Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 224: hepatitis

Ye Chen knows very well that when playing in the casino, you can only lose, not win, or even win big. Otherwise, the consequences will be the same as Li Feiyi's situation.

Right now, Ye Chen only won hundreds of thousands in the casino, which was nothing. With so many gamblers watching, the casino would naturally not trouble him.

Ye Chen asked Sun Xiaowei to exchange those gambling coins back into Renminbi, and then entered the bank card, and then came out of the casino with Li Feiyi.

When I went outside the rich man's club, no one followed. Now that Li Feiyi was rescued by Ye Chen, he didn't know what this young man wanted to do?

"Big brother, how much did you lose just now?" Ye Chen asked.

"Probably more than 130,000!" Li Feiyi said.

"Then you get in the car with me first, and we will transfer the money to you at the bank ATM!" Ye Chen said. When going out to the parking lot outside the rich club, Li Feiyi still covered his stomach. Obviously, when he was beaten and kicked by the security guards inside, he still had some pain.

When the three came to the Maserati parked outside, Ye Chen looked at him and asked, "How are you feeling now?"

"My stomach hurts, my head is a little dizzy!" Li Feiyi's head was broken and bleeding just now. The part of his stomach may have been kicked the most.

Now after Ye Chenrang got into the car, Ye Chen said, "Actually, I am a doctor. I can check for you first!"

"I am now a little dizzy, and my stomach is a little bit painful. There should be nothing else!" Although Li Feiyi said that, Ye Chen still took the initiative to give him a rest check. Sure enough, Li Feiyi was inside. The security guard beat him up and was very fierce when kicking, but Li Feiyi was very good at protecting himself, so apart from his head being broken and bleeding, nothing else happened temporarily.

"Your head is bleeding. You should buy some hemostatic medicine to stop the bleeding first!" Ye Chen drove outside and came to a large pharmacy that was still operating. Ye Chen personally bought Li Feiyi hemostatic medicine, disinfectant, and medical treatment. After plastering Li Feiyi's wounds in several places, Li Feiyi sat there, took out a piece of white sand, lit it and sucked it.

"Do you smoke?" Li Feiyi asked. Ye Chen and Sun Xiaowei both shook their heads.

"Forget it, let's go, thank you for saving me just now!" Li Feiyi didn't believe that these two people would really give him more than 100,000.

After all, he and Ye Chen didn't know each other, how could a person for no reason give them such a large sum of money?

For others, those hundreds of thousands may not be a big deal. However, for him, it was a lot of money. Now Li Feiyi regrets it very much, and he shouldn't have gone into the casino to play.

"This eldest brother, I was in the casino just now, and I already said that I would help you, how could I be unbelievable?" Ye Chen said.

"You, are you really willing to help me?" Li Feiyi raised his head to look at Ye Chen while the white sand was still on the ground, and even grabbed his hand and asked.

Now he grasped Ye Chen's hand tightly, as if he fell into the lake and couldn't swim, Ye Chen was his last lifesaver. He knew very well that if he couldn't get the money, he would really commit suicide by jumping into the river.

"This eldest brother, my name is Ye Chen, and his name is Sun Xiaowei. Don't we know your name yet?" Ye Chen said.

"My name is Li Feiyi, the flying of the plane, the righteousness of loyalty!" However, after he introduced himself, he sighed helplessly. He saw the car driven by Ye Chen and he knew that these two people were rich. But what can he do in the face of such things?

"Brother Li, what happened in the casino just now?" Ye Chen asked. Originally, according to his situation, since he had already said to help Li Feiyi, naturally he would not ask more questions. However, seeing Li Feiyi's situation in the casino just now, I am afraid it will not be that simple.

"It's because I am confused and greedy myself. To tell you the truth, I used to be a special soldier in the Shenyang Military Region. I am now demobilized and work as a security captain in a building. In fact, the income is also good, at least every month. There are seven to eight thousand. However, since last year, my wife who has just been married has experienced loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. After sending her to the hospital, she was checked for acute severe hepatitis."

"What about after that?" Ye Chen had already guessed a bit when he heard this.

"She was sent to Dongfang Hospital for treatment, and now she has been staying in the hospital. We spent all the savings of my wife and I. This time, the doctor said that a longer treatment would cost about 20%. More than ten thousand."

"Then you can borrow loan sharks and go to the casino to try it?" Ye Chen asked.

Li Feiyi drew a piece of white sand from his pocket and lit it, shook his head, nodded and said, "In fact, the money I lost in the casino, except for the more than nine thousand in my salary, belongs to the security guards below me. "Because I work as a security guard in that building, and I am their security captain. The above will be sent to my hand before the salary is paid every month. After my hand, it will be sent to the security guards after I sign. The hands of the personnel."

"Tonight, because the general manager of the building came to play here in the rich man's club, I followed into it. After seeing the casino gambling law, I was confused for a while, so I took out all the wages of the security guards!"

"I lost all of them just now. I'm afraid that in addition to being unable to pay the huge medical bills of my wife, I have lost all the salaries of the security guards. I will not be able to see them tomorrow, so I can only go jump in the river!"

At the beginning, when he was in the army, as an outstanding special soldier, he won a lot of honor for the country and the army, how confident he was.

However, in fact, he found that after he was demobilized, he had no real education and no capital. Under such circumstances, he could only enter the building as a security guard.

Not long after he entered, his ability was appreciated by the minister of the security department of the building. He became a security captain. In his current situation, in fact, if his wife was not in hospital, he felt that he and his wife were both sick. People's life is quite comfortable.

After all, the salary income of the two adds up to more than 10,000. Even if they rent a set of more than 1,000 yuan a month in Shanghai, there is still a lot of money left. However, even though his wife was ill for a lifetime and is still so serious now, it is not enough to spend money like water.

"It turned out to be like this. Brother Li, don't worry about it. I will definitely help you in this matter. I will go to the bank to transfer the money to you for those security guards, and I will pay you in advance!" As a special soldier, Ye Chen naturally felt that he should not be easy.

When he was in the casino, when he first saw Li Feiyi, he felt that the other party was not an ordinary person. If Li Feiyi really fought with the security guards just now, I am afraid that the security guards in the casino are not Li Feiyi's opponent at all. However, Li Feiyi did not fight back just now, just hoping to get the money back. However, in that case, how could the casino return the money to him?