Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 2752: I have to beg him in the end

Li Angran was beaten and disabled and passed out. When he was sent to the military hospital for emergency treatment, his parents had already arrived. In the emergency room, he saw the situation of his son. As Li Angran's mother, he was crying and crying.

"Son, why are you so miserable? Mom didn't protect you and was beaten like that!"

Li Angran's mother, Zhou's family and Li's family are right each other, but they are not as good as the Li family. Now, her son is beaten like that, and she seems crazy.

Now Li Angran was in there for first aid, but was pulled out by Li Angran's father.

When he went outside, Li Angran's mother was still there and said, "I will not let Ye Chen's, nor Huang Wenbing's."

"Will you die if you don't speak?"

Li Angran's father said.

As the saying goes, with long hair and short knowledge, Li Angran became like that, most of which was spoiled by this mother. As Li Angran's father, he naturally knew it well.

Unexpectedly, now Li Angran just behaved like that, and it was good that he hadn't been killed, and wanted to trouble Ye Chen and Huang Wenbing.

While Li Angran's mother was still crying and scolding, Li Angran's father said: "This waste is now caused by you. If you don't ask you to settle the account, I want to find someone else!"

"You, are you still his father?"

Li Angran's mother scolded.

"Stop crying immediately."

Li Angran's father said.

He is now a high-ranking official of the municipal party committee and he is still very majestic. When he saw that her husband looked wrong, Li Angran's mother stopped crying and cursing.

"You want to trouble those two people, don't say it here, how many people here hear it, and then it will be transmitted to the Huang's house, do you know how troublesome it is? Fool!"

Li Angran's father looked at each other and cursed.

The other party can only shut up and wipe his tears. In her opinion, even if her son is wrong online, he shouldn't do that to his son.

When Mr. Li learned about Li Angran's situation from Mr. Huang, he knew that the other party could not die, but he would definitely leave a very profound lesson.

Now when he learned that he was sent to the military hospital for emergency treatment, he also came to have a look.

Of course, he didn't come to see this trash grandson, but came to warn him this daughter-in-law.

When he arrived at the military hospital, at first, he saw the other party crying and cursing there. He didn't know how this daughter-in-law became like that?


When he saw his father coming, Li Angran's father hurriedly said hello.

"how is he?"

"First aid inside."

"It's fine if you can't die, it's better to be disabled. In this life, you will be a disabled person in the Li family."

Li Angran's parents did not expect that his father would say such cruel words, and they seemed to be really disappointed with Li Angran.

Li Angran's mother did not speak, but looked at another place.

Elder Li called his son aside, looked at him and said, "Look at you, daughter-in-law, don't cause any trouble to the Li family. Ye Chen is not easy, and he didn't take the initiative to provoke the Li family. It’s your son who provokes him first."

"Dad, I understand."

Li Angran's father said.

Old Li did not stay.

Since the other party can't die, he is already very disappointed with Li Angran, and the Li family will naturally not be able to rely on this grandson in the future. However, the Li family had other grandsons, whose virtues and conduct were much better than Li Angran in all aspects, so Old Li did not say anything.

He had already lowered his face to beg Ye Chen and the Huang Family, naturally it was impossible for him to be the same for the third time, and he felt that he was really embarrassed in front of the four of Liu Lao today.

After Lao Li left, Li Angran's mother asked, "What did the old man say?"

Lao Li was no longer in front of him, so naturally he would not respect as much as he did before.

"He tells you not to disturb Ye Chen and Huang's family, otherwise, it will cause trouble to Li's family."

"Why Ye Chen and the Huang Family, they caused Aang Ran to be like that? Don't you just let them go. If your Li family doesn't make a move, then it will be my Zhou family."

"If you want to find it, I will find your Zhou family, don't make trouble for the Li family."

Li Angran's father said.

Now he doesn’t bother to care about each other. Although Li Angran is a good son, he often does such stupid things to cause trouble to the Li family and trouble him. Now his main task is to put him on the officialdom. His goal is To a higher level, how can I have the mind to do these things.

Li Angran's mother didn't say much. She knew that after Li Angran recovered, she asked the Zhou family to find Ye Chen, Huang Wenbing, and Huang Xiaowei's troubles.

However, when she was thinking about those things, the attending doctor in the emergency room came out and said, "The situation of Master Li is very similar. I am afraid that the military hospital will not be able to treat it. I need to send it to Union Hospital for emergency treatment."

Originally, Li Angran was seriously injured when he fell from a horse last year. Even if he was cured by Ye Chen, if he did not pay attention, it would still easily relapse, and it would be more serious than before.

Being beaten like that by the two soldiers this time is exactly the old disease left behind, plus this beating, it is more serious than the last time.

Li Angran's parents didn't expect it to be so serious. It seems that immortality is also disabled. They can only let the people here in the military hospital send Li Angran to Union Hospital.

When he was sent to the operating room of Union Medical College Hospital, the attending doctor conducted a detailed examination of Li Angran, including the filming, and found that he came to a conclusion that Li Angran’s situation was even worse than the last time he fell. Seriously, even if it is treated by surgery, it is impossible to recover.

Moreover, the current risks are very high. If they are allowed to treat Li Angran, there may be a 90% chance of sequelae. There may even be a failure of the operation, causing Li Angran to become paralyzed.

"This, what to do?"

Li Angran's mother suddenly felt a faint.

Although she guessed it would be serious, she did not expect it to be so serious.

She is already Liushen Wuzhu, and she doesn't know what to do. A mother is more expensive than her son. For her, Li Angran is her lifeblood.

If the son really becomes a waste of paralysis, what will she do as a mother?

"One person may be able to heal him."


Li Angran's mother hurriedly asked.

"It's the Doctor Ye who treated your son last year. Maybe only he can do it."

Li Angran's parents didn't expect that, now they actually asked Ye Chen to do it again.

The two suddenly didn't know what to say.

Because of this incident, Li Angran was originally caused by Ye Chen, but now he actually wants to ask Ye Chen.

For the health of her son, Li Angran's mother said: "I can only find him as soon as possible."

Li Angran's father shook his head. He knew that Ye Chen would definitely not treat his son again this time.