Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3207: I don't want Ye Chen to leave

Although Ye Chen knew to accompany Xu Peipei to see the rescued little beggars, but after watching it all day, Xu Peipei's feet were sore and aching.

When working as a reporter before, she wore sneakers, but she didn't have much, and she was used to running outside for a long time to interview.

But now, when he followed Ye Chen in high heels to see the little beggars, he was finally very tired.

Looking at Xu Peipei's tired look, Ye Chen asked, "I will send you back to rest first!"

"how about you?"

"Me? I'll take a look at the murder house later."

Ye Chen said.

He needs to know the bosses behind those little beggars, and he needs to ask the news of these little beggars as soon as possible, because he found that these little beggars have physical and mental problems.

Especially in his heart, Ye Chen felt that these children were in a trance, and most of them were in a panic. Therefore, psychological problems must be dealt with as soon as possible.

However, Ye Chen knew that Xu Peipei was just an ordinary person, and she must have been very tired after running with him for so long wearing high heels.

Therefore, Ye Chen wanted to send her back to the apartment to rest first.

"What about you then?"


Ye Chen has so many young ladies in Pudong and Puxi. He can sleep wherever he wants. If he doesn't want to disturb those young ladies, he can still stay in the hotel.

So, tonight, Ye Chen knew that he might be busy until late.

Xu Peipei didn't know how long it would take to see him after Ye Chen separated this time.

So, naturally, I don't want to separate so quickly.

"I want to follow you to the murder house."

"It's so late now, aren't you afraid?"

"Isn't there you?"

Xu Peipei said.

Seeing Xu Peipei's eyes, Ye Chen smiled and didn't say more.

He and Xu Peipei came out of that hospital and got into the car. It was already time for dinner, but now it's going to be supper.

When Ye Chen and Xu Peipei saw those little beggars become like that, they really had no appetite, so they could only drive to a nearby restaurant to eat first.

When they arrived at that restaurant, the two went in and ordered a few dishes, and after a brief meal, Ye Chen drove away from here to the murder house.

When he arrived at the murder house, Ye Chen stopped the car.

When I came here in the morning, Xu Peipei felt that it was very uncomfortable. Then at night, under the influence of psychological shadow, she appeared even more uncomfortable.

"You stay in the car, I'll go up and watch it myself."

Ye Chen has a lot of courage, he is different from ordinary people, naturally there is nothing.

Xu Peipei stayed in the car alone. While listening to the radio broadcast in the car, she suddenly noticed the rustle of the radio. She also heard the voice of the host in the radio again. She could only wait in the passenger car. With Ye Chen.

Ye Chen went directly upstairs to the murder house. In the middle of the night, there was indeed a sliver of coldness, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

When he went upstairs, ancient warriors had already come out.

"Ye Shao."

"How did you ask?"

"Most people have asked, but some of these people have forgotten the source of the children's information."

"Really can't ask?"

"Can't ask."

"Those flower heads are directly handed over to the police. The bosses behind those little beggars directly interrupted their hands and feet, threw them on the side of the road, and let them be beggars by themselves."

"Yes, Shao Ye."

Ye Chen just went in and took a look. Now these flower heads and the bosses behind the little beggars stayed in the room, looking very scared.

They didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

Now Ye Chen didn't take another look, nor did he pity these people.

In this world, there is a set of rules for what can be done and what can not be done. It can only be said that these people have bad luck and meet him.

When Ye Chen came down from the stairs, Xu Peipei stayed in the passenger seat very scared. She thought Ye Chen would be here for a long time.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen came down so quickly.



Xu Peipei said.

In fact, she is really scared. After all, she is still a female journalist and a professional author. She is richer and more sensitive in association than ordinary people.

"Send you back now?"

Ye Chen asked when he reversed and left here and went outside.

"Then where are you?"

"I may have stayed here these few days. Those flower-sellers and little beggars will definitely have to deal with everything before returning to the university town with confidence."

"Then I will stay with you these days. Anyway, I suddenly have no inspiration these days. I want to ask you before I can continue to create."

Ye Chen knew that Xu Peipei was writing a novel based on his growing up experience, but there should be exaggeration in it.

Ye Chen drove directly away from here and went to the apartment where Xu Peipei lived, because tomorrow he was going to see other little beggars at the hospital in Pudong.

When I drove back to the apartment where Xu Peipei lived, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

It's getting late now.

After returning to the apartment, Xu Peipei took off her high heels and found that her feet were swollen, sore and painful, and she didn't want to move as she sat on the sofa.

Ye Chen looked at him and knew that Xu Peipei must have followed him for too long.

"Your feet are uncomfortable?"

"It's very painful. I may not be walking outside for a long time, and I'm not used to it anymore."

The main reason is because of wearing high heels, which is really uncomfortable for Xu Peipei.

Ye Chen picked up Xu Peipei's feet and put them on his thighs. Because the other party was wearing breathable high heels, there was no peculiar smell.

When Ye Chen massaged Xu Peipei's feet, Xu Peipei soon discovered that the swelling, pain and numbness of her feet was slowly disappearing.

"It's very comfortable, it doesn't hurt anymore."

Xu Peipei said.

Ye Chen let go of Xu Peipei's feet and said, "Then take a bath and rest!"

Ye Chen must have no clothes at Xu Peipei, but Annie and Jiang Yu must have their own clothes. However, it was late now, and Ye Chen didn't want to disturb the rest of the eldest ladies.

"how about you?"

"Of course I want to take a bath."

Xu Peipei knew that there were no Ye Chen's clothes, but his pajamas should be suitable for Ye Chen, and there were also two rooms here, but the other room was rarely cleaned up.

"I'll clean up the other room for you to rest first."

Xu Peipei went to the other room and simply cleaned it up.

When she came out, she took off her jacket directly to reveal her pink underwear, and she did not hesitate that Ye Chen looked at her.

When Xu Peipei returned to the room, he took out his pajamas, looked at him and said, "This is my pajamas. It should be suitable for you."