Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1900: Han Chang

Han Chang remembered clearly that he was wearing sunglasses, a mask, and even a skirt. But now when she woke up with her eyes open, she found that her mask was missing, her sunglasses were missing, and she didn't even know where the skirt she was wearing was gone.

She opened her eyes and saw the young man so close, thinking that the young man in front of her had changed her skirt.

Although she was sick with this unknown infectious disease, she still shouted out in horror.

Just after she shouted, she passed out again.

Ye Chen felt inexplicable, what is this young beauty doing all this fuss about?

When Ye Chen asked her to wake up, Han Chang still remembered what happened and asked, "Where is this? Where did you get my skirt?"

Ye Chen was not the pervert she imagined. If the young beauty in front of her were not a patient, Ye Chen would have left.

He could only ask the female nurse next to him to introduce this young beauty. The two female nurses made it clear that Ye Chen didn’t change her dress, and she didn’t take it away. It might be taken by then. Antivirus and destruction are still here. As for the gown she wore, she helped put it on her.

As for this, it is a general hospital in Tuen Mun. Because Han Chang and his agent had been uncomfortable before, when he was sent to a hospital in Hong Kong for treatment, because he was diagnosed with an unknown infectious disease, he was temporarily isolated and treated here.

Because of her special status, she did not arrange to other general wards like those ordinary people.

Feeling the pain, fever, and high temperature all over, Han Chang had already figured it out, knowing that he had just made a fuss. However, she still asked with difficulty: "Am I infected with an infectious disease or will I die?"

"If you didn't meet you, you might die, but you can't die now." Ye Chen said flatly to the other party.

It was the first time he saw such a fussed infected person.

Of course, he had long wanted to leave here and go back to visit Jiaojiao. Therefore, seeing the other party wasting a lot of time because of his fuss, he was naturally a little unhappy.

After personally checking the other party's tongue, and asking her how she feels now, except for aversion to cold, high fever, head and body pain, etc., Han Chang told her about other things.

Ye Chen guessed that this was the initial symptom of this infectious disease, and it was not too difficult to treat for the time being.

When Ye Chen brought the medical record and asked the other party's name and age, Han Chang thought about it and said, "My name is Li Chang, I am 23 years old."

Ye Chen recorded her information in the medical record. As for her previous medical records, Ye Chen was different.

Soon, fill in the basic information, record her symptoms, and write a new prescription below.

6 grams of bitter almonds, 6 grams of cardamom, 10 grams of coix seed, 30 grams of raw gypsum (bottom) 30 grams, 10 grams of anemarrhena, 10 grams of skullcap, 10 grams of gardenia, 30 grams of green leaves, patchouli (bottom) 6 Grams, Perrin (back lower) 10 grams.

After Ye Chen finished writing, he checked it carefully and handed it to the female nurse, and then checked the young ordinary woman next to him. He found that the situation of the other party was worse than that of Han Chang.

It didn't take long for Ye Chen to wake her up, and the other party passed out again. He knew the basic information of the other party after reading the other party's medical records.

Ye Chen wrote a prescription and handed it to another female nurse. She also asked her to take the decocted medicine and give it to the two women to drink it.

Now that he has read it to the two women, he is in the isolation area of ​​the Tuen Mun District General Hospital, and he has been able to see the infected people completely, so naturally he has no plans to stay.

As for the situation of these two women, and even the other infected people, Ye Chen can give them to Yu Shaohua to watch.

When Ye Chen went outside, found the person in charge here, and sent him back to the isolation area of ​​Saigon Hospital, the person in charge here did not expect Ye Chen to return there so soon.

However, the other party did not refuse, and asked Ye Chen to drive a commercial car back to the Saigon quarantine area, which was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

Ye Chen was busy all night last night and was also very tired. He did not immediately go to Xu Jiaojiao’s tent, but went back to the accommodation first, took a bath in comfort, and felt more energetic. Going inside the tent again, I saw Han Xiaoxiao also inside.

"I'll be back so soon?" Han Xiaoxiao asked.

Han Xiaoxiao knew that Ye Chen and Yu Shaohua went to another quarantine area to see and prescribe prescriptions to those infected. Unexpectedly, Ye Chen came back so soon.

"It's upset, I barely rested last night." Ye Chen said.

Now he saw Xu Jiaojiao on the hospital bed. In addition to slinging glucose to maintain her body's energy, her expression now looked much better.

From the night before the treatment to the present, there is not a lot of time, but because Ye Chen has experience, and the prescription is really correct, the effect is still very obvious.

"Does Jiaojiao still have nightmares now?" Ye Chen asked.

"After her fever subsided, she no longer had nightmares. However, she woke up, saw that you were not here, and fell asleep again." Han said with a smile.

Ye Chen didn't mind Han Xiaoxiao watching him by the side. Ye Chen held Xu Jiaojiao's hand intimately until six o'clock in the evening, when Xu Jiaojiao woke up and saw Ye Chen on the side, A faint smile appeared.

"Do you feel better?" Ye Chen asked Xu Jiaojiao, looking at him.

Xu Jiaojiao nodded. She found that compared with the day before yesterday, she did not feel that life was better than death. However, I still feel very uncomfortable.

After Ye Chen fed her the bowl of medicinal soup and let her continue to rest, because it was already dinner time, Ye Chen was already very hungry, so she could only go to dinner with Han Xiaoxiao.

After dinner, Han Xiaoxiao went to busy her affairs, while Ye Chen went to see the current situation of those infected in the hospital before he went back to accompany Xu Jiaojiao.

It wasn't until late at night that Ye Chen pounced on the side and closed his eyes to rest.

At around four in the morning, Xu Jiaojiao woke up. She woke up thirsty. When Ye Chen saw her moving, she had also woke up a long time ago. When she asked and learned that she wanted to drink water, Ye Chen went to give it to her. Bring a glass of water for her to drink.

However, it didn't take long for Xu Jiaojiao, who had been drinking water, to feel like urinating. Since the day before yesterday, she had been slinging in a bottle, and she wanted to urinate.

However, at that time, her whole body was in terrible pain and she was in a coma most of the time. In that case, she did not say that she was going to the toilet.

"What's the matter?" Ye Chen asked hurriedly when she saw that Xu Jiaojiao's expression was not right.

"I think, I want to urinate in the toilet." Xu Jiaojiao said.

There is no toilet here in the tent, only the toilet in the hospital and the place where Ye Chen stayed. Therefore, Ye Chen could only take the hanging bottle, hug Xu Jiaojiao to the place where he stayed, and hug her to urinate in the toilet.