Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 2072: Impressions have changed

I have to say that Ye Chen's traditional Chinese medicine skills are really powerful, at least in the eyes of Huang Xiaowei's grandparents.

Like Zhou Cui's situation, he was uncomfortable during the Spring Festival, but after eight months of treatment and recuperation, it was not effective.

However, Ye Chen came here in the capital and prescribed Zhou Cui's prescription for a week, but the treatment effect was very obvious.

"Where did you play today?" Huang Junmin asked.

"Grandpa, Ye Chen and I met Li Qinghua and the others. Li Qinghua and the others took us to the horse farm in the suburbs." Ye Chen said.

I heard that Huang Junmin and Zhou Cui didn't know who Li Qinghua was when they met Li Qinghua, but they guessed it was the younger brother of the capital.

Now there are more and more young second and third generations in the capital, and they live separately. Naturally, Huang Junmin and Zhou Cui are no longer living in the military compound compound as they did before. They often see the younger generations.

"Do you go to the horse farm to play horsemanship? It's dangerous!" Huang Junmin said.

Horses are occasionally used in the army, but most of them have been replaced by modern technology, and those horses are rarely used for military operations.

However, Huang Junmin felt that it was very dangerous for ordinary people to play horsemanship.

"I didn't play equestrianism with Ye Chen, but Li Angran and the others did it. They fell from a horse just now in a terrible situation and were sent by a military helicopter for treatment." Huang Xiaowei said.

When Huang Junmin and Zhou Cui heard this, they didn't expect that someone really had an accident. Of course, the two of Li Angran knew each other, but now they rarely communicate.

"Then let your father go and see the Li family for us." Huang Junmin said.

Ye Chen stood by and listened. After Huang Xiaowei had finished talking to her grandparents, he said: "Grandma, let me help you see your current situation."

After Ye Chen checked Zhou Cui's pulse condition, and after reading the pulse condition, she finally asked her about her current self-feeling and some symptoms of symptoms.

Judging from Zhou Cui's self-feeling and symptoms, her abdominal distension has basically disappeared and her stools have returned to normal. According to the changes in her pulse and tongue, Ye Chen turned to spleen strengthening, reducing alcohol and adding 9 grams of Amomum to this situation.

Ye Chen read it to Zhou Cui and wrote the prescription, and then prescribed ten doses of medicinal materials to her. After drinking these ten doses and conditioning her spleen, Zhou Cui would fully recover from the illness.

When Ye Chen took out the prescription and went out to buy medicine for Zhou Cui, watching Ye Chen and Xiaowei go outside, Zhou Cui had a good impression of Ye Chen and said, "Old man, Ye Chen is a good young man!"

"It's good in all aspects, but the family background is a little bit worse, I'm afraid it is not worthy of our Huang family." Huang Junmin said.

"Family? It's a bit short, but Xiaowei likes him, and Ye Chen is capable. We don't support or oppose it. We will see how far these two people can go, and then we will make plans." Zhou Cui said.

Ye Chen and Huang Xiaowei couldn't hear what the two of them said in it, because the two had already got into the car, drove out of here, and went to a nearby pharmacy to buy a house.

"Ye Chen, my grandma's illness really healed after ten days?" Huang Xiaowei asked.

"It should be done in a week, the extra three days are just conservative." Ye Chen said.

However, even so, Huang Xiaowei felt that Ye Chen would return to Shanghai soon. She was really reluctant to bear Ye Chen. She didn't know when Ye Chen would see Ye Chen again after returning to Shanghai this time.

Ye Chen drove to the outside of a large nearby pharmacy, stopped the car, got out of the car with Huang Xiaowei, and then went inside, took out the prescription and gave it to a young pharmacist inside.

Soon, the pharmacist packed a big bag of Chinese medicine. After Ye Chen checked out, he and Huang Xiaowei got out of it, got into the car, drove back to the door of the Huang's courtyard, and went inside.

Now Huang Xiaowei's parents have not yet come back, Ye Chen took a packet of medicinal materials, decocted the medicinal soup personally, and let Xiaowei's grandma drink it after it was cold.

Seeing Ye Chen's serious and cautious look, Zhou Cui asked, "Xiaoye, have you ever thought of going to Beijing for development?"

"Beijing?" Ye Chen didn't expect Zhou Cui to ask this question. He knew that Zhou Cui's impression of him had changed a lot.

"Grandma, I have no plans to go to Beijing for development for the time being. I am also very good in Shanghai now. Apart from going to class, I also have to see doctors often." Ye Chen said.

Now he regards Shanghai as his second home, and there are such big ladies in Shanghai. How could he leave those big ladies and come to Beijing?

Besides, he knew that Zhou Cui's question was purely because of Huang Xiaowei.

"I heard that you also opened a Chinese medicine factory?" Zhou Cui asked again.

"It's a Chinese medicine factory that cooperates with several large groups in Shanghai. It's not bad now. The most popular antidampness medicinal oil is produced by my Chinese medicine factory." Ye Chen said.

Zhou Cui smiled even more after hearing it.

Zhou Cui said nothing, and Ye Chen said nothing.

After he came out, when Zhou Cui and Huang Junmin wanted to leave Ye Chen here for dinner, Huang Xiaowei whispered to her grandparents that Ye Chen would treat her to a French meal tonight.

In that case, Huang Xiaowei's grandparents let Ye Chen and Xiaowei pass. They could see that Ye Chen was different from the others. It was not because of the Huang family's family history that Ye Chen was with Xiaowei, but because of the current situation of Ye Chen, he couldn't rely on the Huang family's money.

It is at this point that Huang Kaikai and Zhou Cui's impression of Ye Chen has greatly changed.

When Ye Chen and Huang Xiaowei just went outside, they saw Huang Wenbing coming back in a military vehicle. Ye Chen said hello: "Brother Huang, Xiaowei and I are going to have dinner. Will you go there together?"

"I'm not going, you go, pay attention to safety." Huang Wenbing said.

Ye Chen and Huang Xiaowei got into the car, then drove out of here, and drove to a high-end restaurant in the capital called Versailles.

It's also on the second ring road, but it's a little bit far from the Huang's courtyard.

When Ye Chen drove there, Ye Chen found that it was elegant and quiet, and it was not too far from the Forbidden City. When he stopped the car and got out of the car with Huang Xiaowei, Huang Xiaowei asked: "Would you like Come here if you dress better?"

"No, we just came over for dinner, not to attend a party." Ye Chen said.

Huang Xiaowei thinks so.

She held Ye Chen's hand and went inside intimately with Ye Chen. At the door, two tall and thin white young women immediately greeted Ye Chen and Huang Xiaowei to go inside.

Upon entering, Ye Chen found that there were not too many customers inside, but the interior decoration was very luxurious and luxurious, with a French atmosphere.