Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 2264: A dead horse is a living horse doctor

Mingzhe Liu is a senior student of Western medicine at the University of Washington in the United States. He is proficient in hematology. He did not stay in the United States after completing a postgraduate and Ph.D. at the University of Washington. Instead, he returned to Singapore to become a professor in the Department of Hematology at the National University of Singapore and Singapore General Hospital. The attending doctor here.

Although he has treated so many patients related to hematology, even if he was not completely cured in the end, and even some died because of seriousness, other people's evaluations of him are very high, and he is considered to be the most powerful in this discipline. A doctor.

Now, as Mr. Chen's attending doctor twice, he understands Mr. Chen's condition very well. According to his treatment in this area, if Mr. Chen is willing to remove his spleen, he can live a few more years.

However, if you are unwilling, you can live for two or three years with chemotherapy and other means.

It's just that he doesn't believe that Chinese medicine can cure leukemia. If it is those minor illnesses, like ordinary colds and fevers, he still believes that Chinese medicine can cure them.

However, now it is leukemia, a terminal illness called bone cancer, can Chinese medicine cure it?

When Tang Shizhen saw Liu Mingzhe hurriedly walk in, he guessed that it was related to Ye Chen's coming to treat Mr. Chen.

"Is that Doctor Ye?" Liu Mingzhe asked.

"I am." Ye Chen said.

"Do you have a relevant medical certificate?" Liu Mingzhe asked.

Ye Chen naturally had the certificate, but he couldn't bring it with him. Moreover, with his popularity, as long as you hear his name, you will know how good he is in Chinese medicine.

"Yes, but I didn't bring it here." Ye Chen said.

Tang Shizhen on the side said: "Dr. Ye won the championship of Chinese medicine competitions in three countries in a row. He has treated countless patients. He has already proven his skills in Chinese medicine. Those certificates are just a piece of paper and a proof."

Although Tang Shizhen said that, when Liu Mingzhe saw this young man who was much younger than him, he really couldn't believe the young man's TCM skills.

"Mr. Chen, I suggest you stop accepting any doctor's TCM treatment, because I don't think there is any effect or effect, but it will aggravate your illness." Liu Mingzhe said directly.

If others say that, they must be very angry.

But Ye Chen didn't.

Now he is following here, mainly because Tang Shizhen invited him to come and treat Mr. Chen. If Mr. Chen himself is unwilling, Ye Chen will definitely ignore it.

If he believes in his medical skills, Ye Chen will definitely take care of it.

Tang Shizhen was a little embarrassed when he heard it. After all, Chinese medicine is also a very important medical project in Singapore, which is legal and supported by the government.

Those old Chinese medicine practitioners who first immigrated to Singapore also brought Chinese medicine skills. Of course, Western medicine is prevalent now, whether it is in China or Singapore. After receiving Western medicine treatment, some people completely deny and question the rationality and necessity of Chinese medicine.

"Mr. Chen, what's your opinion?" Ye Chen asked Chen Ji who was on the hospital bed.

Chen Ji believed in traditional Chinese medicine. What's more, to his level, Western medicine would be treated like that, and it would be ineffective, just delaying his pain.

"I receive treatment." Chen Ji said.

"Mr. Chen, do you think it over?" Liu Mingzhe continued.

"I have already considered it, and Western medicine is the same. It is better to let Chinese medicine treat it." Chen Ji said.

Now he has the idea of ​​a dead horse as a living horse doctor. After all, he is very clear about his situation. Western medicine does not treat him, and he relies on potions and chemotherapy, which is just two or three years longer.

If TCM treatment is really effective, it can at least relieve the pain and let him live a few more years.

Liu Mingzhe didn't say anything. Although his hematology expert is a famous doctor, the identity of Mr. Chen in front of him is not simple. Since the other party has already considered it, he doesn't need to say more.

However, now he is looking at the young man in front of him coldly, how can he treat Mr. Chen?

Ye Chen had just checked Mr. Chen and knew his condition, so he asked Tang Shizhen to bring him a new medical record.

Ye Chen didn't use the medical records from the Singapore General Hospital, but instead used the ones brought by Tang Shizhen, and then gave the medical records to Mr. Chen.

"Chen, male, 42 years old. Dizziness and fatigue, bleeding gums for more than 11 years, splenomegaly for 10 months."

"First diagnosis: The patient was dizzy and fatigued, bleeding gums for more than 11 years, and splenomegaly for more than 10 months. He was hospitalized in Singapore General Hospital for more than a year. He was diagnosed with a rare hairy cell leukemia. After multiple treatments, the effect was not significant. See abnormalities. The liver is retracted from 4 cm to 2 cm below the ribs, and the spleen is retracted from 6 cm to 2 cm below the ribs. The surface is smooth and no tenderness. Other symptoms are unchanged. Present symptoms: dizziness, pale complexion, sometimes bleeding teeth, lips The color is pale and the skin turns yellow."

"Examination: Tongue: the tongue is not fresh, the tongue is thin and greasy, and the fur is slightly yellow. Pulse: the pulse string is detailed. Chinese medicine dialectics: diagnosis of spleen and kidney deficiency, blood deficiency, blood stasis and blood labor. Treatment: tonic spleen and kidney, nourish Yin stops bleeding."

"Prescription: 15 grams each of raw and cooked rehmanniae, 30 grams of Shouwu, 45 grams of spatholobi, 12 grams of Angelica, 12 grams of Achyranthes bidentata, 3 grams of Panax notoginseng (contained), 12 grams of antler cream, 10 grams of Cistanche, 10 grams of white peony 10 grams, 15 grams of Jiao Hawthorn, 10 grams of donkey-hide gelatin (Yuanhua), 15 grams of Ophiopogon japonicus. 7 doses, decoction in water, 1 dose a day.

Ye Chen gave Mr. Chen seven prescriptions first, drink it and see how it works. Now that he has finished checking, hand it to Tang Shizhen.

Naturally, Tang Shizhen personally took the medicine, and sent the decoction to Mr. Chen to drink it.

Now after Ye Chen had read it to Mr. Chen, he didn't plan to stay anymore, while Liu Mingzhe coldly looked at the prescription Ye Chen had prescribed for Mr. Chen.

He feels that Chinese medicine is really so effective, so he doesn't have to travel all the way and work so hard to study in the United States, and then return to China to treat illnesses and save people.

Everyone has different ideas and thoughts. Ye Chen was not when he first came to Shanghai. At that time, when he was young and energetic, he would definitely have to argue with someone like Li Qiuhua.

But now he doesn't want to, and he doesn't need to argue with Liu Mingzhe.

However, when he left, he still looked at Liu Mingzhe and said, "You look like someone I know."

"Who?" Liu Mingzhe asked.

"Li Qiuhua, like you, he is also a top student studying in the United States. However, now that he sees me, he has not dared to say anything to me." Ye Chen said.

He greeted Mr. Chen, and then went out with Jiang Yu and Tang Shizhen. When Liu Mingzhe heard Ye Chen talk about Li Qiuhua, he felt that he heard the name very familiar.

When he saw the three of Ye Chen leave, he remembered that he was very familiar with Li Qiuhua when he was studying in the United States, but he didn't know if the Li Qiuhua that Ye Chen said and the Li Qiuhua he knew were the same?