Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 317: Pediatric massage

Newborn diarrhea is a neonatal disease in which the baby has thin or watery stools, and the number of times is increased. It is called infantile diarrhea in western medicine.

This kind of newborn diarrhea is a very common disease in many newborns, from a few months to one or two years old.

"Zhou, two months, diarrhea for nearly a week. First visit: the child had loose stools a week ago, 5 to 7 times a day, irritability, crying, loss of appetite, and was treated at the Children’s Hospital with intravenous oral western medicine. The symptoms have not been relieved. At present, the child has loose stools, loose stools, watery stools, foamy, mucus, 7 to 8 times a day, irritability, loss of appetite, abdominal heat and fullness, and yellow urine."

"Examination: the child is young and spirited, the complexion is not blooming, the skin is not yellowish, the abdomen of the palpation is slightly full and hot. Tongue appearance: red tongue, yellow greasy tongue coating. Fingerprint bruising. Chinese medicine dialectical: damp heat caused by food. Method: to invigorate the spleen and dampness, clear away heat and stop diarrhea."

"Prescription: (1) 6 grams of perilla stem, 6 grams of atractylodes, 3 grams of rhizome, 6 grams of scutellaria, 3 grams of magnolia officinalis, 3 grams of radix wood, 15 grams of fried hawthorn, 15 grams of Jian Shenqu, 3 grams of betel nut , 9 grams of grass fruit, 12 grams of pot belly bark, 9 grams of Chuanmu Tong, 30 grams of plantain, 30 grams of portulaca. 2 doses."

"The above medicinal materials are boiled in water, and one dose is decocted three times. The time is: 5 minutes after the first boiling, 8 minutes after the second boiling, and 12 minutes after the third boiling. One dose is taken for 3 days , 4 times a day, 10 to 15 ml each time."

"Prescription: (2) Pediatric massage."

After Ye Chen finished writing, he was going to hand it over to Aunt Fang to let her buy the medicine and return to decoct it. Therefore, I looked at Aunt Fang and said, "Aunt Fang, you can go to the big pharmacy to buy medicine with the prescription."

After holding the prescription, Aunt Fang hurriedly left, went outside the villa, and stopped a taxi. It shouldn't be long before you can buy medicinal materials.

At this time, Ye Chen said: "Miss Gao, originally, when Zhou Ning had this situation just now, in the village, he only had to chop a few tender bamboos to bake the bamboo water and let him drink half a bowl. It didn't take long. Okay. But now I’m sick for a week. If I just drink that bamboo water, I’m sure it won’t work. Moreover, it’s hard to find such tender bamboo for roasting in Shanghai.

"I know, when Zhou Ning was ill, I should find you!" Now when I see Ye Chen, Gao Meilin feels relieved. Of course, she also regretted not having come to Ye Chen so quickly.

"Actually, I was very busy last week. However, this is related to Zhou Ning's illness, and no matter how busy I am, I have to come over." Ye Chen knew very well that Zhou Ning's condition was very different from other normal-born babies. If you can't notice it all the time, it's really likely to die. At the beginning, Ye Chen worked so hard to rescue him, so that naturally couldn't happen.

"Now I'm going to give him massage treatment." Ye Chen looked at Gao Meilin and said. Previously, Ye Chen treated Zhou Ning's high fever, but he could also be assisted by massage.

However, at that time, Zhou Ning had just been born, and his physique was still too bad. Ye Chen didn't dare to massage him like this. It's almost two months since I was born now, and it's naturally much better than before.

"How do you massage him?" Gao Meilin asked.

"Listen to me, first sit flat on the bed with your knees bent at ninety degrees. With your thighs close to the square, Zhou Ning lies on your back. Then lightly hold Zhou Ning's hands and feet with both hands."

When Gao Meilin did all that, Zhou Ning was naturally still crying now, the kind that looked very bad. When Gao Meilin looked at Ye Chen, she found that he was concentrating and gossiping in the palm of his fingers, which looked a little miraculous.

Ye Chen ignored those and started to treat Zhou Ning unilaterally, focusing on Zhou Ning's thenar, from Shangwan, Zhongwan, Jingjianli, Xiawan, to Shenque. Repeatedly push it, resulting in the softness of the abdominal abdomen.

Then turn Zhou Ning over, leaning on Gao Meilin's leg, pushing, pressing, shaking, shaking, starting from Fengmen, through Feishu, Geguan, Jingpishu, Weicang, to Sanjiaoshu.

When she saw Ye Chen giving Zhou Ning a massage like that, Gao Meilin sitting there looked a little dazed. If it were before, she didn't believe that Ye Chen would be able to treat people's diseases well.

However, some time ago, she suffered from postpartum body pain. In addition to prescribing prescriptions for her by Ye Chen, after that massage, she found that she did not experience such pain again.

Now this kind of miracle appeared on Zhou Ning again. Zhou Ning, who was still crying and crying, was calmed down after Ye Chen's massage like this. He didn't cry like just now. He even closed his eyes and began to rest in her arms.

"It's okay. Wait a minute, Aunt Fang decocts the medicine, then feed him and drink it." Ye Chen put his hand back and said. In fact, the two were so close, making Ye Chen a little embarrassed.

Gao Meilin glanced at Ye Chen gratefully, gently hugged Zhou Ning onto the cradle and let him rest on the cradle.

This situation hasn't appeared for a week. Basically, Zhou Ning spent the past week crying and crying, naturally not sleeping well.

After doing this, Ye Chen naturally remembered that he had treated Gao Meilin for the postpartum body pain some time ago. However, Ye Chen felt that if Gao Meilin drank the medicine he prescribed, it should be fine. Even Ye Chen was busy with other things, and Gao Meilin didn't call him. Ye Chen didn't think about it anymore.

Now that he is here, Ye Chen will naturally go for a follow-up visit and ask: "Miss Gao, have you fully recovered from the disease that you were treated last time?"

"Well, I feel almost better, and I didn't pay attention anymore," Gao Meilin said.

Ye Chen asked her to stretch out her hand, give her the pulse, and after seeing her tongue, said: "It's almost better, but the tail hasn't been docked yet. Bring me that prescription. I will add medicine to you and drink it, and there will be no sequelae in the future."

Gao Meilin quickly found the prescription from the cupboard in her room. Ye Chen took it and found that it was the prescription with very detailed prescriptions written on it.

Under the initial diagnosis of the prescription, he wrote: “After taking the medicine for a period of time, the patient’s pain is no longer obvious. Because it occurs after delivery, 30 grams of Xianling spleen is added to the original prescription to nourish the kidney, strengthen the waist and relieve pain. 15 doses, 1 dose a day."

After Ye Chen wrote the prescription, let Gao Meilin or Aunt Fang take a time tomorrow to buy back the medicine for this prescription. When Gao Meilin took the prescription, she naturally looked at Ye Chen gratefully.

Ye Chen checked the time, and it was not ten o'clock in the evening. It's just that he has done everything he needs to do, and he is ready to leave here.

Gao Meilin said with some twist: "Doctor Ye, can you give me a massage like the last time?"

"Yes." Ye Chen said.

Gao Meilin seemed a little happy in her heart. She was lying on her bed, closed her eyes slightly, and began to ask Ye Chen to massage her.

This kind of massage is much easier than when giving Zhou Ning a massage. However, because the other party was also a young and glamorous and a widow, Ye Chen was a little embarrassed.

"She's just a patient, don't think about it!" Ye Chen thought secretly. After coming down several times, I finally calmed down, and then began to massage Gao Meilin's head.

Now that the two of them are close together, Ye Chen can easily smell Gao Meilin's body, exuding a body scent with her unique frankincense.

The massage continued from the head to the feet. In addition to feeling that Gao Meilin’s skin was soft, Gao Meilin herself was as comfortable as she was about to come out, just to prevent Ye Chen from embarrassment, she kept biting her mouth to endure, even feeling her hands and feet Stiff.

"Miss Gao, relax a little. I can't give you a massage like you did." Sure enough, under Ye Chen's prompt, Gao Meilin calmed down slowly, thinking that Aunt Fang was not here. She was a young woman with children. Naturally Not afraid of these.

However, every time Ye Chen massaged her body, the sensitivity and pleasure it brought to her was like touching every inch of her skin comfortably.

I don't know when, the downside turned out to be wet again.