Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 1968: Master Zheng has another accident

Liao Bingxue, wearing pajamas, came down from the stairs. When he opened the door, he saw Ye Chen standing at the door. Liao Bingxue wondered why he came back so soon?

When Ye Chen scented the fragrance and hugged the limp Liao Bingxue, Liao Bingxue pushed him away and said, "Go take a bath first, it's stinking."

Ye Chen hadn't taken a shower yet, and he was sweating again, naturally it smelled bad.

When they entered inside with Liao Bingxue, they learned that Han Xiaoxiao had returned to Suzhou. The main reason was that Ye Chen didn't come to find her. He heard that Ye Chen went to Vietnam again, so Han Xiaoxiao also returned to Suzhou.

Ye Chen went upstairs, took his clothes to the bathroom to take a shower, and then dried his hair. After entering Liao Bingxue's room, Liao Bingxue asked, "Didn't you say you are going to go for a month?"

"The trouble over there has been solved, so I will come back." Ye Chen said.

Liao Bingxue didn't know what trouble Ye Chen had in Vietnam. When Ye Chen lay down, turned off the lamp, and told the story about Bei Yaotang, Liao Bingxue realized that Ye Chen was there for business.

The next day, when Ye Chen and Liao Bingxue woke up, it was just after 7 o’clock in the morning. When Liao Bingxue went to wash and make breakfast, Ye Chen got up and put on his clothes, washed and went downstairs, and saw Old Liao was smiling and looking at him.

Seeing Ye Chen's car parked at the door, Mr. Liao knew that Ye Chen was coming.

"Didn't your kid talk about Vietnam?" Liao Wenen asked.

"I came back yesterday." Ye Chen said.

After Liao Bingxue made breakfast, Ye Chen and the two had finished breakfast. Liao Wenen took a special car driver to the Affiliated Hospital. Ye Chen stayed at the Liao National Medical Center to accompany Liao Bingxue.

"Sister Bingxue, where do you want to play?" Ye Chen asked.

"It's so hot outside now, so let's just stay at home." Liao Bingxue likes a quiet environment, plus, now it's so hot outside, Liao Bingxue thinks it's better to stay at home.

In that case, Ye Chen did not take her out, but stayed with her in the Liao National Medical Center.

Since Ye Chen didn't leave Liao's National Medical Center, besides chatting with Liao Bingxue, Ye Chen also thought about making something delicious for Liao Bingxue.

Unexpectedly, at around ten o'clock in the morning, Liao Wenen suddenly called him.

"Old Liao, what's the matter?" Ye Chen asked.

"The South Korean boss, Zheng, has appeared again and wants you to come and treat him immediately," said Liao Wenen over there.

Had it not been for Liao Wenen to talk about it now, Ye Chen would have almost forgotten such a wealthy man in Korea. When I heard that the other party's situation had something wrong again, it made Ye Chen feel strange. Didn't he cure his illness last time? How could a relapse happen again?

"Old Liao, I'll be there." Ye Chen said.

"What's wrong?" Liao Bingxue asked.

"That big guy in South Korea has another accident," Ye Chen said.

After he and Liao Bingxue came out of the Liao National Medical Center, they locked the door, got into the car, and drove to the affiliated hospital.

When he arrived at the entrance of the affiliated hospital, Ye Chen stopped the car and hurried in. There were already many doctors and female nurses waiting for him to come.

When they saw Ye Chen, they hurriedly gave way.

"Now that Mr. Zheng is in the emergency room." Liao Wenen came over and said.

When Ye Chen went to the emergency room, when he entered inside, he saw several emergency doctors in the affiliated hospital, and several female nurses, and the family who had brought Mr. Zheng over at the door.

When the doctors and female nurses saw Ye Chen coming over, they all gave way to Ye Chen.

"What's the situation with Mr. Zheng now?" Ye Chen asked.

He saw this Mr. Zheng, similar to what he saw last year, but his expression was very bad, and it should be the cause of the disease.

"Doctor Ye, now Mr. Zheng has a high fever and body temperature of 39 degrees Celsius, and there is a mass of 10 cm by 10 cm by 5 cm in the right lower abdomen."

Ye Chen first stroked Mr. Zheng's head with his hand, and found that there was a noticeable sensation of heat, indicating that this was really a high fever.

When looking at his lower right abdomen, the lump was very obvious.

Ye Chen remembered that when he treated him last year, there was a lump in his right lower abdomen, but at that time, it had been cured and disappeared. Unexpectedly, it appeared again, which is probably related to the disease last year.

When Ye Chen checked Mr. Zheng's pulse and then checked his tongue, his condition was already clear.

"Mr. Zheng, have you eaten any special food recently?" Ye Chen asked.

Now Mr. Zheng has burned a little vaguely, it is not clear, he can only ask his family members, and soon learned that this Mr. Zheng often eats some hot and poisonous food for entertainment reasons.

In this case, how can Mr. Zheng's body be able to bear it?

"Doctor Ye, will my father be fine?" Mr. Zheng's young son asked.

"It's okay, I'll prescribe a prescription for him, it should be fine in a week." Ye Chen said.

When Ye Chen said that, Mr. Zheng's family members felt relieved.

In the case of this Mr. Zheng, Ye Chen prescribed a decoction for clearing away heat and toxins, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. In addition, Ye Chen gave Xihuang Wan and Sanjieling together orally, and externally applied iron hoop powder.

Since these markets are all available, and the affiliated hospitals also have them here, it is of course not necessary for Ye Chen to make his own.

In less than ten minutes before and after, Ye Chen had already watched the other party, and the female nurse could transfer Mr. Zheng to the general ward for hospitalization.

Ye Chen came out, and Liao Wenen asked, "How is his situation?"

"It's okay, it's just that his status is unusual, so other people think it's very serious." Ye Chen said.

If it is other ordinary people, they can only endure this situation and wait for the lump to disappear.

After hearing this, Liao Wenen felt so.

It wasn't time for lunch yet, but because of this incident, Ye Chen came to the affiliated hospital and wanted to go to Lin Xinting.

However, now Liao Bingxue was following, so Ye Chen and Liao Bingxue did not stay.

Back at the Liao's National Medical Center, Ye Chen and Liao Bingxue returned from a nearby vegetable market to buy some good food and cooked a rich lunch together, and waited until Mr. Liao came back for lunch together.

After eating lunch in the morning, in the afternoon, when Ye Chen sent Liao Lao back to the affiliated hospital casually, he went to see that Mr. Zheng.

When they arrived at the affiliated hospital, Ye Chen and Liao Lao went into the affiliated hospital, and went directly to the senior ward where Mr. Zheng was.

When I entered, I saw Mr. Zheng lying on the hospital bed, while his family was accompanying him. When Ye Chen came over, Mr. Zheng's family greeted Ye Chen one after another.

"Doctor Ye, Mr. Zheng has gone from fever." The female nurse said.

Ye Chen looked at the temperature taken by the female nurse for Mr. Zheng and found that the fever had gone down to 38 degrees Celsius, which was not as serious as the morning.

At this time, Ye Chen saw that Mr. Zheng was already energetic, but the other party was always muttering something. Because the other party was talking about Korean medicine, he didn't understand it.