Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 2301: Shedding of dead skin

To talk about how powerful the ancient imperial doctors were. After reading books and watching TV and movies, everyone knows that imperial doctors specially treated the emperor’s family.

It can be said that the imperial doctors represented the most powerful people of that era.

If the secret recipe for medicinal food given by Ye Chen really came from the imperial palace doctor, then Ye Chen's family background is not simple. However, he knew that these prescriptions came from his grandfather Ye Dao.

As for where Ye Dao found it, Ye Chen didn't know.

Seeing how the three women really believed in him, Ye Chen smiled and said, "I just joked with you."

On the contrary, Wu Beibei and Tang Tang didn't believe it.

Now that these problems have been resolved, Tang Tang will naturally handle the rest.

Because it was time for dinner, Ye Chen was going to have dinner with Jiang Yu. Wu Beibei was staying at Nanyang Technological University, so Tang Tang personally drove Ye Chen and Jiang Yu to Chinatown.

At a restaurant in Chinatown Chinatown, Ye Chen, Jiang Yu, Tang Tang finished their dinner, Ye Chen said: "Tang Tang, you go to work for you first, Jiang Yu and I will go around here in Chinatown first and then go back."

Tang Tang couldn't say anything. After Tang Tang left, Ye Chen and Jiang Yu came out from inside. Ye Chen felt Jiang Yu peeking at him from time to time.

"What are you looking at?" Ye Chen asked.

"Are you so generous to everyone?" Jiang Yu asked.

"No," Ye Chen said.

She also saw that Wu Beibei was much more beautiful than Tang Tang and had a lot of temperament, but Ye Chen seemed to be better to Tang Tang.

At this point, Jiang Yu didn't understand.

The two wandered in Chinatown Chinatown until ten o'clock in the evening, and then took a taxi back to Shangri-La Hotel.

Back in the upper room of Shangri-La Hotel, Jiang Yu went to take a bath first, and then let Ye Chen go in and take a bath after she came out.

Because I will continue to see people tomorrow, I will not watch TV anymore.

However, when Ye Chen turned off the lights, Jiang Yu seemed to have a sense of marrow-consciousness, and he kept asking Ye Chen. It wasn't until 12 o'clock in the evening that Jiang Yu lay comfortably in Ye Chen's arms and fell asleep.

At around seven o'clock the next day, when Ye Chen woke up, he saw that Jiang Yu was still asleep, so he didn't plan to wake her up.

However, when he just got up, Jiang Yu also followed. She didn't want to let Ye Chen go to have morning tea with Tang Tang alone.

When the two of them washed, dressed up, and came downstairs, Ye Chen had already seen Tang Tang waiting for him.

"Tang Tang, did you get up so early?" Ye Chen asked.

"I usually run that medicated diet shop and I am used to getting up early," Tang Tang said.

Although Tang Tang didn't need to buy the vegetables in person, she would still go to the medicated restaurant to see it.

Now Ye Chen and Jiang Yu got into Tang Tang's car, and then took the car to Chinatown.

After eating breakfast at Chinatown, head to the Beiyaotang.

Today in Beiyaotang, there are still many patients queuing up, but Ye Chen only saw 15 patients in the morning. The same is true in the afternoon. Other people queuing up are just a waste of time.

In the morning, Ye Chen didn’t need Tang Tang to translate the English medical records for him. Instead, she asked her to go about her own affairs. Ye Chen and Jiang Yu sat there for almost two hours, giving all the fifteen patients. Read it all.

There are still some diseases that are not very serious, because he also knows that if they are very serious, they are basically hospitalized in large hospitals, and it is impossible to see him here.

Therefore, after Ye Chen finished reading, according to the prescriptions he prescribed, the condition of these patients should be cured within a short period of time.

After reading the patients, when the manager of Beiyaotang invited Ye Chen and Jiang Yu to dinner, Ye Chen, as one of the largest shareholders of Beiyaotang, felt that he should invite these people to dinner.

However, the pharmacists here in Beiyaotang take turns to eat lunch, to prevent the need to wait when customers come to buy medicinal materials during lunch or dinner.

"I'll invite you if you want to," Ye Chen said.

Except for the two pharmacists who stayed to visit Beiyaotang, the manager of Beiyaotang and several other pharmacists followed Ye Chen to the largest hotel in Chinatown for dinner, and the owner Ye Chen invited them to dinner.

In addition, Ye Chen and Jiang Yu are not enough for ten people. Sit down and sit down at a table. It is still very wide. Ye Chen looked at the pharmacists and said, "Whatever you like to eat, just order it as long as you don't waste it."

After a while, a few dishes that pharmacists didn't usually eat, they all ordered, and even if they couldn't eat them, they could pack them and take them home.

As for the two who didn't come to eat, they must pack a portion and take it back with them.

When Ye Chen and the store manager of Beiyaotang talked about the situation in Singapore, the other party had lived in Singapore for more than two years, and he was more familiar with the situation here than Ye Chen. Now from the store manager of Beiyaotang. , More clearly the situation here.

At more than twelve o'clock in the morning, this meal has been eaten and I am very full.

Those who have not finished eating the precious dishes are all packaged by the pharmacists and put in the refrigerator in the Bei Yaotang. They can eat it tonight.

After Ye Chen checked out, he rested here for more than ten minutes, then returned to Beiyaotang and continued to see 15 patients in the afternoon.

Time passed quickly. Four days passed in a blink of an eye. During these four days, Ye Chen and Jiang Yu went to Beiyaotang to give free consultations to those patients.

As for Tang Tang, even if she was busy with the medicinal food hall, she would still take time to send Ye Chen to him, or to help Ye Chen to see the translators.

The patient that Ye Chen first saw, Zhang, the patient with necrosis of the left calf skin, hadn't used up the prescription he had in the first visit, but he came to see Ye Chen specially today.

After taking four doses of the first-diagnosed prescription, he felt a faint pain in his stomach and his appetite became worse. However, the flushing of the affected area of ​​the calf had begun to subside, the redness and swelling began to disappear, there was yellow thick juice on the edge of the sore, and the necrotic area was up and down The scorched black dead skin falls off, and the center dead skin also feels free and falling off.

After checking his pulse and tongue, Ye Chen confirmed that the effect of drinking the prescription was still obvious, but his stomach couldn’t bear it. Therefore, he added Amomum and Kouren to the first-diagnosed prescription to regulate qi in the stomach. When the medicine is down, the stomach and intestines will no longer experience dull pain.

Patient Zhang and his family thanked Ye Chen. After buying the two Chinese medicine and leaving, Ye Chen showed it to other patients.

After finishing the patients at more than three o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Chen and Jiang Yu left Beiyaotang to prepare to return to Shangri-La Hotel.

At this time, Ye Chen heard from Tang Tang that the medicated food hall was reopened for business, and everything had been handled.