Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1874: Arranged

Ye Chen drove in the direction of Hongqiao Airport and came to Hongqiao Airport. Then he asked Li Feiyi to call Bao Yutang and let the two of them come out.

Bao Yutang did not expect that Ye Chen would personally come to pick him and his wife. In Bao Yutang, he came out with his big bags.

Not long after, Ye Chen saw the two figures. Bao Yutang is about the same as last year, but maybe because the business has just failed, she doesn't seem to be very emotional. As for the young woman next to him, she should be about the same age as Bao Yutang and looks ordinary, but she looks very matched with Bao Yutang.

"Brother Bao, I should have been looking for you a long time ago." Ye Chen walked over and smiled.

"Doctor Ye, I decided to come over and mix with you this time." Bao Yutang said.

At the beginning, he said to Ye Chen that if he couldn't get along with him, he wanted to come and get along with Ye Chen. In fact, he just asked casually at the beginning to see if he could leave one more way for himself, but he didn't expect it to be that way.

"Big Brother Bao, is this my sister-in-law?" Ye Chen asked.

"This is my wife Chen Yu, from my hometown." Bao Yutang said.

"Sister-in-law, hello, my name is Ye Chen, you can call me Doctor Ye, or just call me by name." Ye Chen said.

Last night Chen Yu also felt that her husband was so anxious to leave his hometown and come to Shanghai to do. Just now when she heard that she was going to mess with the young man in front of her, she still couldn't believe it.

However, now Ye Chen is so well-known in the TCM circle that Chen Yu knows Ye Chen's TCM skills.

"Doctor Ye, hello." Chen Yu said hello.

Ye Chen helped put the bags brought by the two into the back compartment and let them get in the car. Ye Chen called Li Feiyi again and learned that Li Feiyi was at the temporary office of Dachen Sinopharm. Ye Chen drove to Pudong. The direction passes.

Along the way, Ye Chen asked Bao Yutang to chat with him about what the other party was doing after recovering from a fractured left thigh. What he learned from Bao Yutang was similar to what Li Feiyi learned.

After Bao Yutang had no choice but to demobilize early from the special forces of the Beijing Military Region, in addition to having a sum of money, it was a pity that the Beijing Military Region had demobilized him early. The top leaders wanted to arrange him as a security guard. However, Bao Yutang's arrogance refused, and there was no recommendation letter from the army.

After returning to his hometown to live with his parents for a period of time, his parents asked the matchmaker in his hometown to introduce a woman to Bao Yutang, which also introduced the current Chen Yu.

It didn't take long for the two to get married and fall in love.

When Bao Yutang decided to break into a city near his hometown, he took out his savings in the army over the past few years, as well as his parents' savings of tens of thousands, and invested them all in an auto repair shop.

Unlike Bao Yutang’s imagination, he found that although the auto repair shop is very profitable, he has insufficient experience and few interpersonal relationships. After opening the auto repair shop, in addition to renting the shop, various expenses, and labor Expenses, the money earned every day is not enough for labor costs, he can only transfer the low price of that auto repair shop to another boss.

When he stayed in his hometown and couldn’t do anything, he was embarrassed to talk to the leaders of the previous army, so he could only call Li Feiyi to see if there were anyone else on Li Feiyi’s side, because he knew that Li Feiyi and his situation were very different. similar.

After Li Feiyi learned of his situation, let him wait for a few days. Not long after, Li Feiyi called him and asked him to come to Shanghai to help. Moreover, it was not an ordinary security guard.

Bao Yutang heard that it was related to Ye Chen, so he packed his things overnight and flew from his hometown with his wife Chen Yu.

"Brother Bao, it’s not that you can’t do business, but it’s normal to make a profit and loss in doing business. You and your parents’ savings are different, and you are not familiar with auto repair and other industries. Keep going." Ye Chen said.

Bao Yutang thinks the same. He used to think too simply, thinking he has car repair skills and some savings, as long as he finds a shop with a lot of traffic, it should be easy to make money to open an auto repair shop.

However, when I really started operating, I realized how difficult it was.

Ye Chen drove to the downstairs of the building where Dachen Sinopharm's temporary office was located, and saw that Li Feiyi was already waiting there.

After Ye Chen's introduction, Li Feiyi and Bao Yutang were very familiar. Bao Yutang got out of the car, and after hugging Li Feiyi, introduced Chen Yu to Bao Yutang.

Because it was already lunch time, Ye Chen suggested to go to lunch first, and then arrange accommodations for Bao Yutang and Chen Yu. Ye Chen knew that the matter would be resolved.

Ye Chen decided to invite three people to dinner at a specialty restaurant in Pudong, and drove there. Ye Chen and the three got out of the car and entered the specialty restaurant. They asked for a separate private room. After bringing the menu for the two of them to order, Chen Yu, Bao Yutang, and Li Feiyi ordered the dishes separately, because they had to drive, they only ordered drinks.

"Brother Li, have you talked to Miss Ling in the morning!" Ye Chen asked.

"I have a good talk with President Ling, she is also a very powerful woman." Li Feiyi said.

When I met last night, Li Feiyi knew that Ye Chen was handed over to such a young woman by such a big company. He thought it was because of familiarity with Ye Chen, but later learned that the other party’s academic qualifications were good in all aspects. In simple circumstances, he knew that Ye Chen dared to hand over the company to the other party to take care of it, not just for familiar reasons, but because of Lingdie's ability.

This morning, he came to the temporary office. After Ling Die and several other senior executives of the company talked to him separately, he became more aware of the importance of the Chinese Patent Medicine Safety Department.

When the two waitresses delivered the food one after another, Ye Chen asked the three to have lunch first.

By the time I sat in and finished lunch, it was already a little over one in the afternoon.

However, Bao Yutang found that Ye Chen did not treat him as a subordinate, but regarded him as a friend, and admired Ye Chen's personality even more.

"Now Miss Ling is in charge of all company affairs, and I usually look at the company's situation at most, so if you have any problems, you can ask Miss Ling to solve them." Ye Chen said.

He will naturally not interfere in the affairs of the company, and he has no time to interfere.

Because Bao Yutang and Chen Yu had just arrived, and they would definitely be working at the Chinese medicine factory by then, they didn't need to rent a house for the two of them, and they just had to live in the house where the middle and high-level leaders lived in the Chinese medicine factory.

Ye Chen drove in the direction of the Chinese medicine factory, and Li Feiyi drove along, because he knew that from tomorrow on, he would be the manager of the safety department of the Chinese medicine factory and would stay in the Chinese medicine factory most of the time.