Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 2117: Obvious effect

After reading the situation of the villagers after drinking the medicine, Ye Chen and Niadasi followed Bai Mingshun back to where he lived. While drinking tea in the courtyard, Bai Mingshun went over and took out the medical records of the villagers who had poisoned poison.

Judging from the initial medical records, Ye Chen discovered that more than a month ago, the earliest villagers in Dongshan Village had symptoms such as stomach discomfort and diarrhea. When Bai Mingshun received treatment here, Bai Mingshun also regarded his condition as eating bad food. Treat your stomach discomfort.

However, it was later discovered that the diarrhea was getting more and more serious, and when other villagers had other similar symptoms of gu, Bai Mingshun knew that it was not ordinary diarrhea.

From these medical records, Ye Chen can see in detail the records of the villagers to varying degrees.

In general, he can already confirm that it is indeed a symptom of witchcraft.

Snake gu, butterfly gu, grass gu, etc. Ye Chen could find out the symptoms of witch gu among the villagers from the records of ancient books.

"Master Bai, those villagers are indeed witchcraft, but so many villagers at the same time can not achieve it in a short time, but it is continuous. Here in Dongshan Village, don't you find suspicious People?" Ye Chen asked.

"No, when I discovered that this was a witch-gu disease, I wanted to find the murderer who killed the witch-gu, but I didn't find it." Bai Mingshun said.

Of course, he did not report to the police, and the police came to the police, and he couldn't tell the police officers clearly. At most, someone had poisoned him.

After reading the medical records of the villagers, Ye Chen felt that the murderer was also very hateful, judging from the medical records of the villagers.

"Ye Chen, you are very tired, or take a bath and rest first." Bai Mingshun said.

"Okay, I'll take a bath first." Ye Chen said.

Now Ye Chen was in the hot spring water, wearing his pants, taking a hot bath in the yard comfortably.

After taking a shower, Ye Chen washed his clothes and dried his hair. He returned to the room and lay on this big wooden bed. He found that the air environment here was very good, which was comparable to that of his home in Zhaojiacun.

However, now the villagers in Dongshan Village are panicking because of the Witch Gu incident. People outside dare not come back, and the rest of them dare not live with their sick family members who are infected with Witch Gu.

Although the situation was not as serious as that of going to the cottage, Ye Chen felt that he had to find the murderer as soon as possible.

Furthermore, for him, this time he came to heal the villagers in the Witch Gu, not the most important thing, the most important, he was to find the Five Poison Cult.

Ye Chen didn't hear the footsteps outside the door anymore, guessing that Bai Mingshun had already returned to the room to rest.

Bai Mingshun is older than Mr. Liao. Although he is still very energetic and tough, he has been treating the villagers these days and is busy every day. Other young people can't stand it, let alone an old man.

From this point, Ye Chen still admired Bai Mingshun. He felt that the other party's Chinese medicine skills were not as good as his grandfather Ye Dao's, and he treated as many patients as his grandfather Ye Dao. However, the medical ethics of the two were equally great.

In the middle of the night, maybe because of drinking too much Pu'er tea, Ye Chen was holding back urine. When he got up and went to the simple bathroom outside to relax, he suddenly heard footsteps outside.

At first, Ye Chen thought it was Bai Mingshun or Niadasi.

However, what made him strange was that the doors of Bai Mingshun and Nyadasi were both closed, and the doors of the two of them did not open at all, so the sound of footsteps just now was not made by the two of them.

The vigilant Ye Chen went out immediately, but he didn't see a single figure inside and outside the doorway. Ye Chen felt that with his vigilance, he could not have heard it wrong.

When he looked around Bai Mingshun’s house and did not see any suspicious people, Ye Chen went to the bathroom and put a pee comfortably. After washing his hands, he returned to the room to rest.

The next day, when Ye Chen woke up early, he woke up when the sunlight came in from outside the window.

Ye Chen went outside and saw that Bai Mingshun had woken up, but Niadasi hadn't woken up yet. Ye Chen knew that young people at this age were sleeping late, so there was nothing wrong with getting up so late.

Ye Chen and Bai Mingshun greeted each other. After he waited for the water to wash with the tap outside the door with his washing utensils, he felt much more energetic.

Bai Mingshun thought Ye Chen would get up very late, but he didn't expect to get up so early.

Ye Chen didn't eat breakfast so quickly, but wanted to see the effect of the old woman who took the medicine last night and the situation of more than a dozen other villagers.

Bai Mingshun took Ye Chen to the old woman and found that the old woman had woken up. Compared to yesterday, her cough was less obvious and she did not vomit blood again.

However, her spirit has not recovered, and her eyes still look a little hollow after being tortured for so long.

After Ye Chen showed the pulse to the old woman, after knowing that he was dialectically correct, he looked at Bai Mingshun and said, "Master Bai, you can continue to drink the medicine for her. It should be effective within a week."

After Bai Mingshun heard it, he took the prescription and went back to continue to take the medicine and decoction to send it to the old woman to drink.

Ye Chen went to see the doctor alone for the dozen or so villagers. Along the way, when Ye Chen went to the villager’s house, because yesterday afternoon, when Bai Mingshun brought Ye Chen over, he had already treated Ye Chen. Introduce them.

These villagers don't speak Mandarin, and they speak the local dialect. Ye Chen can't understand it, but from the looks and actions of these people, Ye Chen's arrival is very welcome.

Judging from the changes in the treatment Ye Chen gave to these villagers yesterday, the effect is indeed very obvious. Less than a day before and after, the villagers looked very different from the original after drinking the medicine.

When Ye Chen checked the pulse conditions of these villagers separately, what he didn't expect was that the villagers took out the breakfast at home and asked Ye Chen to leave after breakfast.

After some time, Ye Chen visited more than a dozen restaurants, and each of them ate a little breakfast. He was already very full.

When he returned to Bai Mingshun’s home, Bai Mingshun made breakfast and asked Ye Chen to sit down and eat, Ye Chen said, “Master Bai, the folkway here is very simple and enthusiastic. When I just saw them, I was always there. For breakfast, I’m very full now."

Ye Chen was indeed full, but when Nyadaxi got up, he looked a little listless. I don't know if he was frightened by Wu Gu?

In the Yunnan-Guizhou area, and even the Miaojiang area, people like Yang Ling grew up listening to the rumors of witches since they were young, and have never seen the situation of witches among those people, so they are deeply affected, especially in their hearts. Impact.