Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 2298: Free Clinic of Beiyaotang

The morning tea shops in Singapore are still very rich, just like the morning tea Ye Chen drank in Guangzhou, but it incorporates some local flavors in it.

Because Tang Tang had reserved seats, when Ye Chen and Tang Tang sat down, the waiter brought bowls, chopsticks, and tea.

As for the morning tea dishes, they are all kinds of snacks. From time to time, the waiter pulls them over. You can take them as long as you like them, and then write them on the menu.

Only Ye Chen and Tang Tang were eating, so they couldn't eat much.

At around 8 o'clock in the morning, both of them were very full. When Tang Tang went to check out, he went down from the teahouse with Ye Chen, and Tang Tang and Ye Chen went to the North Medicine Hall.

"Tang Tang, if you are not free, you can do your business first." Ye Chen said.

"I have time today." Tang Tang said.

As long as the problem of the medicinal restaurant is resolved, then the stone that is pressing on Tang Tang can be removed. As for the graduation thesis, she can settle it slowly.

The two had just arrived at the entrance of Beiyaotang. Ye Chen had already seen many people queuing there. He guessed that it must be related to his free clinic activities here.

However, Ye Chen has already said that he only gives free clinics to 30 patients every day, and he doesn't watch more.

Now when Ye Chen and Tang Tang came in, the pharmacist inside immediately recognized Ye Chen, and hurriedly said to the patients in the line: "Doctor Ye is here, you don't have to squeeze."

The other patients all saw the announcement posted by Beiyaotang that Ye Chen, a world-renowned doctor, would personally conduct free consultations here, and see 30 people every day, about 10 consecutive days.

In this way, almost 300 patients can see the doctor for free, so these patients come to see the doctor early in the morning and get a number so that they can come to see Ye Chen for the doctor.

Although in Singapore, the cost of medical treatment for Singaporeans is not as heavy as that of Chinese patients, as long as they are sick, they hope that their disease can be cured as soon as possible.

Besides, they all know Ye Chen's popularity in the TCM circle, and now they come to Beiyaotang for consultation and free consultation for patients. With such a good opportunity, they will definitely come.

When Ye Chen entered and was about to sit down, the store manager had already come out. The store manager thought Ye Chen came a little later, but he didn't expect to come so early.

"I watch fifteen in the morning and fifteen patients in the afternoon. As for the other patients, they don't have to waste time in queuing," Ye Chen said.

The store manager understood Ye Chen's meaning.

However, he was a little strange, didn't Ye Chen bring another beauty here? Why is there another beauty.

The store manager went out to clarify the situation with the patients who were in the line, so that they didn't have to waste time in the line when the long line slowly dispersed.

Starting from the first patient in line, Ye Chen discovered that this woman in her thirties had suffered from depression before, causing prolonged insomnia, which is what Chinese medicine refers to insomnia.

Ye Chen has been treating many patients with insomnia. Therefore, this disease may be an intractable disease to other doctors.

However, it was nothing to Ye Chen.

However, now that there are not many patients who see a doctor, Ye Chen is naturally not in a hurry, and carefully read the medical records brought by the female patient, because many of them are in English. Fortunately, Tang Tang, a top student, is here to help him. translation.

Ye Chen will perform a pulse diagnosis for the female patient to see her pulse and tongue conditions. When she is sure that there are no other problems, Ye Chen can prescribe her medicine.

He took a piece of white paper that had been prepared next to him, and directly used that writing brush to give the medical record to the female patient.

"Zhou, female, 32 years old. Suffered from insomnia and depression for one and a half years. Insomnia was aggravated by work."

"First diagnosis: Since February 2011, due to heavy work pressure, mental depression, insomnia, only one hour of sleep in severe cases, and light sleep, easy to wake up, was diagnosed as depression. After taking western medicine, the effect is not obvious. Current symptoms: Chest tightness, shortness of breath, occasional night sweats, nausea, two stools, low voice, and scattered acne on the face. Examination: Tongue: fat tongue, dark texture, thin coating. Pulse: weak pulse."

"Traditional Chinese medicine dialectics: diagnose it as stagnation of liver qi, depression of heart-blood deficiency, insomnia. Unsuccessful emotions, stagnation of liver qi, poor qi, stagnation and stagnation, so the mood is depressed, insufficient liver yin, drain of blood, and loss of energy , Resulting in insomnia. Treatment: Soothing the liver, nourishing the heart and calming the mind."

"Prescription: 10 grams of vinegar Bupleurum, 10 grams of angelica, 10 grams of red and white peony, 15 grams of rehmannia, 6 grams of Amomum villosum, 15 grams of salvia, 15 grams of sauteed jujube seed, 15 grams of nightflower, rose 10 grams of flower, 15 grams of Lily Seed, 10 grams of Turmeric, 15 grams of Shouwu, 10 grams of Albizia Julibrissin, 15 grams of Dandelion, 10 grams of Tribulus terrestris. 14 doses, decoction in water, 1 dose a day,"

After Ye Chen checked and confirmed that there were no problems, he handed it to the young woman and asked her to buy the medicine directly at Bei Yaotang.

After Ye Chen showed it to her, it was the second place. He found that they were all not very serious diseases, but if they were treated in a big hospital outside, it would take a lot of time.

For example, Ye Chen encountered colds, pulmonary fever, burst cough, chronic cough, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and some difficult-to-treat skin diseases.

Obviously, these patients had been seen in the hospital before, but the treatment had no effect. Now this time, I just heard that Ye Chen was in this free clinic and came over.

Therefore, Ye Chen knows that for these diseases, if his TCM dialectics is correct and the right medicine is prescribed, then these patients will fully recover after drinking at most the prescription for the second consultation.

In the morning of the 15 patients, Ye Chen went to the doctor slowly, and he finished the treatment in more than two hours.

As for the other fifteen people, Ye Chen planned to come back to see the doctor in the afternoon after lunch.

When he talked to the manager of the North Medicine Hall and then came out with Tang Tang, Tang Tang admired Ye Chen more and more.

Although Tang Tang had watched his father treat people to doctors since he was young, her father Tang Shizhen was not as clear and confident as Ye Chen when he was seen, and he had to rely on some western medicine and medical equipment to prescribe prescriptions.

At this point, Tang Tang felt that his father's Chinese medicine skills were far behind Ye Chen's.

Because I have finished reading now, I am going to return to Shangri-La Hotel and ask Jiang Yu to have lunch here in Chinatown. When Tang Tang sent Ye Chen back to Shangri-La Hotel, Ye Chen said, "Tang Tang, thanks to you for helping me in the morning. Look at the prescriptions, many of those English that I don’t know."

Tang Tang has been in contact with English since he was a child, and English is the first official language in Singapore, so Tang Tang has nothing to do with those English.

As for Ye Chen, Tang Tang knew that Ye Chen might have had too little contact with English and didn't understand it, so naturally there was nothing.

"Ye Chen, I can help you look at the medical records of those patients and translate the English for you these days." Tang Tang said happily instead.