Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3141: Impossible to promise

The old man surnamed Peng just wanted to defend the Kokang area so that he could truly be an enemy of the Burmese government. He knew it was useless.

When he saw Ye Chen coming, the old man surnamed Peng brightened up, and he didn't seem to be as haggard as before.

"Doctor Ye, haven't you left yet?"

"Sent a couple to Lincang People's Hospital for treatment, and returned to the old street."

Ye Chen said.

"Then I really have to thank you for those people."

In fact, many of Guogan's support staff from mainland China, including those teachers, are from mainland China, and they don't want anything extravagant.

Now that the old man looked at Ye Chen's appearance, he thought he was that kind of person.

The old man surnamed Peng glanced around and said, "I want to talk to Doctor Ye alone."

Gu Ling wanted to stay, but Ye Chen signaled to go out first.

As for the guards around the old man named Peng, they also went out.

Soon, Ye Chen and the elderly surnamed Peng were left in this simple tent.

"This time the Burmese army started the war first?"

Ye Chen asked.

"It's true that they started the war first, and I heard that they are about to change terms. They always have to do something."

The old man said helplessly.

He has encountered this kind of thing many times.

Like this time, the situation is normal.

Of course, more than a dozen soldiers died on their side, so the Burmese army is almost the same, more than a dozen died, but now the news is blocked, I am afraid that it is not known at home and abroad.

Moreover, the mainland side is not interested in things here. It is only for humanitarian and ethnic reasons. Every time this kind of incident breaks out, the refugees are allowed to take refuge on the other side.

However, as long as it calms down, the refugees in the past will still return.

"Hasn't the man named Bai dispatched an army to fight you against the Burmese army?"

Ye Chen only saw that surname Bai a few days ago.

He felt that Bai's life was not long, mainly seeing the other side's face.

However, he did not expect that when the old man surnamed Peng fought with the Burmese army this time, the surnamed Bai did not send out the army.

Originally, there were very few local troops here in Kokang, but now that the two armies are separated, it seems even less.

In addition, the weapons here are really not good. The difference is too far. If the Burmese army bombs on a large scale, even if they hide in the mountains and forests, it will be a dead end.

"No, they were not dispatched."

The old man surnamed Peng said.

He already knew the idea of ​​the surname Bai, and now the surname Bai wants to get support from the Burmese government and the international community, and then gradually replace him in Kokang.

Therefore, this time the two sides are fighting, the other side will ignore it, the other side just wants to preserve their strength.

However, this sudden battle also caused losses to the other party. Those hotels and casinos were all closed overnight, and a lot of money was lost.

"Is it the same before?"

Ye Chen asked.

"Before? There was no army surnamed Bai. It was only built secretly over the years. Now the number of troops is about the same as mine. However, the war experience is not as rich as my side. I have shed blood from here. If the dead are alive, one can top them two or three."

Peng said proudly.

After all, his military life, with the following troops, has been here in Myanmar for decades.

And this surnamed Bai was originally from his team, so he gradually became dominant. Only when he had the right source, he had the current status.

Ye Chen discovered that this was similar to the information he asked the ancient martial masters to investigate.

It seems that the white surname is not terrible, but the old man surnamed Peng is even more terrifying. After all, the prestige of the other party is not comparable to that of everyone.

"I just hope that the next generation will be able to defend this area. If you leave this place to the surnamed Bai, then it may be completely Burmese."

In the past, Chinese characters were used here, and Chinese were spoken. The renminbi and the water and electricity used were all imported from China, which is no different from the mainland.

However, now that the surname Bai came to power, a large area of ​​Burmese has begun. The school students used to learn Chinese, but now they have to learn Burmese.

The renminbi used here before, but now the burmese kyat is also used.

As for other aspects, it seems that Burma has begun.

Of course, what scares the old man surnamed Peng the most is that he is too old to survive for a few years. Then he will hand over the army to his eldest son. If the eldest son is of average ability, then this place may really become a part of Myanmar. .

This is where the elderly worry the most!

Ye Chen hadn't really considered such a thing.

Although English is also taught in China, the purpose is different from here. The purpose of teaching Burmese here is to completely make this part of Burma and completely de-Chinese.

At this point, Ye Chen began to admire the old man surnamed Peng somewhat.

"So, Doctor Ye, I have something to ask you!"

"what's up?"

Ye Chen asked.

"As far as I know, your identity in China should not be simple. If you produce those hemostatic powders from your Chinese medicine factory, I know your relationship with the military. So, if possible, I hope you can help me accomplish two things."

Ye Chen knew that when the old man went to the shop to see him for a doctor, it was not that simple.

However, he didn't say anything now.

"First, I hope to meet and talk with the leaders of the mainland military, hoping to get their approval and help. Second, I hope to get a batch of advanced weapons, so I can face those The Burmese army need not be afraid."

Ye Chen didn't expect that the old man actually put forward these two conditions.

He knew that this condition, no matter which condition it is, it is impossible for the country to agree to it. Because it is impossible for the mainland to interfere in the affairs of other countries, as for this old man who wants domestic recognition, he also hopes to gain international recognition.

He thought it was impossible.

As for those weapons, how could it be sold to this old man in China?

When he saw Ye Chen frowning, the old man knew that there was little hope.

Can only sigh helplessly.

"Peng Lao, I can't help you with these two conditions."

Ye Chen could contact Xu Lao at any time, but Ye Chen knew that Xu Lao could not do these things.

Moreover, Ye Chen knew that this kind of thing was not easy to do.

"Doctor Ye, I understand your difficulty."

The old man surnamed Peng said helplessly.

Since they are all like that, the two naturally don't have to say anything else.

Of course, now Ye Chen discovered that he wanted to interfere in the Golden Triangle, fearing that it was not as simple as he thought.

Now Ye Chen came here because he was found by guards surnamed Peng. Now that he knows the purpose of the old man surnamed Peng, he is staying at most to treat the injured local soldiers.

"Doctor Ye, thank you for risking your death."

When Ye Chen was about to leave, the old man surnamed Peng personally sent Ye Chen out and said.