Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1889: Meet Han Xiaoxiao again

Without confirming what the unnamed infectious disease is, the mode of transmission is also unknown, and there is no other better treatment drug, Ye Chen can only rely on the specific symptoms shown by these patients. The pulse and tongue are used for prescription.

According to the conditions of these patients, Ye Chen has issued six consecutive prescriptions. Because they are all infected with unknown infectious diseases, most of these infected people have similar symptoms. Therefore, according to their different symptoms, more or less traditional Chinese medicines are used. Others have not changed much.

For example, if it is dialectically diagnosed with the syndrome of evil into Shaoyang, or the syndrome of Qi Ying and burnt, most of the Chinese medicinal materials prescribed are the same, but according to the difference of these infected people, there may be more prescriptions in the final prescription. Or a few Chinese medicines are missing.

According to the condition of the infected person, when Ye Chen saw the eighth patient, he found that this patient was a little different from the previous patients and seemed more serious.

The old woman developed high fever, polydipsia, heavy sweating, dizziness, dark purple macules, and even convulsions. As for the tongue picture, the tongue is crimson, the fur is dry, and the pulse picture is the pulse count.

According to the situation of this old woman, Ye Chen dialectically distinguished from the previous infected persons, and the dialectic was heat closure of the pericardium.

Ye Chen wrote out a new prescription.

3 grams of bezoar, 10 grams of turmeric, 30 grams of buffalo horn (first drop), 10 grams of coptis, 0.5 grams of cinnabar (blended), 3 grams of borneol, 0.3 grams of musk, 30 grams of pearls (first), 10 grams of scutellaria, gardenia 10 grams of antelope horns, 0.3 grams of antelope horns.

After Ye Chen finished writing, he double-checked and confirmed that no medicinal materials were missed, and then handed it to the female nurse to get the medicine, and then decocted the medicinal soup and delivered it.

Now that the old patient that Ye Chen saw, he had prescribed nine prescriptions in total. He wanted to see how the nine most severely infected patients would be effective after drinking the prescriptions he prescribed.

Now that Ye Chen had finished driving, it was more than ten o'clock in the morning. He didn't stay anymore, but went outside, because the smell of western medicine inside was really unpleasant.

When he went outside, he had actually seen medical volunteers from Guangzhou and Shenzhen, who also came from a combination of Chinese and Western medicine.

However, they haven't had any effect or other discovery for the time being.

However, seeing that Ye Chen is so young, these people really can't believe it if they don't know that he is Ye Chen himself.

Ye Chen went outside to get some ventilation. After lunch at that time, he would go to see the effects of the patients taking the medicine.

As for looking for the source of the spread of infectious diseases, Ye Chen knows that the environment in Hong Kong is much more complicated than the environment in Xiaowang Village.

What's more, there are many floating populations in Hong Kong, and many of them are even foreign. There are many whites and blacks. Under such circumstances, it is very difficult to find the earliest source of transmission.

Ye Chen didn't do those things, and he couldn't do it either. What he needs now is to verify the prescriptions he has issued. Will it be effective in treating patients who are critically ill?

If the effect is obvious, then it can be promoted on a large scale, first stabilize the condition of those infected, and then slowly treat it until the most effective treatment is found.

When he went outside to breathe, he found that he was far from the smell of strong western medicine in the ward, and he was indeed much more comfortable.

The environment in this Saigon hospital is indeed very good, but there are not many people walking as easily as he does now.

When he was about to turn around and go to Zhang Jinsong to talk about his treatment of those patients, he was familiar with the back of a woman.

Ye Chen has just arrived in Hong Kong. Apart from knowing that Xu Jiaojiao is at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, he has no familiar people in Hong Kong.

Seeing that the figure is a little familiar now, he still feels strange, and asks, "Hello, do I know you? How do you feel that your figure is a little familiar?"

This young woman was wearing a nurse's uniform, a mask, and a nurse's cap, but from the back, it was invisible.

Last night, Han Xiaoxiao already knew that Ye Chen was here, but she didn't come to look for Ye Chen. Unexpectedly, I actually met Ye Chen today.

Moreover, when Ye Chen asked her with that kind of questioning, Han Xiaoxiao deliberately teased Ye Chen and said: "How do I feel that you want to pick a girl? I don't know when this was said?"

Ye Chen knew that he was not picking up girls. However, when he saw Han Xiaoxiao say that, he really thought he had admitted the wrong person. When he wanted to apologize, he saw Han Xiao smiled and opened his mouth. When Ye Chen saw her face, he looked at her and said: "Han Xiaoxiao, it's really you, I thought I mistaken you."

That time, Ye Chen went to the Ye family in Suzhou and lived there for a few days. He also spent a few days with Han Xiaoxiao. He was already very familiar with Han Xiaoxiao.

However, after Ye Chen returned to Shanghai, he did not see Han Xiaoxiao again.

"Doctor Ye, I deliberately teased you just now, don't mind!" Han said with a smile.

She used to admire Ye Chen very much, especially when Ye Chen said to her master Ye Chengren that time, she felt that the young man Ye Chen was different from the young people she met.

When Ye Chen went to Tokyo to win the Kampo Championship, Han Xiaoxiao had no idea how to describe Ye Chen's greatness.

She had long wanted to see Ye Chen, and the Ye family also wanted to see Ye Chen, so Wu You and Zheng Yang asked Ye Chen to go to the Suzhou Yejia Garden.

However, Ye Chen has never had time, so naturally there is no past.

"It's okay," Ye Chen said.

Soon, Ye Chen learned from Han Xiaoxiao that Han Xiaoxiao had come with her father and several uncles. Of course, Han Xiaoxiao and her uncles have obtained the consent of the Hong Kong Department of Health.

Of course, Ye Chengren is the president of the febrile disease school, and the branch of the febrile disease school here in Hong Kong can invite them over with the reputation of invitation.

Han Xiaoxiao has been here for a few days. Her uncles and her father are treating those infected, and the treatment of those infected according to febrile disease is still effective.

However, the effect is not too obvious, so there is no promotion yet.

When Ye Chen and Han Xiaoxiao went to the hospital, because Han Xiaoxiao followed in the honor of a teacher and apprentice, her medical skills were only average, and she could only work as a nurse.

"Aren't you afraid of being infected?" Ye Chen looked at her and asked.

"You are not afraid, what am I afraid of?" Han said with a smile.

Although her father advised her not to come, Han Xiaoxiao still followed, her father Han Ganghao said nothing.

An infectious disease like that in the past few years did kill many people, including doctors and female nurses. However, this time, if it was really like that, Han Ganghao felt that it was also Han Xiaoxiao's life.