Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 24: Mother and child are safe

According to Gao Meilin's current physical condition, in fact, if a baby is to be delivered, it is relatively easy to have a C-section, but it will have a lot of influence on the future birth of pregnant women.

In addition, Ye Chen, as an excellent Chinese medicine doctor, can rescue pregnant women who are already in a very dangerous situation in the situation just now. It is naturally the same now.

"Sister Xiaoting, you go and prepare half a cup of warm water for her to drink." Lin Xinting asked Lin Xinting to prepare a cup of warm water for the pregnant woman to drink. On the other hand, Ye Chen called Veteran General Liao and several female doctors. The next step was to deliver the baby to the pregnant woman. Naturally, it would be better for a female doctor to come for this kind of thing.

Of course, when they were in the village, those women who gave birth were also sent by the midwife to deliver the baby. When Lao Liao went out to help call other female doctors to come over, Li Mingfeng stood there, neither did he leave, nor did he stand there. He really didn't know what to do?

He clearly discovered that the pregnant woman was dead just now, but he didn't expect that he was awakened by the young man in front of him, and even the child was saved. He didn't know what to say.

If Ye Chen hadn't discovered this matter early, it would have killed two lives! If something happens, it is a very serious medical accident. Therefore, Li Mingfeng knows very well that he really needs to be held accountable. That is very serious. Therefore, he knew that he had to ask Mr. Liao or Ye Chen not to speak out.

"Deputy Director Li, you are not to blame for this." Ye Chen patted his shoulder and said when he saw him still here. After all, the pregnant woman was in suspended animation just now. It can be said that the director of this incident is more in the hospital, and should not be so anxious to send a patient from the ward of the emergency room directly to the morgue.

Hearing Ye Chen say that, Li Mingfeng let out a sigh of relief, not as nervous as before.

After Lin Xinting bought Gao Meilin a glass of warm water and asked Gao Meilin to drink it, Gao Meilin felt that her strength was much stronger, and it was also warm, not like just now.

Ye Chen waited until Lao Liao called a few female doctors who were good at delivering births, and again began to administer needles to Gao Meilin to help Gao Meilin give birth more easily.

About half an hour later, after Gao Meilin suddenly felt like she wanted to go to the bathroom, the female doctors knew that she was going to give birth early.

At this time, Ye Chen and Liao Lao were not in the ward, and Lin Xinting stayed to help.

Now standing outside that high-level ward, there are already many people. Although Ye Chen, Lin Xinting, or even Liao Lao did not spread the incident, the security guards of the Ma Bing had already spread it, which made many doctors in the hospital and even the patient's family members know it.

For the reputation of the affiliated hospital, the leaders of the hospital had to seal up the incident in advance and could not let it spread.

At this time, the hospital leaders and the doctors looked at Ye Chen with a different look. A pregnant woman who was sent to the morgue was actually rescued by Ye Chen and the fetus was saved.

Of course, those doctors also know that it is not Ye Chen’s medical skills that can really bring the dead back to life, but that the patient was in a state of suspended animation at the beginning. If a patient is already dead and can be saved, it cannot be described as a reincarnation doctor. It can only be described as a god.

Ye Chen is not a god, so naturally he can't do those things. However, his medical skills are also sufficient to show Ye Chen's greatness.

"Xiaoye, thanks to you this time, I saved the pregnant woman and the fetus, and saved the reputation of the affiliated hospital. On behalf of the affiliated hospital, I thank you all." The middle-aged man in front of him patted his shoulder with his fat right hand. He is the head of the hospital Liu You.

Yesterday, when Liu You kissed the vice mayor Zhou, Ye Chen already knew this person. It's just that at that time, the other party didn't take him seriously. Moreover, this Dean Liu seems to be very busy, unlike Lao Liao. Although he is only an honorary dean, he spends most of his time treating patients, while the other party spends his time managing the affiliated hospital.

"Dean Liu, don't thank me, even if other people have this situation, I will stand up." Liu You knows very well that the hospital must seal Ye Chen's mouth on this matter and not let him The spread affects the reputation of the hospital.

Of course, from here, he could see that Ye Chen is indeed very good in traditional Chinese medicine. He is a rare talent. If he is introduced to the hospital, it will be very beneficial to the development of the hospital.

Therefore, while other leaders of the affiliated hospital were still worried about whether Ye Chen would become a full-fledged doctor, Liu You and Liao Lao had the same idea, let Ye Chen enter the affiliated hospital to become a full-fledged doctor and serve patients.

"Xiao Ye, do you have any thoughts of going to work in the affiliated hospital?" Liu You asked, looking at him expectantly.

"Dean Liu, I don't have that idea."

"Oh, that's a pity. Talents like you are really rare. If you have the idea of ​​becoming an official doctor in the affiliated hospital, you can tell me and I will approve you immediately." Dean Liu is A busy person, after he finished talking with Ye Chen, he left the door of the superior ward.

At this time, Li Mingfeng, who was still in fear, hurriedly chased Liu You in front to see if the mistake he made could be saved?

In fact, among the complex leaders of the affiliated hospital, Li Mingfeng is on Liu You's side, and has a very good personal relationship with Liu You.

Just now I saw Liu You chatting with Ye Chen, maybe he thought he had a chance to explain this clearly.

. . .

"Xiao Ye, I really want to thank you this time." Liao Lao also patted his shoulder and said. It's just that he is different from that Dean Liu. Dean Liu is verbally, officially, and has a very formal leadership style.

However, Lao Liao looked at him with the look of an elder looking at a younger generation. It was completely different. Dean Liu wanted to use Ye Chen, while Lao Liao treated him like a younger friend of his own. .

"Lao Liao, it is the pregnant woman who wants to thank me." Ye Chen has been in the hospital twice to treat patients. Therefore, he knew that he had saved people these two times, and it could be said that he did not make any money, but instead lost money. However, he would not say anything about that.

The two waited for more than an hour outside the high-level ward before they saw the door of the high-level ward opened. When they entered inside, they had already seen a female doctor holding a wet baby with a bed sheet. baby.

Soon, when the baby was weighed, it was found to be less than 2.5 kilograms, that is to say, less than five kilograms, which was not up to the birth weight of the baby, which is a feature of premature babies.

In terms of weight, Ye Chen found that there was no big problem. In fact, the biggest problem was when Gao Meilin was in a coma and was sent to the morgue. The cold toxins invaded her body and also affected the fetus’s future physique. And growth.

In the future, the baby may grow thin and weak, but the kind that is easy to get sick.

"Congratulations, Madam Zhou, the baby is a little boy." A female doctor said when she saw Gao Meilin lying on the bed, feeling weak.

Now for Gao Meilin, she is also very happy. It is enough to hear that her husband is still alive and that she and her children are fine.