Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 238: tetanus

Ye Chen looked at Jin Shi on the hospital bed again and found that he was now in a coma. The most obvious features were reflexed horns, bent elbows, half fists, and knees bent.

Looking at the wound on his neck again, there was nothing but whiteness there. After seeing it, most people didn't expect that the situation of Jinshi would be so serious now.

"Boss, boss, wake up, Doctor Ye is here, you are saved!" Chen Sanqiang shouted.

Jin Shi opened his eyes in a daze and woke up, but Ye Chen looked over and found that he had twitches from time to time, his neck was stiff, his face was wry smile, and his teeth were even closed. Looking at him like this, it is somewhat similar to those cases of epilepsy.

"Ye, Doctor Ye, you, are you here?" Jin Shi asked with difficulty, and ordinary people didn't hear clearly what he said, just like a leak.

"How are you feeling now?" Ye Chen asked. Just now, he had already seen what disease Jin Shi had on earth. However, he still has to ask more clearly.

"Weakness, fatigue, faintness, fever, headache, chills, very, very uncomfortable!" Jin Shi said intermittently. Even more, other people couldn't hear exactly what he was saying, and their voices were a little fuzzy.

"Go and call the attending doctor, respect him, don't be reckless and violent like just now!" Ye Chen looked at Chen Sanqiang and said.

Soon, shortly after Chen Sanqiang went out, he brought in the middle-aged doctor and a female nurse who had already woken up and the wound on his neck had stopped bleeding.

It's just that the middle-aged doctor and female nurse walked in and saw the gangsters' gazes. They looked at them together, and they still looked a little scared and trembling.

"Director Lin, don't be afraid, I am also a doctor, and I will not harm you!" Ye Chen said with a smile. He had seen the hospital work permit on Lin Pei's white coat, so he naturally knew his identity.

"Yes, what do I need to ask?" Lin Pei asked. In fact, when he knew that Jinshi was the boss of the nearby street, he was unwilling to treat him. However, the other party is the boss of this nearby street, and it is impossible to treat him without treatment.

Unexpectedly, it was precisely because of that situation that now such a sequelae appeared, in his opinion, most of Jin Shi could not survive.

Therefore, he has been delaying this matter until now, but he didn't expect to be known by the younger brothers of Jinshi, and was threatened and threatened by the Ding Huo just now.

Now I see this young man, who is different from the younger brothers of Jin Shi. However, when he heard the other party claiming to be a doctor, how could he save Jin Shi?

"Director Lin, when did the situation of Jinshi appear?" Ye Chen asked.

"Three days ago, when he was sent to the hospital, the hospital diagnosed with fever. Unexpectedly, this is a sequelae of his operation. Now I want to treat him again, I am afraid it will no longer work!" Lin Pei said.

"You dare to say one more thing that my boss is not good, see if I don't stab you here!" Chen Sanqiang looked at Lin Pei and threatened.

Lin Pei and the female nurse immediately turned pale with fright, and stood aside with some trembling. Ye Chen said, "I am in charge now. What are you talking about? If you don't want to stay here, go out immediately!"

Ye Chen looked at the Chen Sanqiang and said, Chen Sanqiang immediately lowered his head and dared not say anything.

"Director Lin, I don't think this is a sequelae of the operation, it should be that Jin Shi has contracted tetanus!" Ye Chen said.

"You, did you see it?" Lin Pei didn't expect that Ye Chen, a young man, could actually see it. After Jin Shi contracted tetanus, Lin Pei, as Jin Shi's attending doctor, was the first to find out.

However, at the beginning, he couldn't believe it, so that when Jin Shi had a fever and sent in, he was treated as a cold and fever. Unexpectedly, the young man in front of him could see it soon after he came in.

"I can see it naturally. It's just that he should be treated as soon as possible when he had this situation. It has been delayed until now, and it is a bit serious!" No matter what the disease, it cannot be delayed. In many cases, many patients can be safely treated. Yes, it was because of the delay in the illness that was finally pulled away by the **** of death.

"Boss Jin was infected with tetanus bacillus. It is now in the advanced stage and there is no way to save it. Now our hospital has no way!" Lin Pei could only smile bitterly.

If I knew that the tetanus bacillus was invading Jinshi’s wound, I would have thought of giving Jinshi the antitoxin to break the cold. It's just that when the stone was sent, the neck was scraped off by the glass. It wasn't that the rusty tool scratched the wound. No one thought it would be like that. However, in any case, this is the hospital's negligence, so that it is now like this.

According to Western medicine, tetanus is an acute and characteristic infection caused by tetanus bacillus invading the body through a wound.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, it is the origin of wind poison, which affects the muscles, muscles and veins, internal organs, tendons and veins, and produces a large amount of exotoxins that act on the central nervous system.

Before the onset of symptoms, it usually manifests as fatigue, hyperhidrosis, headache, swelling of chewing muscles, irritability, or a feeling of tension and tension in the wound, mostly starting from the head and face, and expanding to the body and limbs.

The clinical manifestations include closed jaws, slurred speech, difficulty in opening mouth, stiff neck, wry smile, reflexed horns, half-fisted, knee bent, etc.

A slight foreign body irritation can cause generalized, paroxysmal muscle cramps and convulsions, and some symptoms such as fever, headache, and chills can occur. In severe cases, it is life-threatening due to body failure, suffocation, and pneumonia.

The incubation period of Bacillus tetanus is unstable, one or two days short, one or two months long, and the average time is one week to two months.

This is exactly the same as the situation of Jinshi, and the onset of symptoms and the incubation period are exactly the same, and it is precisely the onset of tetanus. The treatment that Western medicine has done well is naturally to get a tetanus vaccination in advance before the tetanus bacillus has been infected, and in the early stage, natural antitoxin treatment is given.

But in the late stage, in the eyes of those western doctors, it is already very difficult to treat. Especially Jinshi's current situation, in Lin Pei's view, is no longer saved.

Looking at Jin Shi on the hospital bed and the appearance of Jin Shi's younger brothers, Ye Chen said: "It's okay, don't worry, this disease cannot be treated by other doctors, I can treat it!"

"Really?" The doctor Lin Pei still couldn't believe it. When those younger brothers in Jinshi heard what Ye Chen said, they knew that their boss shouldn't have trouble again.

"Then what kind of treatment do you use?" Lin Pei asked.

"Of course it is Chinese medicine treatment!" Lin Pei and the female nurse shook their heads when they heard them, not believing what Ye Chen said.

In fact, when Jin Shi had this situation, Ye Chen had already guessed that it should be when Jin Shi was in the restaurant and was fighting with Cheng Fei. He was injured on his neck. There should be remnants and he was sent to the hospital for surgery. , Has not been completely removed, so that there is a residual tetanus bacillus growing in the wound of Jinshi.

When Ye Chen carefully checked Jin Shi's pulse, he asked about Jin Shi's condition in the hospital during this period. It was confirmed that Jin Shi's condition was indeed serious. However, when the western doctors, especially the doctors in this ordinary hospital, had no way to treat, Ye Chen could use his traditional Chinese medicine method to treat Jin Shi.