Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 195: Diagnosis and treatment

After listening to Yang Jingya’s introduction, Ye Chen learned that the main reason why these buildings are so close is because the local area of ​​Shanghai is very expensive. After these houses are built, they are not used by locals. It is used as rental rent, specially leased to migrant workers.

Looking at the width between these buildings, Ye Chen found that it is easy to attract the attention of thieves. Because of this width and these windows, it is easy for ordinary people to climb up. Therefore, even when anti-theft is installed outside , Will be unsafe.

The most important thing is that Ye Chen feels that living here, ordinary people passing by at night, may not be safe, but also give people a very persecuting feeling. When Ye Chen followed the Yang family into the alley, he did not expect that Lu Jing would really follow.

"Officer Lu, are you following, what else is there?" In fact, Ye Chen asked knowingly. He knew that Lu Jing definitely wanted to ask.

However, in front of the Yang family, she just came over and said, "I'm going to come nearby and just come and have a look." Nowadays, many cases happen in urban villages. Given the public security environment of urban villages, Lu Jing is naturally very clear.

Ye Chen ignored each other. Yang Lei and Li Yangmei were probably afraid of those city managers. They felt a little scared when they saw people in uniforms.

Going all the way into the alley, I stopped downstairs in an old building that was about 3 stories high, and then Li Yangmei took out the key to the door, opened the door, and went inside, Lu Jing also followed in.

On the fourth floor, Li Yangmei knocked on the door and shouted a few times: "Xiaojie, come and open the door?"

Soon, Ye Chen discovered that a boy who was more than ten years old came out to open the door and looked at the other person. He should be Yang Jingya's younger brother.

"Mom, why did Grandpa come back?" Before Yang Guanjie was off get out of class, he visited Grandpa several times in the hospital. However, Ye Chen hadn't come when he went, so Ye Chen hadn't seen him.

"Xiaojie, take your grandfather home for treatment now!" When Yang Guanjie let his parents and sisters in, he saw Ye Chen and Lu Jing, two strangers coming in, looking a little shy, standing there didn't know what to say.

"Brother, this is Doctor Ye, and this is Officer Lu." Ye Chen rescued his grandfather, and Yang Jingya had already told her brother. However, when he discovered that Ye Chen was so young, he was also somewhat unexpected.

When he entered this suite, Ye Chen took a look and found that it was a one-bedroom and two-bedroom room with an area of ​​less than 70 square meters. However, another room is separated from the small hall, which is considered to be the room for Yang Guanjie and his grandfather. Therefore, when entering it, both Ye Chen and Lu Jing felt that the space was very narrow.

Moreover, in the room, there are a lot of meat dishes that Yang Lei and his wife are preparing to open a barbecue stall in the evening, and they smell unpleasant now.

"You two, I'm sorry, we are a bit narrow here!" Li Yangmei said.

"Auntie, it's okay. However, the air must be kept fresh here!" In Chinese and Western medicine, there are books about the importance of air circulation. Especially in this kind of place, it is necessary to open the window of the room. Otherwise, holding back for a long time will be very bad for human breathing.

"We want to open it too, but there will always be a peculiar smell when the northwest is blowing over there!" Li Yangmei said. Ye Chen looked over and found that there was a window in the room that was indeed sealed. It might really be behind that window. When the smell came, it would be unpleasant.

Yang Jingya went to Ye Chen and Lu Jing. After pouring two glasses of boiled water, Ye Chen asked Grandpa Yang to lie on the small bed in the small hall. After checking Grandpa Yang carefully and asking him some questions, he took a look at the condition of Grandpa Yang's tongue and the tip of his tongue.

After Ye Chen asked Yang Jingya to prepare a blank piece of paper for him, he wrote on the paper: "Yang, male, 65 years old, first visit on May 3, 2009. First visit: the patient had an incident on April 29, 2009 The car accident (walking on the road, being hit by a bicycle) was in a coma at the time and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. He woke up two days later. Western medicine diagnosed a craniocerebral contusion and cerebral fissure hemorrhage. He was given various treatments. After four days of treatment by Western medicine, the condition was somewhat Get better."

Main complaint: The mind is still awake, the speech communication is smooth, the appetite is appetite, the stool and the sleep are normal. Observe that the tongue is dull and red, the coating is yellow and white and thick and greasy, and the pulse is heavy, thin and astringent.

The diagnosis was: sequelae of craniocerebral contusion, deficiency of liver and kidney essence and blood, qi stagnation and blood stasis. Chinese medicine dialectics: This is caused by the deficiency of liver and kidney essence and blood, insufficiency of brain marrow, deficiency of vitality, inability to circulate the whole body, blood stasis, phlegm, and turbidity blocking clear orifice. Treatment method: nourishing qi and nourishing blood, nourishing yin and suppressing yang, promoting blood circulation to relieve orifice.

Prescription: 20 grams of Astragalus, 10 grams of Ligusticum chuanxiong, 20 grams of Angelica, 20 grams of Red Paeoniae Rubra, 20 grams of cooked yellow ground, 15 grams of Salvia miltiorrhiza, 6 grams of Panax notoginseng, 15 grams of Dilong, 10 grams of Polygala 10 grams, 10 grams of Shichangpu, 25 grams of turtle shell Grams, 25 grams of dragon teeth. Decoction in water, one dose a day, seven doses in total.

In Chinese medicine, there is no name for the sequelae of craniocerebral contusion, but the medicine can be prescribed through detailed Chinese medicine dialectical treatment. Therefore, Ye Chen directly used the name of Western medicine to represent the name of the disease. As for Grandpa Yang's right thigh fracture, in Ye Chen's view, it is not difficult to treat.

Ye Chen took another piece of paper and wrote on that piece of paper: "Yang, male, 65 years old, first visit on May 3, 2009. First visit: the patient had a car accident on April 28, 2009 (walking on the road) , Was hit by a bicycle), the right thigh and heel were swollen and painful. The diagnosis was a fracture of the right leg bone. TCM dialectics: Qi stagnation and blood stasis. Treatment: Promoting qi to break blood stasis, reducing swelling and pain, promoting blood circulation and renewing

Prescription: Angelica 10g, Bupleurum 10g, Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi 6g, Red Peony Root 12g, Safflower 5g, Peach Kernel 7g, Fructus Aurantii 10g, Dabai 10g, Rhubarb 10g, Polyporus 12g, Plantago Seed 30 grams, 3 grams of licorice. 7 doses, one dose a day, decocted in water.

In fact, if a young man has this kind of fracture of his right leg, Ye Chen can directly massage the other party without taking medicine and add some medicated oil to recover slowly. However, Grandpa Yang is old after all, and can't stand up to such a massage. Therefore, Ye Chen could only let him drink medicine.

After he finished the two prescriptions, he knew that he needed to treat the two types of injuries that Grandpa Yang had now, and then treat him for rheumatoid arthritis.

"According to these two prescriptions, drink the medicinal soup for Grandpa Yang in the morning and the afternoon. A week later, it will have a good effect." Ye Chen assured.

In Yang Jingya’s home, Ye Chen discovered that it might be due to the house and the geographical environment of the house. Now in summer, there is a feeling of sweating around the walls of the house. Obviously, this is one thing. This kind of resurgence phenomenon.

When ordinary people see these, they may just feel that the house is not good in all aspects. However, for many elderly people, it is precisely because of this environment that they are particularly vulnerable to diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

However, this kind of resurgence will happen if the house is affected by changes in the environment, geography and weather. Now the Yang family lives here and there is no way to change it.