Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 2240: Participating members

On Tuesday afternoon, Lu Jing called to ask the question for the Lu family. Lu Jing wanted to invest in Ye Chen's newly opened hospital. Ye Chen had no problem.

After all, he knows very well that even if the Chinese Medicine Hospital is very profitable in the future, it is impossible for him to make all the money in his pocket.

Therefore, in addition to the Lu family wanting to buy shares, the Xu family, Liu family, Sun family, and Ye Chen also called Li Shengtian. Li Shengtian was naturally very willing.

However, this time he can no longer buy shares in the reputation of Li Shengtian, because the Li family feels that he has selfish intentions, so he can only buy shares in the name of the Li family at that time, and the shares and dividends at that time must belong to the Li family. Group.

Now these people have bought shares, Ye Chen also let Gao Meilin and Julang Technology Company buy shares.

As for the other eldest ladies, like Lin Xinting, Yang Jingya, and Xiao Yuqing, who are from ordinary families, they certainly can’t come up with that much money. If Ye Chen took out the money by himself, and then took the shares in their reputation, it would treat other elders , People like Gao Meilin, Xu Jiaojiao, Sun Mengjie and others are unfair.

Although Ye Chen couldn't make a bowl of water level, basically, he still had to do it.

Now that Ye Chen is going to open the pure Chinese medicine doctor, the number of shares has been determined. He doesn't know if there will be any in the future.

On Wednesday afternoon, Ye Chen drove to the Chinese medicine factory and called Lu Minghai, the representative of the Lu family, Li Shengtian, the old Xu family, the old Liu family, the Sun Mengjie of the Sun family, and Gao Meilin from the Julang technology company to the Chinese medicine factory. In the meeting room, Ling Die reported on the situation of the Chinese Medicine Hospital.

Of course, this time I came here mainly to discuss capital injection and share distribution issues.

It is the first time for Lu Minghai to come to a Chinese medicine factory. Although he has long heard of the reputation of a Chinese medicine factory, it is the first time he has come.

He and Lu Mingshan are brothers, but Lu Mingshan is in officialdom, while Lu Minghai is in business, and is the main representative management of the Lu Family Lu Family.

Because Lu Mingshan is an official, and officials cannot do business, Lu Mingshan will not pay attention to the affairs of the Lu Family Group. Similarly, the Lu Family cannot use Lu Mingshan's relationship in officialdom openly.

However, the Lu family is ranked tenth in Shanghai, after the Wu family, because the Zhou family has fallen, and the Lu family has one upper body, ranking ninth.

Even so, the Lu family felt that the gap with other families was getting wider.

Therefore, I regret that when Ye Chen and the Lu family met, why didn't they know Ye Chen to the Lu family earlier?

This time, when I heard that Ye Chen was going to open a new Chinese medicine hospital, the Lu family naturally couldn't bear it. They asked Lu Jing to be the introducer to introduce the Lu family to Ye Chen and cooperate in business.

Ye Chen didn’t know that the Lu family’s status and family background in Shanghai were so powerful. Now he learned from Mr. Xu that because of Lu Mingshan’s officialdom, the Lu family appeared very low-key in Shanghai and rarely heard of the Lu family. News.

However, all major industries in Shanghai have the shadow of the Lu Group.

Ye Chen saw this middle-aged man who was wearing a suit, and his face looked somewhat similar to Lu Mingshan. He guessed that this should be Lu Mingshan's younger brother Lu Minghai.

"Uncle Lu, hello." Ye Chen said hello first.

"Doctor Ye, hello." For Ye Chen's proactive greeting, Lu Minghai had a good impression of Ye Chen.

Of course, last year or the year before, Ye Chen had seen Lu Jing's three aunts and six wives, some relatives and friends, but he had never seen Lu Minghai.

This time, Lu Minghai met the main representative of the Lu family.

Lu Minghai had heard about Lu Jing and Ye Chen, but he was just an uncle and didn't pay much attention to his niece.

As for the others, Li Shengtian, Xu Lao, and Liu Lao are all old acquaintances, and they are very familiar now.

However, when Sun Mengjie saw Gao Meilin coming, she felt a little uncomfortable. She didn't understand why Ye Chen called Gao Meilin over?

Since Ye Chen left Sun's house to live in Gao Meilin's villa, Sun Mengjie didn't like Gao Meilin, a beautiful widow, and felt that Gao Meilin had taken her favorite away.

Sun Mengjie felt a little surprised when she saw Gao Meilin getting younger and more beautiful.

After all, Gao Meilin was married and had children. She was already over twenty-five years old and approaching thirty years old. Unexpectedly, she looks so young and beautiful now.

Does Gao Meilin always wear makeup?

If it's just for those who care, as long as there are women with some money, they will go to take care of them. However, no matter how good the maintenance is, the effect is not as good as Gao Meilin's white, rosy and elastic skin!

When Ye Chen saw Gao Meilin and Sun Mengjie both nodding their heads to each other, they said hello, but Ye Chen was relieved on the surface, but in fact, he was not at ease.

But, is there any way, if the Sun family gets the shares of the Chinese Medicine Hospital, but Gao Meilin does not get it by then, wouldn't Gao Meilin be unhappy?

In addition, Ye Chen knew that if he were to stay with those eldest ladies in the future, the two women would definitely get along together in the future. Now he wants to see if the two women can get along peacefully, if both No, let alone the case with more eldest ladies.

In the small meeting room that entered the Chinese medicine factory, besides Ye Chen, Lu Minghai, Li Shengtian, Xu Lao, Liu Lao, Sun Mengjie, Gao Meilin, Ling Die was in it.

After Ye Chen sat down with them, Ling Die’s secretary He Lian brought Ye Chen and the others a cup of tea. Ling Die said: “The simple decoration at the Chinese Medicine Hospital is progressing very quickly. You can take a look at these ppt materials first. ."

Ling Die screened the ppt materials in the small conference room and briefly introduced the situation of renting that building as the first Chinese medicine hospital of Dachen Sinopharm.

From the data map, Li Shengtian feels very satisfied. After all, there are no such pure Chinese hospitals in Shanghai, but very few. Moreover, they are basically private small clinics, and their safety has not been confirmed.

As for the other top three Chinese medicine hospitals, they will more or less carry western medicine ingredients, such as some modern medical equipment, some western medicines, and so on.

Even the affiliated hospitals rarely carry western medicine ingredients in them, but they also carry some modern medical equipment for inspections, as well as a lot of emergency western medicines.

If some patients want to find a very simple Chinese medicine hospital, basically, they can only go to those private clinics. However, all aspects of the private clinic cannot be guaranteed, and there may still be problems at that time.

Therefore, if there is such a large-scale pure Chinese hospital, even if Li Shengtian wants to use Chinese medicine these days, then he is willing to choose this kind of hospital.