Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 2646: :Bodyguard opinion

When it snows, it’s not as cold as before and after snow, but I still feel the biting cold. After Yizi put on a thick down jacket and thick silk stockings on her legs, she didn't feel the chill anymore.

After drinking the medicinal soup last night, when she woke up this morning, she no longer felt so uncomfortable, her throat did not itch, her whole body did not feel like hot and cold, but she started to runny nose and started to cough .

This shows that she is still in a cold state.

The babysitter made breakfast, Ye Chen, Xiao Yuqing, Yizi, and the three of them knelt down on the mat to eat breakfast. Yizi only drank a little porridge, but still had no appetite.

And because Xiao Yuqing woke up from hunger, she must be very hungry now. She didn't feel anything in front of Ye Chen and Yizi.

After eating, it was already more than nine o'clock in the morning.

Ye Chen personally decocted Yizi and made the soup. After the soup had cooled down, after drinking it, let Yizi stay in the room to rest. It should be ready for three or four days at the earliest.

"Ye Chen, I want to go out and play."

Today is the third day of her holiday, so she wants to go out with Ye Chen.

Tokyo is big and fun, especially when it is snowing, Xiao Yuqing finds it more fun.

In addition, time is rare, and she really wants to go out with Ye Chen.

"Okay, I'll talk to Yizi."

Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen went into Yizi's master room and saw that Yizi had finished drinking the medicine and was not asleep. When she saw Ye Chen coming in, she thought something was wrong.

"Yizi, I want to go out to play with Yuqing."

"Go, now the winter scenery in Tokyo is the most beautiful."

Yizi said.

Now she is very envious of Xiao Yuqing, but now that she has not recovered from her cold and fever, it is naturally impossible to follow Ye Chen.

As for Ye Chen, it was just her doctor and ordinary friends. She certainly couldn't control her. Ye Chen came over and said to her that she was already very happy.

"Then I will go."

Ye Chen didn't stay anymore.

However, Yizi still let a bodyguard drive the two out to play.

When Ye Chen and Xiao Yuqing got into the car of Yizi's bodyguard, Xiao Yuqing said: "Princess Yiyi is really a good girl. She is beautiful and gentle, and she doesn't have that kind of hierarchy. She treats me well. ."

Ye Chen didn't know if Xiao Yuqing told Yizi's bodyguard on purpose.

Yizi's bodyguard can understand Chinese.

Ye Chen said: "Let's go to Chinatown for lunch first."

The bodyguard drove to Yokohama's Chinatown, and when he came to Chinatown, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon. However, it was snowing heavily here. Just when I came to the entrance of the archway, I went inside and saw those buildings. Ye Chen thought he was in a street in a certain city in the north. It was indeed very beautiful.

After Ye Chen, Xiao Yuqing, and the bodyguard got out of the car, Ye Chen said, "Let’s eat Cantonese food first."

He really doesn't like eating Japanese food with a fishy smell, so he still likes Chinese food, especially Cantonese food. However, because I did not live here, it would be troublesome to come here.

Now when He and Yizi went inside, the bodyguard of Yizi didn't seem to follow.

"let's eat together."

Ye Chen looked at him and said.

Although the opponent was only Yizi a bodyguard, Ye Chen did not regard him as a subordinate. In this regard, his attitude towards those security guards was the same as that of others.

The three of them entered, and immediately a waiter brought the menu to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen knows Cantonese cuisine best and also knows what Xiao Yuqing likes to eat. Therefore, in the case of three people, he still ordered ten dishes and two soups because he knew that Xiao Yuqing was very hungry.

After ordering, Ye Chen and Yizi’s bodyguards chatted briefly, and soon learned that the other party was Gao Jian, who was originally a Japanese soldier. After retiring from the army, he was trained as a royal bodyguard and then became one of Yizi’s two bodyguards.

When the waiter brought the dishes, Ye Chen said, "Let's start eating."

The advice of the bodyguard still seemed a bit unnatural.

When the waiter delivered other dishes and soup one after another, Gao Jian just ate the two bowls of dishes in front of him.

It might be that the personalities of those bodyguards are like that, Ye Chen didn't say much.

Ye Chen and Xiao Yuqing were very full after eating until more than two o'clock in the afternoon.

Sitting in it for fifteen minutes, Ye Chen checked out and left. When he left, the waiters recognized him as Ye Chen.

Many Chinese and overseas Chinese know that Ye Chen has come to Japan, but they just don’t know if Ye Chen held a free clinic to treat those patients?

However, Ye Chen appeared and disappeared suddenly. It seemed that they did not live in Chinatown, so they did not look for Ye Chen.

Now that Ye Chen and Xiao Yuqing got into the car, Xiao Yuqing said: "This kind of weather is most suitable for hot pot. Let's eat hot pot tonight."


Ye Chen said.

"Yuqing, where shall we go first?"

Ye Chen asked.

"Go to Sky Tree first, I want to see the panoramic view of Tokyo."

Takami knew it, and drove to Tokyo Sky Tree.

Along the way, Ye Chen and Xiao Yuqing looked at the beautiful scenery of Tokyo with heavy snow outside. He found that although it was snowing, there were no traffic jams or serious traffic accidents on the road.

Of course, in this situation, most citizens may be more comfortable to take the subway than to drive.

Because Tokyo’s subway is so developed and convenient, it’s just that Ye Chen and Xiao Yuqing don’t understand Japanese, so it’s inconvenient.

When Gao Jian drove to the Tokyo Sky Tree, Ye Chen and Xiao Yuqing got out of the car and asked Gao Jian if they would go up together. Gao Jian shook his head and said that he did not want to go up.

The Tokyo Sky Tree is also called Tokyo Skytree and the New Tokyo Railway. It means the same thing anyway. It is more than six hundred meters high and overlooks the beauty of Tokyo.

Ye Chen and Xiao Yuqing bought the tickets and took the elevator up to the first observatory. It was about 350 meters away. From there, you could see far, far away.

However, it is snowing now, and at a glance, Tokyo seems to be all white and covered in snow.

Xiao Yuqing took out her mobile phone and asked Ye Chen to take pictures of her. Ye Chen took a lot of pictures of her, and then took a lot of intimate pictures of the two holding each other.

I stayed there for more than ten or twenty minutes, maybe because it was too cold, not many tourists, but wanted to go to the second observatory, about 450 meters, if it is as usual, you need to book tickets in advance Yes, because there are too many people, but there are not many people today. Ye Chen and Xiao Yuqing can directly buy tickets and go up the elevator.

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