Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3161: Someone wants to kill me

In the afternoon of the same day, Ye Chen had already learned from a guard sent by an old man named Peng that the two sides had indeed ceased fire temporarily, mainly because of the intervention of international forces.

However, there is no real cease-fire, and there may still be a fight at any time, so now neither side has let down their vigilance.

Under this circumstance, the impact on other Kokang people may not have been as severe as before, so many of them returned to normal life and work.

After the guard left, Ye Chen was thinking.

Of course, during this period of time, he has been thinking about whether he should give up his original idea?

However, Ye Chen soon discovered that what supported him to continue following the original plan was not for the original purpose, but for the local people.

Therefore, Ye Chen knew that he still had to follow his ideas, but he wouldn't let Jin Shi call people over again.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, Jin Shi came back with his little brothers.

During this time, he was on Ruili's side and nothing happened.

Now when I saw Ye Chen, I asked, "Ye Shao, do you proceed as planned?"

"Some changes."

"When will it start?"

Jin Shi asked.

"A few days later!"

Now Ye Chen is going to continue to see those patients first. On the other hand, he continues to paralyze the people of Kokang, so that they don't know what his real purpose is here?

Of course, now that Ye Chen has just returned from the Wa state, many people on the old street will know about it, and they may come to see Ye Chen again tomorrow.

Mr. and Mrs. Jin made dinner, and Ye Chen returned to his room after dinner, sent cellphone messages to them respectively, and then began to practice medicinal bath.

These medicinal materials for the base-building phase of cultivation were brought over some time ago, but they were only practiced a few times, and they were messed up by the war here.

Now Ye Chen can only continue to practice, striving to make a breakthrough as soon as possible. If he can enter the bigu period in the past few years, it would be best to enter the bigu period. However, after the foundation building period is the rotation period, I am afraid it will be difficult to enter the bigu period in these few years. period.

On the other hand, Ye Chen still needs to continue Guwu's inner strength, at least to know what the jade pendant is written on, and to find out who his biological parents are?

Although Erye Han and the others suspected that Ye Hao was Ye Chen’s biological father, Ye Chen felt that it was becoming more and more impossible. It might have something to do with Ye Hao. He felt that it was like that. It was not what those in the ancient martial arts said. That is a father-son relationship.

After Ye Chen practiced till midnight, he opened his eyes, the water in the wooden barrel had cooled down, he went out to take a bath, and then got dressed, got up and drank a glass of water and was ready to rest.

Unexpectedly, I heard a knock outside the door.

Ye Chen went to open the door first and found that it was an old man surnamed Peng wearing a hat and casual clothes.

And the guards around him are wearing ordinary clothes instead of military uniforms. Now they are all armed with guns, but they are very alert.

When the fire broke out on both sides, the home of the old man surnamed Peng had been blown up, and he could no longer stay on the spot to build a house, so he now lives in other places in Old Street.

"Doctor Ye, are you really back?"

The old man surnamed Peng was very excited.

Some time ago, he didn't know where Ye Chen was, and thought he had returned to the mainland. Unexpectedly, he actually went to the Wa state.

After Ye Chen let the old man named Peng in, Ye Chen asked, "Why are you dressed like this now?"

"Someone wants to kill me!"


Ye Chen asked.

The old man surnamed Peng didn't say anything.

However, Ye Chen also guessed something.

When entering inside, the old man surnamed Peng just felt that he had been in a faint pain recently. After all, he was an old man in his seventies and he hadn't rested recently.

Before, Ye Chen hadn't started to treat him for his internal injuries, so the opponent returned to the combat zone.

"My whole body is painful now, can you treat me?"

Ye Chen checked the pulse condition of the old man surnamed Peng, and after the tongue condition, he already knew.

This is caused by internal injuries. Moreover, these days of overwork and thinking also have a lot to do. In addition, the weather here can easily cause rheumatic bone pain. How can the elderly rest in a simple tent in the fighting zone not cause body pain What?

"It really won't work if you continue like this. At least you have to go to recuperation for a while. Depending on your current situation, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to live to 90."

"Although I have now handed over the army to my elder son, I cannot completely get rid of it for the time being. My elder son's prestige is not good enough!"

The old man surnamed Peng said.

Ye Chen knew that the eldest son of this old man named Peng, he had seen him when he went to the fighting zone several times before. The man was a middle-aged man in his forties. Unlike the old man in front of him, he was very strong and strong. .

However, his experience and talent in fighting are definitely not as good as his father.

In addition, although the opponent has always been the prince, prestige and popularity need to be accumulated step by step, and it is indeed very difficult for the opponent to be like his father.

"It won't take a while, you and I will go to Shanghai for recuperation!"

Ye Chen said.

"No, I can't enter the mainland."

The old man surnamed Peng said helplessly.

If he could get in, he would have gone to the capital for help. However, there is really no way. If I follow Ye Chen to Shanghai now, I am afraid that there will only be one, his identity is completely washed away, and he is completely far away from this place.

However, the old man surnamed Peng knew it was impossible unless he died.

Looking at the other person, Ye Chen could only say: "Then you come at nine o'clock every night, and I will give you acupuncture for a week. I can only give you the prescription for the rest. It will take at least half a year for you to recover. To reduce internal injuries."

"Thank you Dr. Ye."

The old man surnamed Peng said.

When the other party was about to leave, he took out a piece of jade from his body.

In Myanmar, there are more jade and jade, but more in the past. The big drug dealers before the Golden Triangle relied on drug trafficking and digging jade to sell for arms.

However, it doesn't work anymore. Many jadeites have been dug out and sold out. The rest may be deep underground.

This piece of jade was indeed obtained by an old man surnamed Peng.

"Doctor Ye, this is the cost for your consultation, and it can be regarded as a little fee for free consultations for other people in Kokang!"

The old man surnamed Peng said.

Ye Chen saw that piece of jade and knew that it was carved with emperor green. It must be of great value.

"Since I give free consultations to those patients, I naturally don't charge money."

How could Ye Chen accept this piece of jade?

What's more, Ye Chen has other ideas. As a gentleman, it is even more impossible for him to accept the old man surnamed Peng.