Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 189: Arthralgia

In the morning, when Ye Chen and Sun Xiaowei left the classroom, they found that Wang Cong had already left school early. Wang Cong and his attendants took pictures of him secretly, what do they want to do?

Ye Chen didn't know for the time being, but Zhu Dafu and those people approached him last night, and it must be related to them.

"Ye Chen, what are you thinking about?" Sun Xiaowei felt strange on the way back.

"It's nothing." He just felt that some people simply had nothing to do with their meals, and instead of provoking them, they deliberately made trouble for him again and again. Naturally, he couldn't understand the thoughts of those rich boys.

After returning to the Sun’s villa to have lunch, and back to school, Ye Chen still focused on reviewing questions. In the classroom, apart from him, Xu Jiaojiao, and a few local students from Shanghai, the others also didn't worry about the college entrance examination.

When get out of class was over in the afternoon, after saying hello to Xu Jiaojiao, she was about to leave. Xu Jiaojiao looked at him and said, "Ye Chen, I want you to help me with something!"

"Classmate Jiaojiao, what's the matter? As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it!" From knowing Xu Jiaojiao until now, Xu Jiaojiao has been very serious about counseling him. Ye Chen has never been able to reciprocate, and now the other party asks him for help, as long as it does not touch his bottom line, it will definitely help.

"Isn't there no class tomorrow afternoon? At that time, I want to invite you to my house, there are some things for you to help!" Xu Jiaojiao looked at him mysteriously and said.

"No problem!" Since Xu Jiaojiao didn't say what was going on, Ye Chen didn't ask again. After leaving the classroom to the parking lot and getting into the car, Ye Chen sent Sun Xiaowei back to Sun's villa. He directly backed up and headed towards Grandpa Yang's hospital.

At this time, naturally, I have to see Grandpa Yang Jingya's situation. Although he didn't know what Yang Jingya thought, after Ye Chen rescued Grandpa Yang, he naturally wanted to help.

When I drove downstairs to the hospital, it was almost seven o'clock in the evening. After he stopped the car and let the security guard take a look, he went up to the general ward of Grandpa Yang.

When I got there, I saw a female nurse changing the bottle for Grandpa Yang. Yang Jingya and her parents were sitting there, the expressions on her faces looked a little bad.

What happened to Grandpa Yang? Ye Chen hurriedly stepped inside, the female nurse glanced at him, and left with the other empty bottle.

"Why do you seem to be very pessimistic? What happened to Grandpa Yang?" When Ye Chen came over last night, Ye Chen checked Grandpa Yang and found that his body had not recovered yet. Given the old man's condition, it was naturally impossible to recover. So fast. However, it is not as dangerous as imagined! Does it become like this when you come down day after day?

"Doctor Ye, are you here?" Yang Jingya's face only recovered a little when she saw Ye Chen coming over. However, compared with Yang Jingya, Yang Jingya's mother Li Yangmei still looks like that, as if she has completely seen the life and death of her father-in-law, while Yang Jingya's father, Yang Lei, is a man who has worked hard for a lifetime. He glanced at him. , There is nothing to say.

"What the **** is going on?" Ye Chen asked.

"Doctor Ye, this is my grandfather's examination report. It came out in the afternoon. The doctor said it was serious. The hospital asked us to prepare more money to stay in the hospital for a long time for observation and treatment!" Yang Jingya said.

"No? The 300,000 treatment fee is almost used up!" If it is really like that, Ye Chen thinks this hospital is too dark!

Although Ye Chen also received high treatment fees many times, it was facing the rich, and the rich themselves were willing.

In the current situation of Grandpa Yang, even if the first aid is done that day, it may cost more, but it is also impossible to run out so quickly.

"It's not used up yet, but there is not much left. Therefore, the hospital asked our family to prepare more treatment fees. Otherwise, the treatment may be half of the time, and the hospital will drive my grandpa out. In the afternoon, my grandpa wakes up. Once, he said that if the treatment fee is too high and the hospitalization fee is too high, let him be discharged from the hospital and return to his hometown to wait for death!" Yang Jingya said helplessly.

It's just that when she said it, the patients around the beds or their family members looked towards this side with some sympathy. Faced with this situation, they also know it firsthand, but what can they do?

At least, if local people have medical insurance, they can still reimburse part of the treatment fee. However, if there is no medical insurance, facing such a serious illness, it will undoubtedly make the family bankrupt.

There is no doubt that this time, Ye Chenqie will tangibly increase medical expenses.

"What about the inspection report?" Ye Chen asked.

Soon, when Yang Jingya handed her grandfather's inspection report to Ye Chen, Ye Chen took it and found that it was similar to the previous Lu Wenyi's inspection report in the hospital, and it had been thoroughly examined from head to toe.

This inspection report is longer than Lu Wenyi's inspection report. The most obvious of these are three diseases. The first is because Grandpa Yang was hit by a bicycle and fell to the ground, causing brain damage to his head.

The first part of the inspection report stated: "The patient was hit by a bicycle on the road on April 29 and was in a coma for a long time. CT showed about 34ml of bilateral subdural effusion. After emergency treatment in the hospital, his consciousness was temporarily cleared."

The second type is also because of a severe fracture of the right leg after being hit by that bicycle. The report read: "The right thigh is swollen, the upper third is abnormally active, and the bone fricative (+). X-ray film shows: the upper third of the right femur has an oblique fracture of overlap and displacement (photo)."

This report is still very detailed, even with pictures on it, Ye Chen can also see clearly. From this point of view, Western medicine is indeed more convincing than traditional Chinese medicine. After all, most people trust the photos in front of them more.

After seeing the third disease detected, Ye Chen found out that when he checked Grandpa Yang that day, he also knew better that the elderly are generally prone to this disease.

Now the inspection report says rheumatoid arthritis, which is the arthritis mentioned in Chinese medicine. Among elderly patients, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, bronchitis, diabetes, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, and rheumatoid arthritis are all very common.

Therefore, the inspection report now also describes it in detail. Finally, the doctor in charge of the hospital recommended that Grandpa Yang stay in the hospital for long-term treatment.

As for the others, it is nothing more than some looking and scary data. Therefore, Yang Jingya's parents are also in a daze after seeing it. For a while, they don't know what to do?

"Doctor Ye, my grandpa is really sick, is it really that serious?" Yang Jingya hurriedly asked after seeing Ye Chen's thoughtful look after reading it.

"The physique of the elderly is naturally inferior to that of the young. In addition, your grandfather has been suffering from rheumatic bone pain for many years and has now been hit. Therefore, the treatment in the hospital is also very troublesome!"

"Jingya, it’s not that I said to your grandpa. What’s wrong with your grandpa? I’m fine. I’m going out to buy some food. I’m all right now. I was hit by someone like this. I can’t find the person who was hit by the bike. Money, what do you want to do?" It may be that Li Yangmei started to blame Yang Jingya's grandfather again.

In fact, from the rheumatic bone pain of Grandpa Yang for many years, he has not said it, proving that the other party was also very painful before. But why didn't you say it, let alone go to the hospital for treatment? This is certainly to save money.

Now that something like this happened, when the hospital gave him a full-body examination, this family knew that Ye Chen felt even more indescribable.

Yang Lei was obviously sitting there and had nothing to say. At home, he was under strict control of his wife, and his status and authority were not as good as his wife. What the wife says now, can only listen to what.

Looking at this family, Ye Chen also knew that every family had hard-to-read sutras.