Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 2673: Play before returning home

After hearing this, Yizi smiled, and did not ask anything else. Because she already knew the answer very well, she just hoped that Ye Chen would stay with her before returning to Shanghai.

When cooking at night, Yizi also asked Ye Chen to teach her as usual.

After making dinner, Ye Chen, Yizi, and the nanny, the three of them sat down, and after they were full, Yizi went back to his room, Ye Chen and Ahba were blowing air outside.

When he saw Sun Mengjie texting him, Ye Chen replied that he should return to Shanghai soon.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, Yizi had already taken a shower and returned to the room. Ye Chen also translated the febrile disease school book and passed it back to Liao Bingxue.

This made Liao Bingxue and Han Xiaoxiao feel that Ye Chen is not just having an affair with the princess Yiyi in Tokyo, but really doing things.

After he stretched his waist, Yizi said, "Don't take a shower yet?"

Ye Chen took his clothes to the guest room and came back from the shower, dried his hair, got on the bed, turned off the lamp, and pressed Yizi under him.

Yizi looked at Ye Chen in the dark night, and gently touched Ye Chen's face with his hand.

"let us start."

Early the next day, Ye Chen hadn't woke up yet, but Yizi had already woke up. Now Yizi is completely different from before. After practicing, even though she may not sleep a lot, she still looks very energetic and very energetic. Now she is awake from starvation.

After she got up to wash, she stood in front of the mirror and looked at her face, she found that she was really getting whiter and younger and younger.

There were some obvious wrinkles on the face that needed cosmetics to cover up, but now those wrinkles have disappeared or gradually become inconspicuous.

From this point, Yizi felt that Ye Chen taught her how to cultivate her mind, which might really have a beautifying effect.

After Yizi went to ask the nanny to make breakfast, then returned to the room. When he saw Ye Chen was still not up, Yizi said, "Get up quickly, I want you to go out with me today."

"Where to play?"

Ye Chen asked.

Now the attention of the outside world to the scandal between the two has obviously disappeared a lot, and it is no longer as hot as last week. Because of this, Yizi wanted Ye Chen to accompany her to take a look outside.

If it was before, she might still be afraid of the cold, but now after practicing, with the spiritual energy between the meridians, she no longer needs to be afraid of the cold.


Yizi said.

Ye Chen could only get up to wash, then put on clothes and coat.

When I went outside, I found that the snow stopped, and it was a little sunny, but it was still very cold, like the ears of a nanny, the palms of the palms were all red from the cold.

This shows that it is really cold outside.

After the nanny made breakfast, Ye Chen, Yizi, and the nanny sat down for breakfast. Yizi ate half of the breakfast alone.

However, now the babysitter is not surprised.

After Ye Chen and Yizi were full, they took their clothes and got into the car that the bodyguards knew well. Obviously, Yizi will go out to play alone for a few days before Ye Chen returns to Shanghai.

Of course, now Ah Ba stays here, so the nanny must remember to feed every day.

"Princess, where are we?"

The bodyguard asked Gao Jian.

"Go to Mount Fuji, I haven't been to Mount Fuji."

Although Yizi grew up in Japan, Mount Fuji is also a symbol of Japan, but Yizi has never been to Mount Fuji.

And Mount Fuji is about 100 kilometers away from Tokyo, not very far. This time, before Ye Chen left Tokyo and returned to Shanghai, and Ye Chen came to visit Mount Fuji, that naturally had other meanings.

When Gao Jian drove towards Mount Fuji, along the way, Yizi leaned on Ye Chen's shoulder and looked out of the car window. However, her eyes looked very soft, as if she could blend Ye Chen in.

Now Yizi gave Ye Chen the same feeling as Gao Meilin gave him. Of course, Yizi has not been married, and has never had children. It was the first time she had little contact with the outside world. In this regard, she is still very different from Gao Meilin. There is simplicity in it.

When the bodyguard Gao Jian drove to a five-star hotel in Shizuoka County, Ye Chen and Yizi checked in. At first, the waiter here seemed very surprised when they learned the identity of the two.

Because the two people’s recent scandal news can be said to be popular in Japan, they did not expect that they are here now.

However, Yizi said not to reveal a little bit of her news. As a professional hotel attendant, she would definitely not dare to disclose it, otherwise, she would just cause trouble for herself.

Now when they came here, Ye Chen and Yizi just wanted a separate luxury suite. If they had nothing to do with each other, the hotel staff would definitely not believe it.

After Ye Chen and Yizi put the things in place, they got out of the hotel, got into the car that the bodyguard saw, and drove to the entrance of Mount Fuji.

Mount Fuji is located in Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures, so before you get here, you can clearly see Mount Fuji.

When they came to the door, after Ye Chen and Yizi bought the tickets, after they put on their hats and glasses, no one could recognize them.

Plus, it's winter, and all tourists dress very thickly.

Ye Chen was pulled inside by Yizi, already feeling the difference here.

There are mountains, lakes, temples and trees, but now in the winter, many of the trees are bare and not good-looking, and some of them are still lively.

However, now Ye Chen finds that the sky here is very blue, and the sun shines down, which also makes people feel lazy.

Mount Fuji seems to be the most beautiful in winter. The sun shines on Mount Fuji. When you look up from the foot of the mountain, it is covered with snow. It really looks like a white snow.

Yizi was excited like a little girl and asked Ye Chen to keep taking pictures of her. Of course, there were also intimate photos of the two, and they took a lot of pictures.

Before reaching halfway up the mountain, Ye Chen and Yizi saw a temple. There are many famous temples around Mount Fuji, this one too, Yizi drags Ye Chen into it.

Ye Chen had already been to the temple in Tokyo with Xiao Yuqing. Unexpectedly, when he came here, Yizi also appeared very pious, and directly dragged him inside to worship those gods and Buddhas.

At this point, it looks no different from those temples in China.

When Ye Chen was about to leave with Yizi, she didn't expect that Yizi bought a talisman in it and put it on Ye Chen's neck, and she also sincerely asked for a sign for herself and Ye Chen.

However, after asking for a visa, Yizi took a look and put it in his pocket, but did not let the monk inside cancel the visa.

When leaving the temple, Yizi also donated a sum of money in honor of her and Ye Chen.

When the two went outside, Ye Chen looked very happy to see Yizi, and didn't know if she just got a good sign for the reason?

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