Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 293: Push around

Zhao Changkai asked Secretary Liu Lili to invite the leaders of Ruijin Hospital and reporters to separate small conference rooms. Among them, in a small meeting room, the leaders of Ruijin Hospital were all smart people. When Zhao Changkai invited them to come here, many people had already guessed what Zhao Changkai meant.

Zhao Changkai sat in the chief seat of the small conference room and looked at these people and said: "When Song Ji was allowed to stay in Ruijin Hospital to receive Ye Chen's treatment, I hope that when Song Ji wakes up, I can let Ye Chen serve as Ruijin Hospital. Advertising. Now, he denies that he is a doctor in Ruijin Hospital. What should you do about this?"

When Zhao Changkai finished speaking, the original discussion in the small meeting room stopped quiet, although these people had already thought of other ideas. However, no one took the initiative to speak out.

"Deputy President Shen and Vice President Zhang, you are all the main leaders of the hospital, what do you say?" Obviously, Zhao Changkai also has his own ideas on this matter, but he will never bring them up by himself, let alone Will say it from my own mouth.

When he asked, Shen Shulu and Zhang An were both smart people, and they didn't know how to do that kind of thing either. After looking at each other, they both saw different looks in their eyes.

"Director Yan, you are the first director of the internal medicine department of our hospital, how about you talk about this?" Shen Shulu asked deliberately.

In a small company team, they are also gangs. What's more, Ruijin Hospital is a very large-scale top three in Shanghai, and it is even gangs.

Among them, the big gangs naturally have different gang interests between the dean and the deputy dean. Yan Zuo, the first director of internal medicine, is from Dean Zhao’s side. Now when Zhao Changkai deliberately asked him, Shen Shulu also pushed them to Zhao Changkai. Over there, let them speak.

Yan Zuo was a little embarrassed at once. When he saw Zhao Changkai sitting in the chief and quietly signaled to him, Yan Zuo immediately stood up and said, "I think Director Feng usually has more contact with this aspect. Let Director Feng answer! "

Feng Lihua is the first director of surgery, but she is standing on the side of Deputy Dean Shen Shulu. Now Yan Zuo and her are at the same level in the hospital. Shen Shulu pushed it to her, and she pushed it to the people on Shen Shulu.

Feng Lihua didn't expect to push it on her head so quickly. Although she was a woman, she was also very clear about what was going on. It was absolutely impossible for her to tell her.

She can't be caught by other people in the future because of this. Although she is a famous surgical doctor, she is also very good at this aspect of power.

When everyone looked at it, Feng Lihua retorted: "Director Yan, you made a mistake just now, and I am not from the Ministry of Announcement. How can I get in touch with this aspect more? So, if you want to ask me something I know very well about surgical diseases, but I don’t know how to do them. However, I think that Song Ji’s disease was originally the responsibility of Director Tian, ​​the director of the neurology department. It is better to let Director Tian say it!"

In a blink of an eye, the leaders of the above hospitals, except for Liu Song, director of the hospital affairs office, and other major leaders of the hospitals who went abroad to exchange or study in the capital, no one mentioned, everyone else pushed them around. Of course, Liu Song is the neutral representative of the hospital. He will not favor the two sides. Now he is too lazy to bother about this matter.

Even, he felt it best not to participate in it. Obviously, from Ye Chen's firm denial just now, looking at the character of Ye Chen, Liu Song felt that Ye Chen was not so easy to deal with.

Now Ye Chen obviously rejects Ruijin Hospital's intention to cheat. If he wants to use other methods to promote the matter by then, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

Besides, Ye Chen is not an ordinary doctor besides good medical skills. It is said that he has a good relationship with Liao Wenen, the honorary dean of the Chinese Medicine Affiliated Hospital, and lives in the house of the boss of the Qinglong Gang. In this case, Liu Song really does not want to participate in it. .

Tian Changlong, the director of the neurology department, is also good at his own medical skills. As for power skills, he really doesn’t have much interest, so that he usually does not stand between Dean Zhao and Deputy Dean Shen, and is considered by others to be a middle school. Lipai's, that is, Liu Song's side.

Now push it around, and finally push it to Liu Song. As the director of the hospital affairs office, Liu Song's rights in Ruijin Hospital are not comparable to those of Dean Zhao, and on the surface they are not comparable to those of Vice President Shen, but he and Vice President Shen are equal.

However, the centrist is the most unpleasant, so people on both sides hate those who don't stand in line. Under such circumstances, they naturally look towards the centrist.

Tian Changlong does not admit that he is of any faction, let alone that he is a middleman. Now they let themselves speak out. When so many leaders are pushed down, Tian Changlong wants to push others away and can only push to the deputy director. Up. However, the deputy director is not here now, should it be pushed to the deputy directors of other sections?

When other people’s faces were either avoided or looked at him, Tian Changlong could only say: "President Zhao, Vice President Shen, it’s not as good as this. The advertisement simply stated that Song Ji was cured in my hospital. , Other things don’t need to be publicized vigorously so as not to cause other troubles."

He was right. Song Ji stayed in Ruijin Hospital for treatment. In this case, even if he didn't say which doctor cured him, as long as the advertisement was publicized, it would still cause a great sensation.

Moreover, Tian Changlong didn't say false at all, because Song Ji stayed at Ruijin Hospital for treatment, but Ye Chen, an outside doctor, cured it.

He said so well that Liu Song also said: "Dean Zhao, and two deputy deans, I think this attention is good, so it's okay to just promote it like this, you don't need to tell Ye Chen. Anyway, just let others The patient knows that Song Ji should be treated in our hospital.

When Liu Song said that, Zhao Changkai and Shen Shulu were dissatisfied, except for the consent of those centrist hospital leaders who did not want to cause trouble.

Especially Zhao Changkai, this can be related to his future career. He wants to do a very good job in this matter, and wants everyone to know that under his leadership, Ruijin Hospital is a step forward.

He didn’t want to let this matter go. Moreover, it was really publicized as Liu Song said. He felt that the effect was not great, and, as if there was no head and no tail, he didn’t know which doctor treated it well. There is no convincing power. If you do this, it will definitely not work.

Zhao Changkai shook his head and said, "If so, why do you want to hold this small meeting?"

He said that, and no one else wanted to speak. Everyone wants to take advantage, but no one dares to talk about this troublesome thing.

At this time, except for Zhang Rihuan's strange look at the leaders of Ruijin Hospital, the directors and deputy directors of other departments felt that they should not come to this meeting. Anyway, Song Ji's disease had nothing to do with their department.

However, now the top leaders are reluctant to talk about this, but they do something that can only be done through their lower-level department directors.

When many people bowed their heads over drinking tea, suddenly, first Zhao Changkai looked at Zhang Rihuan, then Shen Shulu, Zhang An, and Liu Song all looked at Zhang Rihuan.

What is Zhang Rihuan's medical skills and his character? After spending so long together here, he naturally understands it well. However, it is precisely because of the understanding of other people's character that everyone's attention is on him.

"President Zhao, what are you looking at me doing? I don't know how to do this?" He naturally envied Ye Chen's medical skills, and felt that Ye Chen was a little stupid, and he gave up all such good opportunities. However, he didn't know how to do it.

For example, if he asks him to persuade Ye Chen himself and ask Ye Chen to agree to this matter, he feels that he must be unable to do so, because he provoked Ye Chen during that party, and Ye Chen didn't want to pay attention to him.

"You go out first, let us stay and discuss!" The directors of other departments, including Zhang Rihuan, were relieved and quickly went outside the small meeting room.

In the small meeting room, only left, Zhao Changkai, Shen Shulu, Zhang An, Liu Song, and Zhao Changkai's secretary Liu Lili.

"We each write out our own ideas, and then, look at everyone's own ideas." Soon, the four people each took out a piece of paper from Liu Lili, then wrote their own ideas on it, and put it on the desktop. When I opened the pieces of paper, I saw the words on them. Although the words are different, they express the same meaning.