Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 236: Medical trouble

Playing Go is about form and momentum. Now Ye Chen is young and vigorous, and Liao Lao is scheming. The two sit there and play chess. Their style of chess represents their personalities. However, after a game of chess, it was played for an entire afternoon without finishing it.

When in the village, Ye Chen occasionally played chess with the old men in the village. Those black and white chess pieces were ground from ordinary stones. The chessboard was drawn on cement and dried into a simple chessboard.

Of course, in that case, it is not difficult for Ye Chen to win against those old men in the village. Unexpectedly, after spending an afternoon with Lao Liao, you will eat my white chess and I will eat your black chess. After one afternoon, there is still nothing. Outcome the opponent.

Liao Bingxue had already finished class. After returning from the University of Chinese Medicine, he thought Ye Chen had already left. Unexpectedly, when he opened the door and entered, he heard the clicking sound of chess pieces on the board from time to time. Liao Bingxue was a little dumbfounded when he saw Ye Chen sitting there with his grandfather.

"Grandpa, how long have you played chess?" In order to prevent Alzheimer's disease, Liao would naturally play chess occasionally. Of course, he was with Liao Bingxue.

Nowadays, science is so advanced. If you want to play a game of Go directly on the Internet or on your mobile phone, you can play chess with people or machines. However, chess is interactive. If you play chess with a real person, it is naturally more interesting.

"Xiaoxue, why are you back so soon?" Old Liao asked, looking up at her.

"Grandpa, it's late, it's almost six o'clock in the evening now!" Sure enough, when Ye Chen and Liao Wenen looked outside, they found that the sky outside was different from that at noon.

"Old Liao, it's late, why don't I leave first!" Ye Chen stood up and said.

The shapes surrounded by white and black on the chessboard are almost evenly matched. However, when the "head" is not calculated, I don't know who wins and who loses? Of course, now Ye Chen and Liao Lao are not pursuing winning or losing, they are just pursuing interest.

"What's the hurry? After dinner first, I will go with you to see the condition of that Miss Xu's family!" Liao Lao naturally did not forget that Ye Chen treated Xu Wenwen for his mania.

After Liao Bingxue went to make dinner, after Ye Chen and Liao Lao finished their dinner, so that Ye Chen didn't have to bother for a while, he personally sent Liao Lao back, and Liao Bingxue drove over.

After more than two hours, when I arrived at Xu's Villa, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. When Ye Chen and Liao Lao went inside, the security guard from Xu's family already knew Ye Chen, so after greeting Ye Chen, they let the three of them go inside.

When I went to Xu Wenwen's solitary residence, when I came there, I saw Xu Jiaojiao and Xu Lao waiting there. When she saw Ye Chen coming over, Xu Jiaojiao said, "Ye Chen, I thought you wouldn't be here tonight?"

"I'm sorry, I was at Lao Liao's side just now, and it took some time!" Ye Chen said embarrassedly.

Xu Lao and Xu Jiaojiao knew Lao Liao naturally. After greeted Lao Liao, when they walked to the golden room, Ye Chen saw Xu Wenwen sitting alone on the stone chair with hair Maybe it was sorted out by Aunt Luo, not as messy as before.

Now when he saw Ye Chen and the others coming, Xu Wenwen didn't seem to panic as before, but he still looked a little dull, and even looked at Ye Chen and them with a smirk.

"Aunt Luo, take Miss Xu up, I am going to continue to give her acupuncture treatment!" When Aunt Luo brought Xu Wenwen to the second floor, Mr. Liao originally wanted to check Xu Wenwen himself. For example, take the pulse to see her condition. However, Xu Wenwen seemed unwilling to let Liao Lao approach and hide behind Aunt Luo.

In this case, Mr. Liao could only take a close look at Xu Wenwen's situation. I found that the situation was much better than when I first came to see Xu Wenwen. It seems that Ye Chen's effect is still very effective.

"Xiao Ye, how did you treat her?" Ye Chen brought alcohol, then took out the silver needles and started acupuncture on the acupuncture points on Xu Wenwen's head.

Ye Chen talked about acupuncture and moxibustion for Xu Wenwen while explaining to Liao Lao. When he finished acupuncture, he would tell the prescriptions he prescribed.

When Liao Wenen heard this, he knew that these were indeed medicines for treating mania. However, in the past, why the use of Chinese medicine for treatment did not have any effect? ​​Naturally, it may be because there is no right medicine.

When coming down from the wooden house, Xu Lao seemed very enthusiastic. However, because he told Ye Chen not to treat Song Ji, Ye Chen's impression of Xu Lao was not very good.

Originally Xu Lao left Ye Chen and Liao Lao down, and when they talked again, Ye Chen didn't plan to stay anymore. When he went out with Liao Lao, Ye Chen not only told Song Ji and Xu Wenwen, but also told him not to treat Song Ji. After Liao heard it, he understood why Ye Chen didn’t. I like Xu Lao's attitude too much.

However, compared to Ye Chen, Mr. Liao’s age and the ups and downs of this society have been experienced, and he really knows what this society is like. Ye Chen is not yet mature and tender. In other words, it can be said that everything is done in accordance with one's own loyal character. If Ye Chen's personality matures, I'm afraid it won't be that way in the future.

When he went outside, Mr. Liao was about to get into Liao Bingxue's Mercedes-Benz car. When Ye Chen was about to say goodbye to the two of them, suddenly, he heard the cell phone in his pocket keep ringing. Ye Chen took it out and found that it was not someone else but Lu Jing himself.

"Officer Lu, it's so late, what can I do?" Ye Chen asked strangely.

"Emergency, waiting for you to come and save people!" Lu Jing said over there.

"Where? I'll go right there!" Ye Chen asked immediately, thinking it was an emergency. After Lu Jing mentioned a location on her mobile phone, Ye Chen hurriedly got into the car and was about to leave.

Old Liao saw Ye Chen's appearance and asked, "Ye Chen, what happened?"

"Old Liao, I want to rush over to save people! You and Sister Bingxue go home first, I won't send it away!" Ye Chen finished speaking, got into the car and turned on the navigator, and said Lu Jing at the place on the phone. Come out, and find the nearest route from the navigator. After starting the car, drive forward at the fastest speed.

Looking at the figure of Ye Chen driving away, Liao Lao said: "Xiaoxue, why don't we go over and see what happened!"

"Grandpa, it's okay to go, but if you see him driving so fast, we can't catch up!" Liao Bingxue said. Now she found that after Ye Chen started the car, she only saw a shadow of the car soon, and then entered the traffic flow, there was no shadow of the car.

"Can you call him and ask where he is?" Liao Lao said.

Liao Bingxue reluctantly took out his mobile phone and called Ye Chen. Soon, he knew from Ye Chen that he was going to an ordinary hospital in Xuhui.

After hearing the location, Liao Bingxue drove over. Although at the speed she drove, she would definitely not be able to catch up with Ye Chen, who was driving now, but she was enough to know where Ye Chen was going?

"Xiaoxue, did Ye Chen say what to do?" Liao asked, sitting in the back seat.

"I just heard that I was going to save people. The patient's friend had a quarrel with the hospital, even fighting!" Liao Bingxue said.