Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 2161: Unspeakable Hidden

When Ye Chen was about to leave, he was suddenly stopped by Xu Peipei's mother Zhu Xiuhong. Ye Chen was strange, but when Zhu Xiuhong called Ye Chen to the other side, Ye Chen asked, "Auntie, don't you know what's the matter?"

"Doctor Ye, I heard that your Chinese medicine skills are very good." Zhu Xiuhong asked.

"It's okay, most common diseases can basically be cured," Ye Chen said.

He saw that Zhu Xiuhong's expression was similar to Xu Guohua's, except that there was more worry on his face. Ye Chen saw Xu Peipei's family, although it was not a rich family, but it could be regarded as an ordinary well-off family, and it should still be a good time.

"I have one thing, I want to ask you." Zhu Xiuhong said.

"Auntie, I and Peipei are friends, just say, as long as I can solve it." Ye Chen said.

"This matter has nothing to do with Peipei, but with her older brother and sister-in-law." Zhu Xiuhong thought for a while and said.

This made Ye Chen strange. When I was eating just now, I saw Xu Peipei's eldest brother Xu Daqing and sister-in-law Zhou Li looking very affectionate. They also didn't see what disease they had.

"Auntie, are there any problems with Brother Xu and Sister-in-law?" Ye Chen asked.

In fact, he is also a little strange. He came here only to see adults but not children. Depending on the age of Xu Daqing and Zhou Li, they are in their thirties.

However, Ye Chen felt that it was very possible for children to go to Grandpa's side.

"The two have been married for many years and have never had children. They have seen a lot of doctors. It is of no use. I wanted to divorce Daqing and Zhou Li. However, the doctor checked that the problem was with Daqing, so the problem has been Dragging." Zhu Xiuhong said.

Hearing what Zhu Xiuhong said, Ye Chen found that it was almost the same as what he had just thought of. As expected, Xu Daqing and his wife had a problem.

Of course, from Zhu Xiuhong's words, although he could hear selfish thoughts. However, being a parent basically considers one's own children as the first priority.

If Xu Daqing really had a problem with her, which caused Zhou Li to be unable to bear children, then Zhu Xiuhong felt that it did not matter whether her son was divorced or not.

On the contrary, if you really get divorced and remarry your wife, it will be laughed at if you pass it out without having children.

However, if Zhou Li has a problem that makes it impossible to have children, Ye Chen feels that this marriage may really not last that long.

"Auntie, how many years have Brother Xu and Sister-in-law married?" Ye Chen asked.

"It's been eight years and I have been very worried," Zhu Xiuhong said.

Back then, Xu Daqing got married at the age of 27, and now he is 35 years old, and he and Zhou Li met in that state-owned enterprise, and they have always been married.

If it's someone else, even if you just get married and don't want children, it's only two or three years, but now it's seven or eight years.

Therefore, those outside felt that there was a problem with Xu Daqing, which caused them to be unable to bear children.

However, in order to preserve Xu Daqing's reputation, Zhou Li was unable to bear children because of her problems with other people, even her parents believed that.

Because of this, Zhu Xiuhong has a very good attitude towards this daughter-in-law, and Xu Daqing also loves this wife very much.

However, even in that case, it is impossible to go on for a long time. After all, Zhou Li is now in her thirties. If she is really healthy, she will be an advanced mother.

If it remains the same in a few years, I am afraid that it will be more difficult to have a baby.

Ye Chen had completely understood.

"Auntie, if that's the case, don't worry. I have treated many patients in this area before. They will get pregnant within a month or two at the earliest, and they will get pregnant within a year later." Ye Chen said.

He has really treated several such patients, and in the end they all became pregnant.

Of course, if he had known that Xu Peipei's eldest brother had such a problem, Ye Chen felt that early treatment would be better.

When Zhu Xiuhong heard this, he seemed very happy, and hurried out to call in Xu Daqing and Zhou Li.

When the two heard that Ye Chen said they could be treated, they were both happy and embarrassed.

When Ye Chen asked them to bring all the medical records they had seen before, soon Zhou Li used to bring a large stack of medical records, Xu Daqing's and Zhou Li's.

Of course, in many hospital inspections, Xu Daqing had problems, and Zhou Li was normal.

However, Ye Chen felt that the doctors in those hospitals might also have problems in their examinations. Therefore, after reading the medical records, he first checked Zhou Li's pulse and tongue conditions to confirm that they were all normal, and there was no need for other inspections.

Regarding Xu Daqing, it was discovered that the hospital examined him and the reports came out that the other party had symptoms such as impotence and premature ejaculation, and there was also a problem with the quality of sperm.

Judging from these symptoms, it is certain that the couple had been married for so many years and had no children, so the problem lies with Xu Daqing.

After Ye Chen asked about Xu Daqing's usual situation, he checked his pulse and tongue, and then asked Zhou Li to find him a piece of white paper.

"Doctor Ye, can my disease really be cured?" Xu Daqing asked, looking embarrassed.

"No problem," Ye Chen said.

Perhaps this disease is an intractable disease for other doctors, and the more I look at it, the less confidence it becomes. However, to Ye Chen, this disease was nothing.

After Zhou Li wrote a piece of white paper, Ye Chen prescribed a prescription based on Xu Daqing's situation.

"Xu, male, 35 years old. After 8 years of marriage, he has not given birth."

"First diagnosis: The patient has no offspring after 8 years of marriage. During this period, he has a normal husband and wife life without taking contraceptive measures. The wife is normal but no pregnancy during the period. The patient usually suffers from physical weakness, chills and coldness, weakness in the waist, and tinnitus. Symptoms are dizziness. Fatigue, low back pain, fear of cold, impotence, premature ejaculation, heavy and thin pulse, weakness of two feet, thin coating."

"TCM dialectic: Diagnosis of male infertility, deficiency of kidney yang, and loss of essence. Treatment method: warming yang to fill up essence and nourishing qi."

"Prescription: 25 grams of male silk moth, 18 grams of Atractylodes macrocephalae, 6 grams of cinnamon, 30 grams of calcined keel, 30 grams of calcined oysters, 15 grams of chive seeds, 15 grams of angelica, 12 grams of Cistanche, 9 grams of Chinese wolfberry, 12 grams of Morinda officinalis. 15 grams of Codonopsis, 18 grams of Epimedium, 15 grams of Lycium barbarum, 6 grams of Licorice. 30 doses, decocted in water, 1 dose a day."

After Ye Chen finished writing, he checked it carefully, and then gave it to Zhu Xiuhong, who asked Zhu Xiuhong to buy the medicine and return it to Xu Daqing to decoct the medicine and let him drink it.

Now Ye Chen prescribed him a month's potion. After he drank it for a month, how effective would it be?

"Drink it for a month first, and then see the effect after a month." Ye Chen said.

Zhu Xiuhong hurriedly took the prescription.

Of course, because of seeing a lot of doctors, Xu Daqing does not have much hope now. They only heard that Ye Chen's Chinese medicine skills were very good, so they wanted to try it to see if there was a miracle.