Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3121: Descendants of Zhu Family

The middle-aged landlord was shocked when he heard Jin Shi's words, and at this moment, Ye Chen came over.

"Don't scare this uncle, I will never do aggressive things!"

The middle-aged landlord just saw this young man come in. He found that this young man was very different from the others, except that Ye Chen was wearing sunglasses and the other party could not recognize who he was.

After Ye Chen took off his sunglasses, he asked, "Do you know me?"

"No, I don't know."

The middle-aged landlord said.

Ye Chen is well-known in Shanghai, even in Yunnan, South Korea, and Japan. However, in Myanmar, especially Lao Cai, he is not well-known.

"What's your name? Why do you want to sell this house?"

"My surname is Zhu. I often fight here. I plan to live in Yunnan."

Said the middle-aged man surnamed Zhu.

When Ye Chen asked him to sit down, he could already see that the middle-aged man was sick, and it was not mild. He saw it just now.

"My ancestor was an emperor before."

"The emperor? Zhu Yuanzhang's offspring?"

This did not surprise Ye Chen at all. He thought that this place belonged to China in the past. Even in the last years of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the emperor of Nanming fled to Yunnan and Myanmar. Many people from the Zhu family followed. .

Later, after the last emperor of Nanming was killed, these people couldn't return to the country, so they stayed here.

"I am really a descendant of Emperor Zhu, and there is a genealogy in the family."

The middle-aged man surnamed Zhu remembered that the most valuable thing in his house might be the thick genealogy.

When the other party went back to search, he found a thick genealogy.

This genealogy was compiled during the Republic of China. It was written from the generation of Zhu Yuanzhang and passed down to their generation. It is already more than 20 generations.

When Ye Chen took it for a look, he found that it was really like this.

It can be said that in Guokang, except for some local indigenous people, these people can be regarded as the real masters here.

"How many of you from the Zhu clan still have?"

"I don't know. There may be hundreds or thousands. I rarely contact them. I used to sweep the tomb together, but now that the Burmese military government interferes, we can't even sweep the tomb on the Double Ninth Festival and the Ching Ming Festival."

There is such a thing?

This made Ye Chen really surprised.

In fact, it is really like that. Think about it. So many people of the same surname are gathered together to sweep the graves. This is what the Burmese military government is most afraid of. If these people concentrate on doing things, they will be better than the warlords in these places. Also be afraid.

Therefore, they visited the graves on the Ching Ming Festival or the Double Ninth Festival, and caused the Burmese military government to be unhappy. They drove a plane and threw a cannonball. They didn’t know how many people would die. Then they said it was the local warlord. Who to find.

Ye Chen didn't expect that there would be such a thing here.

If this man surnamed Zhu received a large sum of money to live directly in Yunnan, he would really be much more comfortable.

However, Ye Chen heard that when these people went to Yunnan, they couldn't get legal ID cards at all, and it was a little troublesome to live there.

"Can you get an ID card?"

"Of course you can get it with money."

Said the middle-aged man surnamed Zhu.

"What about your other family members?"

When Ye Chen came in, he found that there was only the other person, and did not see anyone else.

"My parents are gone. My wife was bombed to death in the street once. I have no descendants. I am alone. Now with good luck, I can sell this house. I might be able to marry a wife in Yunnan."

Ye Chen felt that this man was even more pitiful.

Obviously, the other party had this disease, and he would definitely not be able to do heavy work before, so he could only rely on the shop at the door to collect rent.

Now that this house is sold for hundreds of thousands, if you are a single person, you can still live a good life, but if you marry a wife in the future, this amount of money will be nothing.

Of course, if there is a war, it is possible that this house may not be worth a penny.

"I saw that you were not feeling well just now. How long have you been suffering from asthma?"

Ye Chen asked.

The man surnamed Zhu was even more surprised. He didn't expect Ye Chen to see that his body was unwell.

Moreover, his disease is indeed asthma, but before, he had only bought some Chinese medicines from the medicinal store to drink, or bought some western medicine for treating asthma at the medicinal store to eat. It will be a day after a day. Now he gets it. Qian, I plan to go to Yunnan for treatment to see if I can find a famous doctor to heal him.

"I am going to rent this set of shops for you to treat people to a doctor. Now that you are looking at your body, I am afraid that it would be difficult to look at other doctors. Why don't you look after me first before you go to Yunnan."

"You can heal?"

Looking at the young Ye Chen, the middle-aged man couldn't believe he was killed.

When he just said it, Jin Shi laughed.

"If Dr. Ye can't cure the disease, there will be few people in the world who can cure the disease. Dr. Ye has treated thousands of people."

Although what Jin Shi said was a bit exaggerated, Ye Chen had indeed treated a lot of patients, and he was afraid that he couldn't even count them.

"Really so powerful?"

The middle-aged man was surprised.

"Do you know this antidampness medicated oil and antidampness ointment?"

"Of course I know, it works well."

The middle-aged man said.

"The medicinal oil for removing dampness and the ointment for removing dampness are produced by Dr. Ye's secret recipe."

Jin Shi said.

The middle-aged man looked at the young man again, and remembered the head of an old man on the antidampness medicated oil and antidampness ointment. He felt that the other party was somewhat similar to this young man.

In fact, the old man’s head is the head of Ye Dao himself. Although Ye Dao is not Ye Chen’s biological grandfather, the two have lived together for so many years, and they all look similar.

"Let me take a look for you first."

Ye Chen said.

"Then how much are you going to charge?"

The middle-aged man asked hurriedly.

"When I first came out, I treated the wealthy in Shanghai for a few million at a time. However, now I treat people almost all of them freely. No money is charged."

Hearing Ye Chen's words like that, the middle-aged man felt relieved.

Since there is no need to collect money, let this young man take a look, that's nothing.

Originally, Ye Chen rented this set of shops for the free clinic. Unexpectedly, the first person to see the free clinic was the original landlord who bought him the apartment.

When Ye Chen and him went out to the shop outside, and then sat down in a chair in the shop, Ye Chen began to show the other party's pulse and tongue, and asked him some questions from time to time.