Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 2360: I did it on purpose

Time always passes through the fingers inadvertently, unknowingly, a week has passed, and Han Xiaoxiao is going back to school to take a course final exam.

Ye Chen drove her back to Soochow University, and then he drove back.

As for the members of the Chinese Medical Association, if there are those who take the final exam, Ye Chen asks these members to take the exam before they come to participate in the free clinic.

Today's last patient, Ye Chen prescribed a prescription for him, and asked him to take the prescription to the big pharmacy to buy the medicine, go back to the decocting soup and drink it.

When Ye Chen returned to the apartment, he saw Liao Bingxue and Yang Jingya waiting for him to come back for dinner.

Because Han Xiaoxiao has lived here for a few days, the two women have become accustomed to her existence, especially Yang Jingya. Now that Ye Chen came back alone, Yang Jingya asked, "How about smiling?"

"She went back to take the exam, she should come over tomorrow." Ye Chen said.

However, since that time, Ye Chen mistook her for Yang Jingya. After hugging her once, the two seemed to be much closer. At this point, even if Ye Chen wanted to escape, Yang Jingya and Liao Bingxue could see something. Come.

Moreover, Yang Jingya and Liao Bingxue know very well that even if Han Xiaoxiao pays more attention to Chinese medicine, it is impossible to come here because of this.

The three of them sat down to have dinner. After dinner, Ye Chen sat on the sofa, put his hands on Yang Jingya's waist, and watched TV series with her.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, Yang Jingya and Liao Bingxue went to bathe separately, and then returned to their room to rest after the bath.

After Ye Chen went to take a shower, he went back to the room to practice the mental method of "Mune Sutra", and he found that it was still very effective for him. In the past, I just thought that I would make breakthroughs in cultivation and have more spiritual energy. But now Ye Chen knows that if he wants to lay a good foundation during the foundation building period, he is afraid that it is more than that. He must really cleanse the marrow, wash away all the filth of the body, including the meridians, muscles and bones, and also, Open up all meridians and expand the flow of spiritual energy between meridians.

Now Ye Chen felt that a small part of the meridians in his whole body had not been completely opened up, so he knew that these were the most important things when he cultivated the foundation stage.

After practicing until the next morning, Ye Chen woke up, came out of the room, and then went to the bathroom to wash up. When he saw the pretty figure making breakfast there, Ye Chen knew that he must have done nothing wrong this time because he made breakfast. It is Yang Jingya.

When Ye Chen came behind her and hugged her, Yang Jingya looked at him and said, "Don't get tired of me here. It's all putty. It won't be good for Sister Bingxue to see me then."

However, Yang Jingya felt that she liked being held by Ye Chen like that, and felt like a housewife. After getting married, she could cook in the kitchen as close as Ye Chen.

Ye Chen hugged him for a while, came out of the kitchen, and watched TV on the sofa in the living room.

But when Yang Jingya hadn't made breakfast, she saw a sudden heavy rain outside the window.

When he got up just now, he felt that the air was very dull, thinking about whether it would rain heavily, but he didn't expect that it was really raining now.

There is nothing covering the free clinic in the Oriental University Plaza. Now that it is raining so heavily, it must not be held there. It can only be carried out in the office.

Ye Chen called the head of the National Medical Association team and asked them to return to the office of the National Medical Association to wait, and those patients and their families also called there.

Ye Chen feels that the office space of the Chinese Medical Association is still too small. If the pure Chinese medicine hospital is now operating normally, then he won't have to be so troublesome.

After Liao Bingxue got up to wash, when they had breakfast with Ye Chen, they found that it was indeed raining heavily outside the window. In this situation, if you want to conduct a free clinic outside, it will definitely not work.

Ye Chen had just finished breakfast. Suddenly, when he heard his cell phone ringing, when he took it out to check, he found that it was Han Xiaoxiao's call.

"Smile, where are you?" Ye Chen asked.

"I'm here at the South Gate, it rains heavily, I can't go." Han said with a smile.

After finishing the exam yesterday afternoon, she wanted to come here yesterday, but she still went back to Ye's house. Then this morning, she took a taxi again. Unexpectedly, she came to Shanghai and it started to rain heavily.

The summer season is the most rainy season, so it is normal that it rains now. She got off the taxi and can only shelter from the rain at the building at the south gate.

When Ye Chen heard that it was like that, he said, "Where are you now, I will pick you up."

Yang Jingya and Liao Bingxue glanced at each other and didn't say anything. Ye Chen got down from upstairs, opened the umbrella, and then got into his car and drove in the direction of the South Gate.

Soon, Han Xiaoxiao was seen in a pavilion at the south gate.

Ye Chen stopped the car, then got out of the car, opened the umbrella, and walked to the pavilion. He looked at Han who was a little wet in his skirt and said with a smile, "Why don't you take the car directly downstairs to the apartment?"

"I, I did it on purpose." Han said with a smile.

Ye Chen didn't care whether she was deliberate or not. Seeing her skirt wet, it would be easy to catch a cold.

After covering with her with the umbrella, and then getting into the car, Ye Chen drove back to the apartment, and then smiled upstairs with Han Xiao.

When they entered the living room, Yang Jingya and Liao Bingxue saw that Han Xiaoxiao's hair and skirt were wet, and they didn't know how she got it like this?

"Smile, go take a hot bath first!" Ye Chen said.

Zai Han Xiaoxiao took her clothes to the bathroom to take a shower, put on dry clothes, and came out, not as embarrassed as before.

When she came out, Yang Jingya asked, "Smile, have you had breakfast?"

"Not yet." Han Xiaoxiao said.

Because the three of them had eaten breakfast just now and there was not much left, Yang Jingya went to get Han Xiaoxiao an egg noodle.

After Han Xiaoxiao finished the egg noodles, Ye Chen and Han Xiaoxiao went to the office of the Chinese Medical Association. When he arrived at the teaching building, Ye Chen had already seen many members of the association.

Now the sixth and seventh floors can only accommodate half of the members of the association, so Ye Chen knows that with so many members, they can only do it separately, half in the morning and half in the afternoon.

After letting the group leader of the association make arrangements, half of the members of the association are reduced, and the office is indeed much more generous.

In order to save time and allow those members of the association to see more and practice more, Ye Chen asked the members of the association to start now. Moreover, there are five patients on the sixth and seventh floors. The members of the Chinese Medical Association in this half are divided into two parts. It will take place on the sixth and seventh floors.

Ye Chen and Han Xiaoxiao sat and watched on the seventh floor. By twelve o'clock at noon, the free clinic in the morning ended, Ye Chen and Han Xiaoxiao went back to the apartment.

However, it rained all morning and the rain outside was much lighter.