Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 273: Treatment of obesity

Ye Chen asked Ames to untie his special suit and the shirt under him. Ye Chen looked at it, except for the strong smell on his body, which was unpleasant. He found that there was a lot of thick on his chest. The thick chest hair looks like those bear fur.

Because he is obese now, plus it is the summer day, Ames is sweating all over, it is natural, but he sweats more than others, when the pores are very thick, the smell is naturally strong Up.

"Doctor Ye, I'm sorry, I have to spray some perfume!" Ames said with a smile. He didn't feel embarrassed, Ye Chen also felt normal.

"It's okay!" Ye Chen smiled. He had already seen clearly, that between Ames' chest and his belly button, the skin was also gray and black.

"You can show me your tongue again!" Ye Chen said.

"I know this, it's the tongue that Chinese medicine sees when it's seen and heard!" Ames laughed. When Ames was struggling to stick out his tongue, Ye Chen looked over and saw that his lips were dark, his tongue was fat and tender, his tongue was purple, the veins under his tongue were thick and thick, and his tongue was white and smooth. Finally, when Ames was given his pulse, he found that his pulse was very thin.

At this point, Ye Chen already understood Ames' situation, how did he get it?

"President Ames, I have already seen the situation, I am 60% sure of curing your obesity, and I don't need to have liposuction in the future!" Ye Chen said.

"Really?" Ames couldn't believe it. Although Ye Chen only said that he was 60% sure, it was already very high.

"In fact, the most serious part of you is your obesity, which causes great pressure on your heart, stomach, and if you continue to do so for a long time, even if you have liposuction every month, it will still be very serious. of!"

Let’s not talk about the obesity of Ames, which is inconvenient for daily life and work. In fact, this obesity can easily cause diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and other diseases.

Moreover, it has a great impact on his heart, stomach, and these parts. In the worst case, it may be a sudden death one day.

At this point, Ames found that Ye Chen said very well. The doctor in charge of the hospital has warned him and his family many times that Ames’ current situation is very dangerous and should be left in the family. Heal and lose weight, but cannot go to other places. However, Ames didn't want to stay in the family and was treated and mocked by others as a trash.

"Ames, don't worry, I am treating you now, I am 60% sure. However, if you drink the medicine, the cure rate will be higher if it works!" Ye Chen comforted. .

At this time, when Ye Chen asked Ames’ secretary to bring him a pen and paper, Ye Chen began to write on that piece of paper: “Ames, male, 38 years old, American. The patient was born obese and his whole body was obese. Puffiness, most of the skin has been gray and black for two years."

"First diagnosis: I have been obese since the age of three. I am still obese as an adult. I usually don’t like activities. Two years ago, the skin of the lower limbs gradually became gray and black and rough. Recently, it has gradually worsened and developed to the whole body. Dark purple."

"During examinations in many hospitals, it was found that the blood contained severe three highs. Western medicine diagnosed it as simple obesity and endocrine disorders. The examination now found that the condition was similar, with a weight of 135 kg and a height of 1. Mi 72, average physical strength, every day is the same as normal people, like eating meat."

"Examination: dark lips, fat and tender tongue, purple qi in the tongue, thick and long sublingual collaterals, pale and smooth tongue coating, pulse condition: thin. TCM dialectics: phlegm, dampness, and blood stasis mutual resistance, leading to severe obesity . Treatment methods: dissipate phlegm, exudate dampness, dispel blood stasis, and dredge collaterals."

"Prescription: 15 grams of Codonopsis, 30 grams of Raw Atractylodes, 20 grams of Poria cocos, 30 grams of Astragalus, 15 grams of raw hawthorn, 15 grams of lotus leaves, 15 grams of seaweed, 15 grams of turmeric, 15 grams of Alisma. 30 doses. Decoction in water. Supplement with 10 grams of Jiao Hawthorn and 15 grams of Cassia Tea, start to soak, and drink instead of coffee (tea)."

"President Ames, this is the prescription for you. According to the prescription, first stick to it for a month to see how effective it is. I'll follow up with you when that time comes." Ye Chen handed over the prescription. At that time, the secretary wanted to take it.

Ye Chen personally handed it to Ames, and even sternly said: "President Ames, the medicinal materials in this prescription must not be biased!"

Ames's identity is different from other ordinary people. If someone wants to harm him because of a benefit issue, he can also use prescriptions.

Naturally, Ye Chen was not talking too much. Ye Chen already understood through the situation of Sun Xiaowei and Li Shengtian. In this world, as long as there are people and there are interests, there will be competition for interests, so other things will be caused.

Since Ye Chen is Ames' doctor now, he is responsible for the safety of Ames's medicine, but he doesn't want anything to happen to Ames and cause him trouble.

When Ye Chen told the secretary twice in a row to tell Ames, Ames looked at Ye Chen gratefully and said, "Doctor Ye, I understand what you said, every medicinal material in it, I will ensure that there are no errors in the medicinal materials!"

"President Ames, I remind you that this is your own life, and you must be optimistic. Why I would say this is naturally because when I treated other people before, I also had the identity and People of status, some people want to use medicinal materials to harm them. You should be very clear about your own identity!" Ye Chen said. When the secretary translated those words to Ames, Ames nodded even more.

After Ye Chen finished talking about those things, after seeing Ames listen to him, he continued: "I hope you can do some exercises within your capacity while taking medicine every day. For example, you can walk to work every day, go up and down the stairs, or After get off work, you can do some simple exercises. In addition, in terms of food, it is best to eat less fatty meat!"

Ye Chen knows that many people are so fat, and a big reason is related to the food they eat. If the food and nutrition balance is caused, the body will naturally lose its balance. At this point, the secretary told Ames, and Ames nodded and said he would do it.

"Good luck!" Ye Chen said, looking at him.

"Thank you!" Ames finished speaking, but after a few words with the secretary, Taylor took out a stack of foreign bank checks from his briefcase, and Ames put on the top check. Begin to fill in Arabic numerals, fill in his own name, and finally put his personal seal on it, and then hand it to Ye Chen.

Although Ye Chen couldn't understand the English on the foreign bank check, he could see that it was a check. Now after seeing Ames by himself, Ames will pay him for the treatment.

Ye Chen said: "Ames, this is just a trivial matter for me, and there is no treatment fee at all!"

Ames didn't think that way. He knew how serious his illness was. He usually didn't know how much medical expenses he had spent. Even if Ye Chen just prescribed prescriptions for him, he didn't know the effect for the time being? However, he felt that he had to pay for medical treatment.

Because in the United States, the same is true, but for citizens of the United States, 90% of the payments are paid by insurance companies. Now when Ames comes to Shanghai, he is not ready to let the insurance company pay for himself, but pays by his own bank account!