Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1892: Big prescription

Originally, like Han Xiaoxiao, their physique is not too good. If they don’t rest for a long time, their physique will become worse, and they will be more likely to get sick and be infected by infectious diseases.

Seeing Han Xiaoxiao's appearance, Ye Chen said, "Han Xiaoxiao, why don't you go to sleep first and tell me what you can do tomorrow."

"I'm fine, I'm not sleepy yet." Han said with a smile.

Ye Chen could only come out with Han Xiaoxiao and chat in the courtyard outside the hospital. Ye Chen didn't expect that Han Xiaoxiao was so interested in his trip to Tokyo, Japan to participate in the Kampo Contest.

When Ye Chen briefly talked about the process of participating in the Han Fang competition, Han Xiaoxiao was very envious that Liao Bingxue could follow Ye Chen over there to watch.

Of course, she didn't know that Ye Chen was in danger in Tokyo, and she thought Ye Chen was really just participating in the Han Fang competition.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, Ye Chen watched Han Xiaoxiao and yawned nonstop. When he was holding back, he asked her to go back to rest first, and Han Xiaoxiao was still behind.

Ye Chen could only go to see the nine infected people who had taken the medicine first, and then he would come back to rest. When I went to the hospital ward, I saw the nine infected people, especially the old man who drank the prescription Ye Chen prescribed last night, and the situation now looks more effective.

The other symptoms did not seem to have changed much, but the old man had been experiencing high temperatures and fever, and now he is slowly cooling down. Moreover, the original severe headaches are also slowly becoming less severe.

The other eight infected people only started drinking Ye Chen's prescription in the morning, so the effect is not so obvious now.

However, after he checked, he found that the prescription he prescribed was indeed effective, indicating that Ye Chen's dialectic of Chinese medicine was not problematic, and the prescription prescription was also not problematic.

Coming out of the hospital, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening. When Ye Chen sent Han Xiaoxiao back to the door of her room, Ye Chen went back to his room.

Ye Chen didn't lie down to rest, but practiced in the room.

Late at night, when he heard the knock at the door, Ye Chen thought it was Han Xiaoxiao. When he opened the door, he saw Zhang Jinsong.

"Professor Zhang, haven't you rested yet?" Ye Chen asked, looking at Zhang Jinsong with a tired face.

"I don't have time to rest. Alas, a few infected people just left." Zhang Jinsong said.

Just now, Ye Chen only heard the siren, and didn't know if the infected were sent in or the dead infected were pulled out to completely spark.

Unexpectedly, when Zhang Jinsong talked to him now, and walked away a few more infected people, it showed that the most serious infected people still could not survive yesterday and were already dead.

When Ye Chen hurriedly put on his clothes and went outside with Zhang Jinsong, Zhang Jinsong knew that the nine critically ill infected persons were treated with the prescriptions prescribed by Ye Chen and the effect was still obvious.

In the absence of the most effective drugs, Zhang Jinsong wanted Ye Chenhe to stabilize the condition of those infected first, as he did in the Xiaowang Village plague area, so as to avoid another death of the infected.

"Professor Zhang, I can prescribe prescriptions for those infected. However, I still can't confirm whether the prescriptions I prescribe are really effective. If I don't get the approval of the Hong Kong Department of Health, I am afraid I can't do it." Ye Chen Said.

He wanted to treat the infected people according to their different symptoms and the prescriptions issued by Chinese medicine after dialectics, even if he worked a little harder, it would be fine.

However, Ye Chen knows that Hong Kong here is different from the mainland, and the mainland only needs to agree with the relevant person in charge. However, the Hong Kong side is more regulated and requires the consent of the members of the expert group to allow him to do that.

This is why Ye Chen only prescribed nine infected people.

If he wants to prescribe on a large scale, Ye Chen knows that as long as the nine infected people drink the medicine, the real verification effect is obvious. A detailed report must be written to the Hong Kong Department of Health and the expert team. After signing and agreeing, he To be able to do that.

However, at that time, it is not clear how many infected people will die.

Human life is at stake, Ye Chen also knows that he can't wait any longer.

"Ye Chen, I have already talked to the relevant person in charge of the Department of Health on this point. If more people die here, the Department of Health will not be able to explain to Hong Kong citizens." Zhang Jinsong said.

"Professor Zhang, as long as you can help me withstand the pressure, I am not afraid of anything else." Ye Chen said.

Going to the hospital with Zhang Jinsong, Yu Shaohua and Yang Yixian are already following him. Because there are too many infected patients, and Ye Chen knows that the symptoms of these infected patients, respectively, prescribed different prescriptions for patients with Wei-Qi Syndrome, Evil Entering into Shaoyang, Qi-ying Two Burning Syndrome, and Heat-occluded Pericardial Syndrome.

Of course, those infected with different diseases and syndromes may show more or less different symptoms, but they just want fewer medicinal materials or more medicinal materials.

Yu Shaohua and Yang Yixian are all famous TCM doctors. They followed Ye Chen to treat infected patients and prescribe prescriptions. When Ye Chen explained, Yu Shaohua and Yang Yixian knew very well.

With the help of these people, Ye Chen didn't have to work hard like in Xiaowang Village's plague area, so his efficiency improved a lot.

At 6 o'clock in the morning the next day, Ye Chen and Yang Yixian each gave a prescription to hundreds of critically infected people.

According to the prescription, let the female nurses give these critically infected people down.

Zhang Jinsong, Yu Shaohua, Yang Yixian and their physiques are different from Ye Chen's. They are so much older. After a hard and stressful night, they are already exhausted. Some of them have not been out of the hospital and returned to their accommodation to rest. , Almost fainted in the hospital.

When Ye Chen supported Yang Yixian and the others, he stayed in the hospital to observe the effects of the drugs on those infected.

Last night, Han Xiaoxiao went back to the room and rested for one night. Although it was less than eight hours, there were more than seven hours. When Han Xiao laughed, she was already energetic.

When I came to the hospital and heard that Ye Chen had not rested all night, I admired Ye Chen even more.

"They all drank your prescription?" Han Xiaoxiao asked.

"Professor Yu, Professor Yang and they can help. I can't do it alone." Ye Chen said.

When people from the Hong Kong Department of Health brought their breakfast, Ye Chen and Han Xiaoxiao went to the simple courtyard to eat breakfast. Ye Chen looked at Han Xiaoxiao, who had no makeup and looked bare-faced, and asked: "You last night Isn't there something you want to ask me?"

"Well, I have asked everything I want to ask for a while, and there are others that I can't remember, I think of asking again." Han said with a smile.