Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 2901: Early stage of the second floor of the

Seeing Xu Peipei's tone, Ye Chen knew that he must be angry.

Ye Chen didn't leave so quickly, but sat down beside Xu Peipei's bed. Until 10:30 in the evening, when the female nurse turned off the light to let the patient rest, Xu Peipei was still lying there looking at the window.

It’s really uncomfortable to lie down like that. However, the fracture has not healed, so I can only continue like that.

At around twelve o'clock in the evening, Ye Chen felt that those mysterious people would not come again, and looked at Xu Peipei and whispered: "Peipei, you go to sleep, I have something to go back."

Ye Chen still had to go back to cultivate Gu Wu's internal strength.

When Xu Peipei just came out of the ward, he suddenly saw a few strangers coming out in a hurry. He knew that they should be the mysterious people.

It's just that these people don't know if they are in a group with Zhou Wenlong, or belong to the mysterious master of the Wusheng Alliance?

If it is really a mysterious master of the Martial Saint Alliance, and if he has hatred against him, Ye Chen knows that he must avoid it first.

After all, these mysterious masters may be masters of the great martial arts class, and Ye Chen is not enough for them.

Xu Peipei almost fell asleep, and saw Ye Chen come back a little strangely. Before she said anything, Ye Chen suddenly got into her quilt.

When Xu Peipei was still strange, Ye Chen whispered, "Don't make a noise."

Xu Peipei couldn’t understand it, but now Ye Chen shrank under the quilt and hugged her waist. While Xu Peipei was sitting there, after a while, he saw a few strangers coming in from outside the ward and glanced at the inside. Then he left soon.

It should be because of those people just now that Ye Chen hid in the quilt like that.

Ye Chen smelled the medicine inside the quilt, as well as the smell of Xu Peipei.

Now Xu Peipei also changes the washing every day, but the female nurse helped her to change the washing, she still has that special smell.

Now that those people left, Xu Peipei opened the quilt and said, "Those people are gone."

"Why don't I just sleep with you here tonight?"

"You want!"

Many family members of patients now rest on their beds. After all, there are not many places to rest.

Ye Chen was naturally joking. He came out of the quilt and looked at Xu Peipei with a blushing face and said, "Then I will go back first."

Ye Chen came out of the ward, now that the strangers who were walking in a hurry just now have disappeared, don't know where they are?

After asking a security guard, those people came here, searched for each ward, and then left soon.

Because the two security guards almost had an accident last night, these security guards did not dare to stand up tonight, and Ye Chen did not think of them.

Originally, Ye Chen wanted to see who these people were, but thinking that he was not their opponent at all, it was still too risky to follow.

When he got in the car, Ye Chen drove back to the apartment complex of Dongfang University Town. When he got upstairs, the three women had already rested. Ye Chen took a pack of medicinal materials for practicing ancient martial arts and went to the bathroom to continue practicing medicinal baths.

At around three o'clock in the morning, Ye Chen felt that the inner strength between his meridians was getting stronger now.

He has already practiced breakthrough to reach the peak of the first floor of the warrior, and now he has broken through again, entering the strength of the early stage of the second floor of the warrior.

Ye Chen has just started to practice. He is now cultivating ancient martial arts inner strength, and his breakthrough is very fast. He is also worried. At the same time, there is a conflict between the inner strength of the martial artist and the spiritual energy of cultivation.

Now he hasn't felt other problems yet, so he doesn't worry about those things.

Ye Chen rinsed it again and went back to the room to sleep. When he woke up the next day, Ye Chen found that Yang Jingya and Han Xiaoxiao had already prepared breakfast.

Ye Chen thought of Xu Peipei's eldest brother and sister-in-law, wondering if the two had breakfast? Ye Chen also wanted to invite them out for morning tea.

He picked up his mobile phone and called Xu Daqing. After Xu Daqing connected, he said, "Doctor Ye, it's me."

"Brother Xu, have you had breakfast with your sister-in-law?"

"After eating, we are going to see Pepe."

The two had simply eaten breakfast.

In that case, Ye Chen didn't go to have morning tea with them. Instead, after having breakfast here, Ye Chen went back to the city to see Zhou Wenlong.

In the afternoon, he was preparing to go to the Chinese Medicine Hospital and continue to take the members of the Pediatrics Member Group of the National Medical Association for consultation and study.

When I drove to the Han's medicinal material shop, it was already around nine o'clock in the morning. Ye Chen stopped the car, went inside, and saw Zhou Wenlong drinking tea with Han Erye under the tree.

When he saw Ye Chen coming again, Han Erye asked, "Are you okay recently?"

"Every day, I have to go back there in the afternoon. I want to see Uncle Zhou's situation."

At present, Zhou Wenlong's internal injury has not been completely cured, so Ye Chen did not treat him so quickly for his abolished meridians.

Now he is indeed here to look at Zhou Wenlong's situation, and then tell the situation last night.

When Zhou Wenlong heard about it, he said, "Those people last night are probably my companions."

If that was the case, Ye Chen felt it was a pity. Since these people are Zhou Wenlong's companions, then there is no need to worry about being killed by them.

However, under the circumstances last night, Ye Chen didn't know it, so naturally he didn't dare to take any risks.

"Then can they still find you?"

Ye Chen asked.

"I have put something over there. If they see it, they should know that I am here."

Although Zhou Wenlong's meridians have now been abolished, their message transmission can still be transmitted through the original method.

Last night, if those people had been to the ward where he lived, and if there were things he left behind, then he should have been here to recuperate.

Of course, he was able to sense the appearance of those mysterious masters in advance, precisely because the dangerous aura of his induction had not completely disappeared.

A master like him who originally cultivated to the strength of the great martial arts class, usually judges whether it is dangerous, is very different from ordinary people.

Ordinary people can only use the simple five senses and the sixth sense, but now Zhou Wenlong and the others have passed the sixth sense, and they are much stronger than the sixth sense.

"That's good."

Ye Chen felt that since that was the case, those people should also find Han Erye here. He couldn't deal with the mysterious masters of the Martial Saint Alliance. He just hoped that Zhou Wenlong's colleagues could find him as soon as possible to protect Zhou Wenlong.

If something happens to Zhou Wenlong then, it is likely that it will be his turn next.

This is also what Ye Chen worries most.

Now he asked Han Erye, Ye Chen went to see Han Yujia again, did not stay for lunch, and drove back to Dongfang University City.