Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 207: Yu's head needle

The western medicine pills that Xu Wenwen used before are still in the cabinet in her room. Aunt Luo said that if Xu Wenwen's seizure is serious, she must personally feed her that kind of western medicine.

Ye Chen took it over and saw that they were all antipsychotic drugs. As for the effects, they would definitely have a certain effect in a short time. However, taking it for a long time will definitely have side effects, and it will not be able to cure the patient's symptoms.

Ye Chen continued to write the prescription on that piece of paper: "12 grams of lily, 12 grams of raw land, 9 grams of licorice, 30 grams of huai wheat, 6 grams of jujube, 9 grams of calamus, 12 grams of **** vanilla, 60 grams of iron drop ( Decoction first), 6 grams of raw rhubarb, then down. Decoction in water, 1 dose a day, two doses a day."

As for the number of doses drunk, Ye Chen did not write it down because he knew that Xu Wenwen had been suffering from this kind of mania for a long time, so it was very serious. When the symptoms had not obviously improved, the medicinal soup could not be stopped. Come down.

After finishing this, the treatment of Xu Wenwen has not yet ended. Instead, he looked at Xu Jiaojiao and Aunt Luo and said, “In order to give Miss Xu a greater effect, I will also treat her at the same time. s."

Xu Jiaojiao and Aunt Luo naturally knew about Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. Even when she was in the school's medical room that day, Xu Jiaojiao saw Ye Chen give George acupuncture treatment with his own eyes, which awakened George.

"Then how do my sister-in-law receive this kind of acupuncture treatment now?" Ye Chen said when Xu Jiaojiao thought she would take off her aunt's clothes. "The acupuncture points are all on the head. So, you support her. That's it!"

As for the principle of acupuncture, it is naturally based on Chinese medicine. Psychiatric Chinese medicine belongs to the range of madness. The pathogenesis is always Qi depression and fire, Yin and Yang imbalance. The treatment aims at promoting Qi to relieve depression, clearing the heart and purging fire, and calming the mind.

Treatment of multiple selections of the Du Channel, Ren Channel acupoints, especially the Du Channel acupoints, more than half can treat the disease, which has a certain relationship with the Du Channel "in the spine, up to the Fengfu, and into the brain".

Now Ye Chen chooses to perform acupuncture treatment on Xu Wenwen in Baihui, Tongtian, and Yu's scalp forehead area. Perhaps Xu Wenwen was afraid of these, and when he saw Ye Chen take out the silver needle, he dodges a little.

"Miss Wenwen, I'm not here to hurt you, I just hope you will recover, so you must not move!" Ye Chen looked at her and comforted.

I rescued her from the pond just now. Actually, Ye Chen also had some purpose. Naturally, it was to get close to her, and for treatment, so that Xu Wenwen did not have that strong sense of rejection towards him.

In Xu Wenwen's current situation, facing other strangers, he would be so afraid. Therefore, just now, because of the contact between the two, Xu Wenwen gave Xu Wenwen some trust.

After Ye Chen asked Aunt Luo and Xu Jiaojiao to hold on to Xu Wenwen, Ye Chen took out the silver needles, and after disinfecting them with fire, began to give Xu Jiaojiao acupuncture.

For him, this is just a very common acupuncture method, and it doesn't need to be like other acupuncture methods. There are not many acupuncture points now.

After the silver needles were pierced separately, after a period of time, Baihui, Tongtian’s silver needles were pulled out first, and the forehead area of ​​Yu’s scalp, except for the multi-needle area, had to keep the needles for a long time. Wait until Ye Chen When the silver needles were also pulled out, Ye Chen found that the color of the silver needles had changed, indicating that Xu Wenwen's situation was really serious.

"Well, I will continue to come over to give her acupuncture tomorrow. It will last for about half a month, and it will have very good results!" Ye Chen said.

"What about the prescription?" Xu Jiaojiao asked.

"The medicinal soup should also be drunk on time, so it will be more helpful for her treatment!" When Ye Chen and Xu Jiaojiao came out of the wooden room, they told Aunt Luo that the room must be ventilated. As for the evening No need to turn on the air conditioner.

When I went downstairs, I found that Xu Lao and Xu Jiagang were still waiting there. When they saw Ye Chen coming down, they hurriedly asked: "Ye Chen, how is Wenwen?"

"Old Xu, this time I have a 90% chance of curing Miss Xu's illness!" Ye Chen promised.

"Really?" Old Xu couldn't believe it.

"Yes, this is not an intractable disease that is too difficult to treat. It is just because of Miss Xu's condition that the delay is too long, and the treatment may take longer. Starting tomorrow, I will come over to give her acupuncture treatment every day. I can guarantee that from tomorrow on, Miss Xu will not be crazy, crying and laughing like before. Also, you can completely remove the barbed wire here!"

"Okay, I listen to you!" As for the effect, they knew it shouldn't take long to see it.

When they went out, Xu Lao and Xu Jiagang did not follow, but when they watched Ye Chen leave behind, Xu Jiapeng asked: "Father, brother, how can you trust that young man so easily? Even if he Some medical skills, but can Wenwen really treat Wenwen's illness?"

"Jia Peng, you don’t know that. Ye Chen’s medical skills should not be simple. Some time ago, Li Shengtian of the Li family didn’t have a cerebrovascular burst. He was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, but it was Ye Chen. Chen this young man rescued!" Old Xu said.

Just now, he had received most of the news about Ye Chen's arrival in Shanghai. After that time, he believed that Ye Chen, although he was not very old, had a lot of traditional Chinese medicine skills, even an old Chinese doctor like Liao Lao. , Are all admired.

"Dad, then, in this case, it is really possible to treat Wenwen's illness. That's good, our family doesn't need to be like before!"

Before, even some Xu family members thought that Xu Wenwen must have been upper body by a ghost, or Xu's poor feng shui caused the situation.

However, Mr. Xu and the brothers of the Xu family knew very well that Xu Wenwen became like that because of the irritation and major blow that happened, and he couldn't react to it at once.

"Look at the effect tomorrow? However, this barbed wire fence really needs to be removed. I usually separate this place. I think it's gloomy here!" Xu Jiagang said.

Under the night, if there are usually only two people, Aunt Luo and Xu Wenwen, and it is in the most remote place in the Xu family villa area, it is quiet. This kind of place, even if there is no disease, will turn a person into a fool for a long time.

It didn't take long for the Xu family bodyguards and security guards to quickly clear out the barbed wire, wooden doors, and all of the outside of the garden. It can be seen from this that the garden is connected to the outside and is no longer closed as before.

When Xu Jiaojiao sent Ye Chen out, when she went out to the door, Xu Jiaojiao said: "Ye Chen, thank you very much this time. If you really cure my sister-in-law, I will give you another one. Unexpected reward!"

"Reward? Reward is unnecessary. You usually teach me seriously and I should help your sister-in-law to treat her illness. What's more, your sister-in-law is a poor person and deserves my sympathy!"

After getting into the car, Ye Chen looked back at Xu's Villa, then left here and drove back in the direction of Sun's Villa. Before long, Ye Chen had already returned to the entrance of Sun's villa.

Getting out of the car, Ye Chen took his set of clothes that were still wet and went into the Sun’s villa. When he was about to go to the separate villa, he saw Sun Mengjie standing in front, looking at him and asking: “Today Where did you go?"