Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 2207: Longteng Villa

Ye Chen felt that renting this building as a Chinese medicine hospital was still very good, so Ling Die was solely responsible for other issues.

"Except for hiring a group of old Chinese doctors, I need to interview in person, and you will be responsible for everything else," Ye Chen said.

"Isn't that exhausting me?" Ling Die said deliberately.

"You can leave it to your trusted subordinates to handle it." Ye Chen said.

Even if Ling Die has three heads and six arms, she is afraid that she can't manage so many things. Now the affairs of the Chinese medicine factory have made her too busy, and now this Chinese medicine hospital is even more busy.

Of course, now that Chinese medicine factories are growing bigger and bigger, they must continue to recruit management.

After going downstairs with Ling Die, Ye Chen drove Ling Die back to the entrance of the Chinese Medicine Factory. Ye Chen didn't go in again, but drove back towards Dongfang University City.

When I just returned to Dongfang University City, when a student saw Ye Chen, he immediately came over to Ye Chen and said, "Xue Brother Ye, someone is kicking the gym. Go and take a look."

There are Taekwondo clubs, Karate clubs, and Muay Thai clubs in the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, mainly founded by some foreign students and domestic students.

When Li Jingxi was studying at the University of Chinese Medicine, she was a member of the Taekwondo club, and those clubs also invited Ye Chen to join.

However, after Ye Chen taught the taekwondo and karate masters, no one invited him anymore, and Ye Chen was not interested in those.

Unexpectedly, someone would come to kick the pavilion now.

"This is normal," Ye Chen said.

"I heard that those people are looking for you." said the brother.

"Look for me?" Ye Chen felt strange when he heard it.

As he followed those brothers and younger brothers towards the Taekwondo club, he was seeing several main persons in charge of Taekwondo, such as Jin In and Yi Joon.

When these people were fighting with the middle-aged man, they were quickly kicked out by the middle-aged man.

Obviously, that middle-aged man is much better than these Taekwondo members.

Ye Chen saw that the strength of the middle-aged man was at least at the peak of the tenth floor of the martial artist, or the strength of the early stage of the first level of the great martial artist, but the strength of the Taekwondo members in front of him was not at the peak of the third floor or the early stage of the fourth The strength is too far from the middle-aged man.

When Jin Renjun saw Ye Chen coming over, he hurriedly begged Ye Chen for help, because the middle-aged man also beat him to the point of vomiting blood just now, making him embarrassed.

"Sir, it seems that you are bullying!" Ye Chen said.

When the middle-aged man turned to see Ye Chen, his eyes showed hatred. Ye Chen felt that this middle-aged man was similar to the people he met in the cement factory last night.

When the Taekwondo members hurriedly stepped aside, Ye Chen naturally had nothing to do with this great martial artist who was about the same strength as himself.

"Are you Ye Chen?" the middle-aged man asked.

"It's me!" Ye Chen said.

"I'm looking for you!" said the middle-aged man.

At this moment, even if Ye Chen didn't ask much, he guessed that it should be related to the group of people he met in the cement factory last night.

Of course, the gang of experts last night, dead and wounded, naturally couldn't come to him. However, if it is their accomplice, it is different.

But even so, Ye Chen felt that these people were too bold.

"If you are here to cause trouble, I can call the police now." Ye Chen said.

Regardless of whether these people are masters or what they are, they are still just like ordinary people when they encounter thermal weapons. Of course, they also have scruples and dare not provoke most people outside casually.

"I want to talk to you alone!" said the middle-aged man.

Ye Chen looked at Jin Renjun and told him to go out with the members and other people first.

After the door was closed, Ye Chen looked at him and said, "I know you are associates of the people in the cement factory."

"It's good to know, I tell you, those who provoke our Longteng Villa will be dead." The middle-aged man said.

"You want my life first!" Ye Chen said.

However, Ye Chen also felt strange, since both sides have such feuds, why bother to tell him here?

The middle-aged man did not speak, and directly acted on Ye Chen. Ye Chen was also ready for a long time. Now the two of them are bare-handed, one relying on the inner strength of the martial artist and the other relying on the use of spiritual energy.

The strengths of both sides are similar, and Ye Chen is even more powerful than the other. So, at first, even if this middle-aged man has more fighting experience, when Ye Chen fought with him, it was almost the same. .

After fighting inside for almost five minutes, the club members and other college students outside the door only saw the fierce sound of two people fighting inside.

In the end, the middle-aged man was hit in the chest by Ye Chen and flew out and hit the chair. When the chair was smashed, Ye Chen didn't do anything.

This is not an outside bamboo forest or an abandoned cement factory. He can't kill people here because too many people are watching.

Therefore, now I can only let go of this middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man looked very surprised. He thought that his strength was about the same as Ye Chen. This young man was definitely not his opponent. However, he found that he was really wrong. There was a gap between him and the opponent.

"Here, I will not kill you, but in other places, it will be different, and I don't care what kind of villa you are, as long as you dare to provoke me, it will end up just like your accomplices." Chen also looked at the other side fiercely and said.

The middle-aged man stood up, feeling a sweet throat, knowing that he had suffered an internal injury, and that he was not Ye Chen's opponent, so naturally he would not stay.

"You wait for our revenge!" the middle-aged man said.

After he stood up and went out from the gate of the club, the members of the Taekwondo club admired Ye Chen's power.

However, in general, Ye Chen would not do it. If he did it, it would be dead or injured.

Now Jin Renjun also admires Ye Chen, and feels that besides his excellent Chinese medicine skills, his martial arts are much better than those of them.

Just now, the members of these associations, including Jin Renjun and others, were injured. After Ye Chen checked them, they found that some of them suffered internal injuries. If they were not dealt with properly, they would still have sequelae in the future.

After bringing pens and papers, Ye Chen prescribed prescriptions for the members of the society who suffered internal injuries, and asked them to dispense and drink medicated soup according to the prescriptions, but there was no major problem with other traumatic injuries.