Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 2116: Dongshan Village

Following Bai Mingshun, Ye Chen first read the old woman and then went to see a dozen other villagers. Judging from the severity of these villagers, it is temporarily not as good as the time they encountered the poison in the villagers in Xiashanzhai. Case.

After Ye Chen finished reading, Bai Mingshun picked up Chinese medicinal materials for these villagers, and then decoction soup for these villagers to drink. After a lot of work, it was already more than 6 o'clock in the evening.

Bai Mingshun knew that Ye Chen had come from Shanghai all the way, and when he came here, he had to treat the villagers before he had time to rest. He was already very tired.

"Ye Chen, you rest first, you are too tired today." Bai Mingshun said.

"Master Bai, I still don't feel tired." Given Ye Chen's physique, this kind of thing is naturally nothing.

However, you Niadasi just drove him over on a motorcycle. I wonder if he wants to go back now?

"Zhang Daxi, do you want to go home? Will your family find you?" Ye Chen asked.

"I'll stay and have a look first." Niadasi said.

In fact, he is now afraid that he will leave this Dongshan Village and be on the road by then, or has he been witched by someone?

Since he wants to stay, Bai Mingshun will definitely arrange accommodation for the two of them.

Bai Mingshun lives in a tiled house with three bedrooms and one wall. The courtyard is not big. There are three rooms inside. Usually Bai Mingshun lives in one by himself and the other two. Sometimes when friends come to see him, they will live in those two. Room.

Bai Mingshun knew that Ye Chen was drinking tea, so he went to cook a pot of Pu'er and gave it to him, and then went to prepare dinner.

When Ye Chen was sitting there drinking tea, he found it strange. It was a remote mountain village, and it was still a mountain village where the Bai people lived. If strangers from outside came in, the villagers inside would definitely find out immediately. .

Of course, like that time in Xiashanzhai, the murderer was poisoned by members of the Five Poison Sect.

And the other party's witchcraft to harm the villagers, the first is to sell the corpses to others for yin marriage. The other is a type of person who has conflicts and hatreds between other villagers and him. He will kill the other party by using witch gu first.

In general, the villager who used the Witch Gu was the easiest to ignore and the least easy to find among the villagers. It was this point that made people hard to guard against.

Ye Chen observed the mountain spring water flowing down from the mountain. From the point of view of water quality, it was first-rate. However, if there is no boiled mountain spring water, there may be other parasitic bacteria and insects. If someone is willing to put it on it. Some germs pollute the water source, so it is more likely that the villagers will be poisoned by the poison.

While Ye Chen was slowly tasting Pu'er tea there, Niadasi sat there, but did not move.

"Don't you like tea?" Ye Chen asked.

"No, I rarely drink tea." Niadasi said.

Ye Chen waited in there for about half an hour. Bai Mingshun made a simple dinner. The boiled fish, milk fans, and some cold dishes, which looked very characteristic of the Bai people.

Bai Mingshun lived in Shanghai and lived in Dali for decades. He returned to Dongshan Village and only started to eat the food here.

However, his belief is different from other people. He does not have so many taboos. He can taste the food that ordinary people eat.

"Ye Chen, there is no preparation here, just eat these." Bai Mingshun said embarrassedly.

In any case, Ye Chen is a disciple of Liao Wenen, and he has been a friend of Liao Wenen for many years. Now he called Ye Chen from the vast distance of Shanghai, but he prepared a rich meal to entertain Ye Chen, which made Bai Mingshun a little embarrassed.

"Master Bai, I haven't eaten these Bai people's meals, I think it's pretty good." Ye Chen said.

Bai Mingshun smiled, knowing that this young man is a little different from other young people.

After the three of them had dinner, when Bai Mingshun was clearing the dishes, Ye Chen and Niadasi came out from the inside, Dongshan Village was already a bit dark, except for those houses with lights, the village was terribly quiet.

In the afternoon, when Ye Chen just came over and was treating someone beside Bai Mingshun, many Bai villagers in Dongshan Village knew that this young man was invited by Bai Mingshun to treat the villagers.

Therefore, these villagers still look at Ye Chen strangely. Except for some who can't believe that Ye Chen is so young, his medical skills will be higher than Bai Mingshun, or they feel strange that this young man is not afraid of those harmful witches. ?

Ye Chen went around in Dongshan Village. He found that Dongshan Village has mountains and rivers, and rivers and rivers. The scenery is beautiful. If it is a tourist attraction, it is still good.

For such a mountain village that has little connection with, Ye Chen thinks that the folk customs here should be very simple, and everyone is such familiar people, and when few outsiders come in, the villagers in this mountain village, in addition to the law of life, old age, sickness and death , There should be no other impact.

However, there are now more than a dozen in this village, all of which have been poisoned by witches like poisoning.

Ye Chen and Nyadaxi came to the high water source in the village. He saw strips of stainless steel steel pipes or some hoses receiving water from above. Those mountain spring water flowed down from the heights. Every household only needs to connect to it. Just go inside the bucket at home.

From above, Ye Chen saw that the water in the pool a few meters long, a few meters wide, and a few meters deep came out of the mountain spring.

There is also a tower top to cover it, so that when it rains, the water that falls into the pool will mix with the mountain spring water inside and become muddy.

From this point of view, it is indeed a bit more advanced than that of Xia Shanzhai.

However, in such a pool, if someone throws dead mice into it, there is a possibility that dead pigs are inside, and the mountain spring water here will definitely be polluted.

Standing on a high place, looking down at this Dongshan Village, I found that this Dongshan Village is not very scattered, almost all are concentrated in the surrounding area, and there are also native dogs in the village.

Basically, people from outside can see it when they come in.

After coming down from above, Ye Chen and Niadasi went to see the old woman who drank the medicine first in the afternoon. Now Ye Chen saw the old woman taking the medicine, still resting.

However, the cough was significantly reduced, and his expression improved.

At this point, Bai Mingshun admired Ye Chen's traditional Chinese medicine skills very much, because he had been treated for a long time, but there was not much effect.

In his opinion, as long as the old woman doesn't cough up black blood again, then there is a possibility of cure.

"Master Bai, I am confident that all the villagers' diseases will be cured. However, the most important thing is to find out how these villagers have uncomfortable symptoms?" Ye Chen said.

In fact, to treat the conditions of these villagers, Ye Chen felt that it could not be treated. What's more, he had already had an experience in Xiashanzhai that time.