Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 265: Sky-high return

It's rare to return to the Sun's villa early tonight. Ye Chen knew that he had to practice the cultivation technique. This cultivation technique is the same as martial arts. If you don't advance, you will retreat. During these hours, Ye Chen was busy treating people and reading books every day, and instead left this aspect behind.

Just parked the car at the entrance of the Sun’s villa, and the security guard at the entrance nodded to each other. When going inside, Ye Chen saw Sun Xiaodong’s figure and saw him walking through the front yard towards the main building of the villa.

These days, Ye Chen would see Sun Xiaodong in the morning or evening in the Sun’s villa, and Sun Xiaodong also looked respectful of him.

However, Ye Chen just greeted him, but didn't want to talk to him more. Now that Ye Chen did not go to the main building, he would naturally not encounter Sun Xiaodong. When he went back to his own villa alone, Sun Xiaodong, who was not far away, naturally saw Ye Chen's figure.

Sun Xiaodong turned his back to Ye Chen, took a gloomy look, and then went back to his separate room in the main building.

Ye Chen didn't know this, so what if he knew it? Anyway, in Ye Chen's view, the danger he and Sun Xiaowei encountered, his first suspicion target, were all on Sun Xiaodong.

Because he knew that as long as Sun Xiaodong had an accident, the biggest benefit would not be Sun Mengjie, but Sun Xiaowei himself.

Back in his own villa, Ye Chen first took a pack of rare medicinal materials to take a bath, only to find that this was the last one, so it seemed that he could buy medicine from the Han's medicinal material shop.

Soaking medicine in the bath, while starting to practice, when Ye Chen opened his eyes and woke up, he found that his spiritual energy had not broken through the mid-sixth level of the Qi refining period and reached the sixth-level peak.

In this regard, Ye Chen knew that he couldn't force it either. He took another bath, rolled his bathrobe and returned to the big bed, picked up the English book next to it, and read it.

Early the next morning, after Ye Chen finished breakfast, he drove Sun Xiaowei to the Shanghai American School. On the road, Sun Xiaowei sitting in the passenger seat said, "Ye Chen, have you noticed that my eldest brother is a little weird recently."

"Are you talking about Sun Xiaodong?" Ye Chen asked.

"It's him. I feel that every time he looks at me, it is a little weird!" Sun Xiaowei said.

In the Sun’s villa, the two people Sun Xiaowei feared most were his father, Sun Yaowen, and his brother Sun Xiaodong.

His father Sun Yaowen usually treats him strictly, but does not interfere with his private affairs. Sun Xiaodong does not interfere with him in anything, and even treats him like his brother. However, to Sun Xiaowei, Sun Xiaowei is very hypocritical, as if he has been hiding something.

"If it is him, then there is nothing strange!" Ye Chen said.

The two came to the classroom of the Shanghai American School. They finished the class in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. After Ye Chen sent Sun Xiaowei back to the Sun’s villa, Ye Chen went to Xuhui. In addition to continuing to give Song Ji acupuncture and moxibustion treatment, Ye Chen also bought himself those rare medicinal materials to assist in his cultivation.

For more than two hours, he first came to the Han's medicinal material shop. It was already past five in the afternoon and found that the medicinal material shop was still open.

Ye Chen parked the car at the door and went in. Apart from seeing the parrot jumping around to greet him, the medicine shop was quiet and there were no other customers buying medicine.

"Old Han!" Ye Chen yelled after entering the hall.

Soon, Ye Chen saw Lao Han, who looked refreshed in a Tang suit, came out of the backyard. This was completely different from the last time he kept coughing and looked bad.

"Doctor Ye, are you here?" Old Uncle Han looked very happy when he saw Ye Chen.

"Old man Han, is your chronic cough cured?" Ye Chen asked.

"I haven't coughed anymore in the last two days. The prescription you prescribed is very good. I feel much more comfortable as a whole. Now that I eat well and sleep well, I don't have any worries!" Old Uncle Han smiled.

"Haha, that's a trivial matter, Old Han is fine. If those rare medicinal materials are used up, I will buy five doses again this time!" Ye Chen said.

In the eyes of other doctors, Mr. Han's long-lasting cough is difficult to treat, and it will definitely take a long time to get a thorough treatment. However, for Ye Chen, this is a very small disease, not to mention that as long as the right medicine is prescribed, it will not take long.

"Okay, wait a moment!" Old Han went to the backyard to get medicinal materials, and Ye Chen waited in the lobby outside. About three or four minutes later, veteran Han took out those rare medicinal materials, matched them with other common medicinal materials, wrapped five doses of medicinal materials, and handed them to Ye Chen.

"Old Han, swipe your card!" Ye Chen handed the bank card to Old Han and said.

"Doctor Ye, there is no money for this medicine. Last time, I said that if you prescribe me the medicine and treat my chronic cough, I will pay you the treatment fee. But you don’t charge money. I can only tell you this way!" Old Han smiled.

"But, is this too much? This prescription does not cost much!" Ye Chen knew very well that according to the price of the previous prescriptions, each dose was 150,000, and now five doses, a total of 750,000.

If a case of coughing is treated for 750,000 yuan and it is spread out, wouldn't Ye Chen become a vampire? What's more, Ye Chen didn't want to take the money from Old Han at all. He also planned to help Old Han treat for free.

"I’m good value for money. I used to see this disease. I spent more than one million yuan in medical and drug expenses. They didn’t cure my illness. Now you have prescribed a prescription for me. , Although the prescription seems simple, I think I took advantage!" Ye Chen heard Old Han say that, and when he wanted to say something, Old Han had asked him to leave with the medicine.

Ye Chen had no choice but to feel that he had made a great deal this time. Of course, he knew that since the herbs sold in the Han's medicinal store are so expensive, he should be a rich man who wants to come to Han. The other party must pay for his treatment, so naturally he didn't want to owe Ye Chen's love.

Ye Chen also understood this.

After coming out of the Han's medicinal material shop, Ye Chen drove towards Ruijin Hospital and gave Song Ji acupuncture and moxibustion treatment. After checking, it was found that there was nothing special before Ye Chen came out of Ruijin Hospital.

When he went outside, Ye Chen wanted to return to Tan Gong Villa. Suddenly, thinking about Grandpa Yang's side, he had to give Grandpa Yang acupuncture to treat rheumatoid arthritis tonight.

When thinking of this, Ye Chen drove in the direction where Grandpa Yang lived. When I came to the village in the city, because Ye Chen didn't call Yang Jingya, I didn't know if she had come back, so I could only find Yang Jingya's parents.

Ye Chen would definitely let someone open the door before he could go up to treat Grandpa Yang, otherwise, he might be treated as a thief if he climbed upstairs.

"Uncle Yang!" Ye Chen had already seen Yang Lei alone, moving the tools of the barbecue booth, preparing to open the barbecue booth.

"Doctor Ye, are you here?" Yang Lei's face first showed joy when he saw Ye Chen calling himself, and then he gave him a somewhat embarrassing look, as if he didn't know what to say.

Ye Chen didn't know what Yang Lei was thinking, and asked, "Uncle Yang, I'm going to treat Grandpa Yang, can you give me the key?"

When he just finished speaking, Yang Lei did not answer. Li Yangmei, who pulled back a few boxes of beer on the tricycle, got off the tricycle and said: "Doctor Ye, Jingya has already come back to see her grandpa, you call her, I will come down and open the door for you!"

"Okay, Auntie, I'll go now!" Ye Chen left the barbecue stall, seeing Li Yangmei and Yang Lei from a distance and didn't know what to say there. However, it can be seen that Yang Lei is the kind of person who is under strict control of his wife, and he dare not say anything in front of Li Yangmei.