Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3004: Reporter interview

During the war, the Japanese studied the viruses mainly for the purpose of fighting, while in peacetime, they used the living people to study the viruses in this way, obviously for economic benefit.

When Gao Jian drove back to Tang Building, the two had just got out of the car and went inside. The babysitter looked very happy when they saw the two return.

It was almost five o'clock in the morning, and the nanny was going to make breakfast, thinking that they must be very hungry when they came back so late.

Yizi went to take a bath first, came out after the bath, and Ye Chen went to take a bath again.

He was going to visit the patients at Yamato Hospital after breakfast.

Although it was learned from Ando Jiro that these patients were infected with the plague virus this time through research in an underground laboratory, there must be related treatment drugs.

Previously, Dadongyang Pharmaceutical Group sold to the Japanese government, and the Western medicine that the Japanese government gave to those infected with the plague was certainly not the most effective.

And now that something like this happened, I didn’t know that Dadongyang Pharmaceutical Group took out the best western medicines. If not, Ye Chen could only prescribe prescriptions for them if they were still experiencing symptoms. treatment.

After Ye Chen came out of the shower, his cell phone rang, it was a call from the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo.

In fact, when Ye Chen and Yizi first came out, Ambassador Tang sent someone to the military area to pick Ye Chen away. Unexpectedly, Ye Chen and Yizi had already left.

In order to confirm whether Ye Chen is safe, the secretary in Ambassador Tang's office now called Ye Chen again.

"Secretary Han, thank you Ambassador Tang for helping me. I am safe now."

After confirming Ye Chen's safety there, after a few words of comfort to Ye Chen, he hung up the phone.

Ye Chen knew that at the critical moment, Yizi was more reliable than the embassy. Of course, if Yizi's situation is the embassy's effort, he doesn't need to worry about anything.

After the nanny made breakfast, Ye Chen and Yizi finished their breakfast. Ye Chen said, "Yizi, you can rest at home. I can go to Yamato Hospital by myself."

"No, I still have to go with you."

Yizi is still worried about what else the Japanese government will do to Ye Chen.

After the two got out of the inside, Ye Chen and Yizi got into the car and drove to the entrance of Yamato Hospital. When they got out of the car, Ye Chen found many reporters around here, preparing to interview the patients inside.

I didn't expect to see Ye Chen.

Last night, after Ye Chen and Yizi left, these reporters also came out one after another. However, their video cameras, cameras, voice recorders and other related tools were all handled by Japanese military personnel and then returned to them. This allowed these reporters to discover that only the women who had been sent back to the company in advance were preserved. .

Even so, this news release will definitely cause a sensation at home and abroad.

When I see Ye Chen now, these reporters are still very excited.

When they gathered around to interview Ye Chen, Ye Chen said: "I'm going to see the conditions of those patients first, and I will accept your interview after I visit those patients."

Ye Chen and Yizi went inside, went inside, and went straight to the patients' wards.

He found that most of the symptoms of those patients have alleviated, which should have a lot to do with taking the drugs from Dadongyang Pharmaceutical Group.

However, when Ye Chen knew about the relationship between the Ando family and Dadongyang Pharmaceutical Group Company, and the basement last night, Ye Chen knew that the conditions of these patients were alleviated, which was nothing.

Seeing the relief of these patients, on the one hand, Ye Chen didn't have to worry so much. On the other hand, he thought a lot about the plague condition this time.

When most of the patients were examined, it was almost 11 o'clock in the morning.

When Ye Chen came to the meeting room of the Dahe Hospital, the reporters immediately came to interview him.

"Doctor Ye, I don't know that underground laboratory, how did you discover it?"

"It is related to the tap water being contaminated by the plague virus. My friend and I found it there."

"Then you are sure that these patients were infected with this virus. Is it man-made or accidental?"

"Is it artificial? I can't confirm it yet, but what I can confirm is that this underground laboratory has existed for more than ten or two decades, and the funds behind this laboratory are from Dadongyang Pharmaceutical Group, and Funded by the Ando family."

Although the reporters knew a little bit of the news last night, they did not expect that they were still very surprised when they heard it.

"Doctor Ye, how did you know?"

"I asked the President Jiro Ando very clearly last night. If you want to confirm, you can ask the Jiro Ando and the researchers below. However, these people may still be in the military area or sent to other places. "

Those reporters think so.

They were all locked up in the military area last night, and Jiro Ando, ​​the main person in charge of the basement, as well as other researchers and security personnel, must have been sent away too. It is certainly impossible for them to interview media reporters.

These reporters were still interviewing Ye Chen with many questions. When Ye Chen had almost said everything he knew, Ye Chen also exposed one important news to these media reporters, that is, why these Chinese and overseas Chinese were infected in the first place. To this kind of plague, the Japanese were not infected, precisely because the laboratory researchers have been using the blood of Chinese and overseas Chinese to study, and those plague viruses are adapted to the blood genes of the Chinese and overseas Chinese, which caused most of the Chinese and overseas Chinese to become infected. .

As for why the Japanese were also infected later, I learned from Ando Jiro that those viruses mutated. However, there may be other reasons.

When the reporters wanted to continue to interview Ye Chen, Secretary Liu had already come to look for Ye Chen.

"Doctor Ye, this time you really scared us to death."

Secretary Liu heard about Ye Chen last night, but he didn't expect Ye Chen to do those things. Fortunately, Ye Chen came back safely.

"Secretary Liu, I have Yizi's protection in Japan, and no one can hurt me."

Secretary Liu knows that the Yizi that Ye Chen said is the Japanese princess, but this kind of thing involves the face of the Japanese government, international reputation and international status, and even the interests of the Ando family and Dadongyang Pharmaceutical Group. It was exploded by Ye Chen, and many people wanted Ye Chen's fate.

"You should be careful. This is not Shanghai. Many Japanese people may need your life."

Secretary Liu whispered.