Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3123: Stomach pain

During this period of time, Ye Chen was going to live here. While giving free consultations to those people, he also asked people to find out the distribution of forces here in Kokang.

After doing good hygiene with Jinshi and the others, Jinshi was going to find a nanny and a chef to take care of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen didn't use it. Instead, he planned to ask a younger brother of Jin Shi to help buy some rice and vegetables. He could cook the food himself.

In the morning, he ate the food outside and found that the food cooked outside was too ordinary, not even the craftsmanship of the domestic food stalls, and it was probably not very clean.

Thinking of the outside environment, Ye Chen's appetite is not very good, so he might as well eat at home.

However, people must be notified to visit the free clinic.

After Ye Chen asked a younger brother to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, Ye Chen personally prepared the food, and said: "Help me mobilize those people, saying that it is free to see a doctor here, but the daily quota is only 100."

Guogan has a population of more than 200,000, plus the floating population from outside, it must be more than 300,000. If 1% of the people need to see a doctor, there are many.

Ye Chen still doesn't know how to use his name to promote it, just let the outside world know that there is a doctor here who has better medical skills and is free.

Jinshi naturally knows how to do these things.

After dinner, Jin Shi also mobilized the hundreds of people to quietly spread out propaganda.

Laojie is not big here, so it soon became known that in a remote alley in Laojie, there is a very good doctor who does not need money to see a doctor, but there are only 100 people per day.

Therefore, see the doctor on a first-come, first-served basis.

When Ye Chen entered the room, Zhu Shan had already bought the medicinal materials when he went out to buy medicine, and after Ye Chen taught him how to decoct the medicine, Zhu Shan increasingly felt that this young man was not easy.

And when the old Chinese doctor who picked him up saw the prescription that Ye Chen prescribed to Zhu Shan, he knew that the other party's medical skills were very good, and it was impossible to be local. After asking Zhu Shan, he learned that it was from China.

Now Zhu Shan was decocting medicine for himself, and suddenly he heard someone coming to pat the door. When he went out to look, he saw some people he didn't know.

"What are you doing here?"

"Isn't there a very good doctor here who doesn't need money to see a doctor? I'm not feeling well all over, let him see it for me quickly."

It turned out that Dr. Ye was asked to see a doctor, and Zhu Shan asked these people to wait here first.

Ye Chen was in his room and suddenly heard Zhu Shan come in and said that when someone had already begun to see him for a doctor, Ye Chen said, "Then let them in."

Ye Chen directly sat down at the table that he bought in the store, and then asked the patients who came to line up to see a doctor one by one.

When those patients came in, it was a little unbelievable to see such a young young man here to see a doctor.

Is the other party a liar?

The other party doesn't want their money, so what do you lie to them?

What's more, the other party was not prepared to ask for any money.

"I'm from the mainland, my surname is Ye, and I will give you a free consultation for free!"

Ye Chen said.

Ye Chen's reputation in China is still very high, but there are not many who have really seen him in person. What's more, now that Ye Chen actually came to Guogan, it is even impossible to know his identity.

Ye Chen asked the first patient to sit down. The patient's surname is Zhao, a local, and he is about fifty years old. He has had stomach pain for more than three years. He was diagnosed with chronic gastritis in a hospital in Guogan. During the period, he kept taking it on and off. Chinese and Western medicine can barely relieve pain.

Now, this man’s condition is pain in the gastric cavity, which is very obvious at night. He is afraid of cold, belching, and the pain improves after the swelling, and occasionally pantothenic acid. In the morning, he obviously feels bitter mouth, poor appetite, and average sleep. , Stool once a day, urine is still tuned.

Ye Chen checked his pulse while asking about his condition.

He didn't understand most of the local dialects spoken by the other party, so he could only ask Zhu Shan to translate briefly.

After reading the pulse and tongue of this man, the tongue is dim, with little coating, and the pulse is slightly fine. The diagnosis is gastric pain, which is a liver-stomach discord syndrome. It should relieve the liver and stomach, regulate qi and relieve pain.

Previously, the medicine the man took was simple pain relief, so after three years, the other party has not been cured.

Now Ye Chen directly wrote the dialectical situation of the first visit and the prescription for the first visit.

"8 grams of red ginseng, 10 grams of angelica, 10 grams of white peony root, 10 grams of cassia twig, 15 grams of Chinese neem, 10 grams of turmeric, 10 grams of inula, 40 grams of purple shell teeth, 30 grams of raw dragon and raw mussels , 10 grams of Fructus Aurantii, 27 grams of Jiao Sanxian, 10 grams of Gallus gallus domesticus. 3 doses, decocted in water, 1 dose a day."

After Ye Chen finished writing, he carefully checked and confirmed that there was no problem. After that, he handed the prescription to Mr. Zhao, and said to him: "Mr. Zhao, take this prescription to the medicinal store to buy medicinal decoctions and drink them. , I bought it at the opposite Nan Umbrella. Three days later, your illness has almost completely recovered. If you have not recovered completely, you can come to me with the prescription again. I will live here for a while."

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Chen so carefully, he was really surprised, and finally asked, "Is there really no charge?"

"I said that there is no charge, then there is definitely no charge."

"Then you must come from the mainland to support us."

Said the middle-aged man, Mr. Zhao.

Ye Chen smiled, but didn't say anything more.

After the other party left, Ye Chen continued to see the second doctor.

In the past, Ye Chen treated people to the doctor as soon as possible, one in a few minutes. That was when the patients were in a critical condition. However, he doesn't need that now, he can read it slowly, and then prescribe a good prescription, even if it takes only ten minutes to read one.

There were not many patients who came to see it at the beginning, but after ten o'clock in the evening, those who squeezed in did not go back.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, after Ye Chen asked Jin Shi to close the door, he didn't let the patients come over again, but planned to see them again tomorrow.

Ye Chen hadn't seen people like that for some time, and he found that he really missed the days before.

Of course, now Ye Chen knew that his medical skills must have improved.

Now Ye Chen took a bath directly from the well in the yard.

There is also tap water here, but most of them use water from their own well.

Ye Chen took the cold water from the well and took a bath, then went back to the room by himself to practice the base period mentality. It's just that he didn't bring me the medicinal materials for the base-building period of cultivation, nor did he double cultivation with those elders in Shanghai. I wonder if this kind of pure cultivation would be useful?

As for Gu Wu's inner strength, Ye Chen knew that he must also cultivate, after all, he was still very interested in his identity and the affairs of the Gu Wu world.