publicly told everyone that he lives here in Tokyo Chinatown, and announced that it will start tomorrow for a three-day free clinic.

The announcement of this news immediately aroused the joy of the Chinese in Chinatown.

That night, a person in charge of Chinese Friendship here in Chinatown came to invite Ye Chen over for dinner. Ye Chen also did not refuse. When eating with them, he revealed that he was threatened by the Yamaguchi group while in Tokyo.

After all, Ye Chen is a famous doctor in China, and he is liked by Chinese everywhere. Therefore, if Ye Chen is threatened by the Yamaguchi gang here in Tokyo, he will definitely lose the face of the Chinese.

"Doctor Ye, don't worry, the main thing is that you stay in Tokyo. Our Fuqing Gang will definitely protect your safety." A middle-aged man with a thick Fujian accent said.

Ye Chen knew that this middle-aged man was a person in charge of the Fuqing Clan. Hearing him say that, he knew that the Yamaguchi Clan would definitely not bother him.

After all, in Japan, although the Yamaguchi Group is the largest gang organization, they are not afraid of the government or other gangs, but the Fuqing Gang.

Because the Fuqing Gang is more vicious than their Yamaguchi group, if you really dare to provoke the Fuqing Gang, the Yamaguchi group will definitely end badly.

With the assurance of the person in charge of the Fuqing Group, Ye Chen knew that before he left Japan, he would not have any other contact with the Yamaguchi group.

As for the ninja organization, the dead person sent last time, one died, and three escaped. He knew that it was impossible for the ninja organization to send other masters for the time being.

After Ye Chen had dinner with the heads of these Chinese Friendship Associations, when he returned to stay in that high-end hotel, the eldest lady from Shanghai called him again and asked when he would be back?

Ye Chen wanted to go back a long time ago, but in this situation, he knew very well that it was not so easy to go back safely. However, he will not say it on the phone, just to reassure them that they should return to Shanghai in a few days.

At 8 o'clock the next morning, Ye Chen got up to wash, and when he finished breakfast in Chinatown, he had a free clinic at an archway not far from Chinatown.

Because last night I agreed with the person in charge of the Chinese Friendship Association. When he came here today, besides setting up tables, chairs, and even pillows, there was also a long line of people waiting in line.

These are mainly Chinese and overseas Chinese living in Japan, and there are also some Japanese people near Chinatown. Knowing that Ye Chen's Chinese medicine skills are very powerful, before returning to China this time, he conducted a free clinic here in Chinatown. Naturally, he came here. Free medical treatment.

Starting at 8:30 in the morning, Ye Chen has been sitting there earnestly giving free consultations to those Chinese and overseas Chinese. By 12:30 in the morning, Ye Chen paused to go to lunch first, and returned after lunch to continue to give other Chinese people. Free medical consultation for overseas Chinese.