Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 2295: Consider first

Ye Chen felt that the name of the shop "Medicated Food Hall" was too ordinary. It was the same as the names of other medicated restaurants, and there was no difference.

However, if the word "Tang" is added before it, it is completely different. If Tang’s Medicinal Restaurant becomes famous in the future, it will definitely be remembered.

Therefore, it is necessary to change the name of the store and re-register at the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, so that it will be protected by law in the future and other talents cannot infringe.

Now Jiang Yu, Tang Tang, Wu Beibei, and the three women were a little surprised when they heard what Ye Chen said.

Because according to what Ye Chen said, the operation of this store must be somewhat different from the original.

However, if it really becomes Tang's medicinal restaurant, wouldn't it be Tang Tang's own?

Wu Beibei thought for a while and said, "You have a good idea, but how to introduce one or two classic dishes?"

It’s easy to change the name of a store, and it’s easy to do advertising and marketing, as long as you have money. However, it is very difficult to introduce one or two classic medicated dishes.

"I can give two classic dishes to ensure that Singapore, not even China bought them, you can also apply for protection at the Patent Office at that time." Ye Chen said.

"Ah!" Tang Tang looked even more surprised at this.

If that is the case, it is really possible that the medicinal food hall will develop soon.

Because if the medicated food hall has dishes that other medicated food halls do not, then other consumers will definitely come to her medicated food hall for consumption.

When Wu Beibei heard it, she smiled in her heart. At first, she thought this young man was bragging, but she felt that if the young man in front of her was true, it was probably because she liked this Tang Tang. That's how to help Tang Tang.

"I don't have any comments. I don't usually interfere with the medicated food hall." Wu Beibei said.

"If I can, I suggest that in addition to the two medicinal dishes, I will inject another 500,000 Singapore dollars. However, by then, Miss Tang will have 80% of the shares of the medicinal restaurant, leaving eight points. Twenty belongs to your Miss Wu." Ye Chen said.

SGD 500,000 may not be much, but the money invested by the two was only SGD 400,000. Moreover, after operating for so long, the shop has not changed much. Ye Chen took out the 500,000 SGD. Actually, You can open a new medicinal restaurant shop.

Therefore, not only Jiang Yu was surprised, but Tang Tang and Wu Beibei were surprised.

Wu Beibei was very strange. The young man in front of him seemed very ordinary, but he didn't expect that he could directly spend so much money.

Of course, the two did not know that the most valuable thing was not the 500,000 Singapore dollars, but the two medicated dishes, and Ye Chen took out a secret medicinal material. Just add a little to the soup base, and any soup will be delicious. , And this is the most precious.

Jiang Yu was a little unhappy, she didn't understand why Ye Chen wanted to help Tang Tang like that? However, Jiang Yu is a smart woman, and she will not ask more.

Now Tang Tang looks a little embarrassed. After all, she and Wu Beibei were partners at the beginning, and the two of them had half of each person's shares. Now they have to take 30% more. Wouldn't it be a good deal for Wu Beibei? ?

"Actually, the 500,000 yuan is nothing. It is really valuable. You should know that it is the two dishes and the other secret recipe for soup base I gave." Ye Chen said.

Tang Tang and Wu Beibei are smart people, so naturally they are very clear.

"Mr. Ye, can I think about it first?" Wu Beibei, who didn't care much about the medicated restaurant and its management, suddenly felt a little uncomfortable or uncomfortable.

Maybe it was because she felt that the young man in front of him was too kind to Tang Tang, which made her feel jealous.

Of course, she is a young lady from the family of a wealthy Singaporean. She doesn't care about the money, or even more.

"Yes." Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen knew that the conversation was over.

Wu Beibei also paid attention to other matters first, but after two days of consideration, he would give Ye Chen a reply.

After Wu Beibei left, Tang Tang looked at Ye Chen and said, "Doctor Ye, what you said just now made me a little embarrassed."

"What's so embarrassing? It's the same in the business field. Now the medicinal food hall has not broken out, so you and that Miss Wu have no interest disputes, but if the medicinal food hall develops by that time, your shares will be the same. , Then you will be in trouble. It is even possible that you can be kicked out of the medicated restaurant directly." Ye Chen said.

Although Ye Chen didn't like the management of the company, he delegated all the affairs of the Chinese medicine factory to Ling Die. However, he is very clear about business matters.

Therefore, no matter what kind of cooperation with other people, you must always hold most of the shares and management rights in your own hands. Otherwise, if there is a problem, it will be difficult to solve it.

Tang Tang is a very smart girl, and she understood Ye Chen's words.

If it is exactly what Ye Chen said, then when the medicinal food hall develops, there may really be such a problem.

Therefore, instead of being a little embarrassed now, it is not bad to avoid future conflicts.

"Miss Tang, we can try it first. I will make those two medicated dishes." Ye Chen said.

"Okay, I want to try it too and see if what you said is true?" Tang Tang said.

After all, Ye Chen was just talking, she didn't know if it was true.

Ye Chen and Jiang Yu came out of the coffee shop after Tang Tang checked out.

The main ingredients for medicated meals are Chinese medicinal materials, in addition to related fresh meat dishes.

Those fresh meat dishes are available in the back kitchen of the medicinal restaurant, but now Ye Chen has to go to the medicinal material shop to buy the Chinese medicinal materials.

The three of them left the campus of Nanyang Technological University, and then, led by Tang Tang, came to an old medicinal store in Singapore.

As soon as Ye Chen entered it, he smelled a strong scent of medicinal materials. From these medicinal scents, Ye Chen knew that the medicinal materials here were top-grade medicinal materials.

Of course, Singapore's medicinal materials are mainly imported from China. Singapore is very strict with regard to imported items, not to mention Chinese medicinal materials.

Ye Chen didn't write the three prescriptions, but looked at the old man in the pharmacy inside and said: "Boss, I want to buy three pairs of medicinal materials, but I didn't write them out. I said you help me pick them up."

The owner of a pharmacy with reading glasses has seen such a customer for the first time. Of course, buying medicine is very strict, but now Ye Chen buys medicinal herbs, so it is not so strict.

After Ye Chen said the medicinal materials and weight, the pharmacy old man took it out of the medicine cabinet.