Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 2990: Ando family

When Ye Chen opened the door, he saw the representatives of Western medicine from Shanghai.

"Have you not rested yet?"

"Doctor Ye, there may be a problem with the medicines of Dadongyang Pharmaceutical Group."

A representative of Western medicine said.

"what is the problem?"

"This kind of western medicine is addictive, and those Japanese western medical researchers have discovered that it may have great side effects."

Although Ye Chen felt that that kind of western medicine might have a problem, he didn't expect that this kind of western medicine would still be addictive? However, he also knew that many western medicines are addictive, like some cough water, and some other western medicines, the ingredients extracted by themselves are similar to drugs.

"What other side effects?"

Ye Chen asked.

"It may kill other normal cells at the same time, which is very harmful to the patient's body."

If this is the case, in Ye Chen's view, both chemotherapy and radiotherapy have this condition, so there is no need to say more. However, if these patients encounter this plague virus, Ye Chen feels that there is nothing to use to treat the disease and save people if the situation is more serious.

"Anything else?"

"not yet."

Said the western medical representative.

"Let's take a look at the effect of those patients taking this western medicine. If there is not much effect, it will definitely be stopped immediately."

Although Ye Chen's prescription of Chinese medicine is slower, Ye Chen doesn't worry that patients will be addicted to taking it, nor does it have such side effects.

After the western medical representatives left, Ye Chen felt that it was better to let people find the source of the plague virus as much as possible.

Now Ye Chen wants the Japanese government to find it, but it might be difficult. Therefore, he called No. 3 and asked No. 3 to go to the Fuqing Gang's deputy chief Wei, and asked him to help call those Fuqing Gang members to find the source of the plague virus.

If there is a plague virus in the tap water, Ye Chen can ask them to investigate the nearby tap water problem.

After all, in his opinion, it is certainly impossible for the tap water to be infiltrated by the plague viruses for no reason. The plague virus must be nearby that caused this problem.

After calling No. 3 and returning to the bed, Yizi was already waiting for him.

"Yizi, are you familiar with Dadongyang Pharmaceutical Group? Tell me about it."

"know a little."

Yizi said.

"What's the situation?"

"Dadongyang Pharmaceutical Group belongs to the Ando family of Japan. It has a history of almost 120 years. It was the first pharmaceutical group to come into contact with Western medicine. However, during the Sino-Japanese War, this pharmaceutical group had There was a scandal."

"Scandal? What scandal?"

Ye Chen asked.

"I said you don't be angry."

Yizi whispered.

Although the War of Resistance against Japan was initiated by the Emperor of Japan, it has a lot to do with the expansion and development of the big families below. The rapid development and expansion of the big families in Japan. Japan's land and economy can no longer satisfy these big Japanese companies. It is expanding abroad.

The Sino-Japanese War is closely related to it, and the Daitoyo Pharmaceutical Group of the Ando family, during the Sino-Japanese War, provided the Japanese military with a large amount of various drugs to treat those in Japan. Wounded soldier.

The Ando family also made a lot of money by relying on this war. Although Japan lost after the war, the Ando family also paid a lot of money.

However, starting in the 1950s and 1960s, Japan had the support and support of the United States, and all aspects of the country’s economy developed rapidly, especially in western medicine and medicine. The Ando family’s Daitoyo Pharmaceutical Group developed again and became Japan. The largest pharmaceutical group company in western medicine, with markets all over the world.

"what's up?"

Ye Chen asked.

"In those days, when Japan and China were at war, this Daitoyo Pharmaceutical Group used the western medicine it researched to rescue many Japanese soldiers."

If it was just this, Ye Chen didn't think anything, all domestic materials could be expropriated at any time during a war.

Now Ye Chen's Chinese medicine factory is also cooperating with soldiers, but not many people know it.

"go on."

Ye Chen said.

"Dadongyang Group itself sent military doctors and their researchers. Those military doctors are actually researchers from Dadongyang Pharmaceutical Group. During the war, they captured many Chinese people and conducted experiments on human live viruses and bacteria."

In fact, there were many researchers from the Daitoyo Pharmaceutical Group in the 731 units in Japan that year. They specially caught those innocent Chinese to conduct live bacterial research.

"Is there such a thing?"

This surprised Ye Chen.

Although he had heard about the Anti-Japanese War, he did not know many details about Japan's bacterial virus war.

"It's true, I also heard about it when I was young."

Yizi said.

If that was the case, Ye Chen felt more and more that there was a problem with the Dadongyang Pharmaceutical Group. Not long after the plague virus appeared here, they announced that they had developed effective western medicine.

The key is that Ye Chen now finds that this western medicine is not perfect and has very serious side effects.

"Anything else?"

"Actually, many people in Japan know this matter, but it has not been spread out because of fear that the Chinese will boycott it. Now Dadongyang Pharmaceutical Group has a very good market in Southeast Asia and other countries."

Yizi said.

Ye Chen took out his cell phone and called Ling Die. Ling Die was almost resting at this time. Not long after getting through, Ling Die answered him and asked, "Ye Chen, aren't you in Japan? Why do you call me late?"

"Last time, did Dadongyang Pharmaceutical Group find a Chinese medicine factory to discuss cooperation?"

"I have looked for it many times, but I did not meet the requirements. I have already rejected it on behalf of the Chinese medicine factory. What is the situation?"

"Do you know the background of Dadongyang Pharmaceutical Group?"

Ye Chen asked.

"Know some."

"Is it related to the bacterial and virus warfare of the Anti-Japanese War?"

Ye Chen asked.

"That's it. I already understand that this Daitoyo Pharmaceutical Group is the whole body Ando Pharmaceutical of the Ando family."

"Fortunately, you just refused."

Ye Chen said.

For companies like this, even if they send money to Ye Chen, Ye Chen will not ask for it. And now this time the Chinese and overseas Chinese in Japan have suddenly been infected with this virus. He, who had no clue before, seems to think of something.

"Do you have any question?"

"Nothing, I'll tell you when I get back to Shanghai."

After Ye Chen asked Ling Die to rest early, it turned out that Ling Die had investigated the background of Dadongyang Pharmaceutical Group. Therefore, even if Dadongyang Pharmaceutical Group wanted to cooperate with a Chinese medicine factory, Ling Die had long refused. But, because these were just trivial things in her opinion, she didn't tell Ye Chen.