Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3270: Just stay alive

The three flight attendants on the plane were dead. Ye Chen checked and was out of breath. Moreover, he should have been caught in the water.

Seeing the air hostess, Ye Chen thought of Xiao Yuqing.

Ye Chen handed all his wallet and passport to Yang Kuan and said, "Help me see. I'm going to find someone. I can't wait any longer."

When Yang Kuan was about to call him, Ye Chen ran directly to the place where the plane crashed and landed. Now the outside is surrounded. Many ambulance personnel, soldiers, and police personnel are busy. Ye Chen rushed in. At first, someone wanted to pull. When he was, Ye Chen said: "I want my girlfriend."

Ye Chen always believed that Xiao Yuqing must still be alive, because he felt that Xiao Yuqing should be around here, but why didn’t he find it so late? This area is really too big, and there are a lot of water plants, although it is now dry, but , If you can’t see clearly, you definitely haven’t found it.

Ye Chen went inside, ran a long way, and looked for it according to his own feelings. He always believed that his sixth sense was very accurate. It was precisely because of this that he saved himself many times when he was in danger.

Now he is like that too, feeling that Xiao Yuqing should be nearby.

Ye Chen looked for it according to his own feelings. When he came to the beach, he found that it was all sea water. Seeing something floating in the distance, Ye Chen jumped into the sea. Because of the warm current, the water temperature here was still very high. Ye Chen Jumping into the water, in the darkness, he went straight to the shadows and found that it was a parachute. There was something under the parachute that was pulling tightly, and there was a trolley box floating on the side.

When Ye Chen saw someone, he hurriedly held him up, and then went to the shore.

When I came to the shore, I first checked the person and found that he was a white man, still angry, but passed out in a coma and didn't know how much water he drank.

Ye Chen hurriedly called the ambulance staff in the distance.

Ambulance personnel from a distance came, but unexpectedly, this young man actually rescued a passenger.

The staff hurriedly sent the unconscious passenger away for treatment. Ye Chen didn't stop, but jumped directly into the sea water based on his own feelings. The rescuers couldn't stop Ye Chen.

Ye Chen swam a long way and found that there were water plants around, but he didn't find anything.

Now there is an endless sea all around, and look at the plane that crashed and inserted into the sea in the distance and has been divided into several sections.

Under normal circumstances, if the passengers above, like the white man who was rescued by him just now, jumped off with parachutes, then the range of those passenger divisions would be very large.

Therefore, it cannot be limited to this one.

However, Ye Chen felt that Xiao Yuqing was nearby. However, even if Xiao Yuqing jumped down wearing a parachute, it would be difficult to find on the water plants in the current range.

Ye Chen kept looking around, not knowing why, but when he felt closer and closer to Xiao Yuqing, he suddenly felt that a place in the distance looked very different.

When Ye Chen hurried over, he found that he really saw someone lying there.

When he came closer, Ye Chen first saw a little girl, reluctant to live, and there was a familiar figure beside the little girl.

This is not the Xiao Yuqing I am looking for!

"Yuqing, don't scare me!" Ye Chen went over and picked up the little girl first. At first, he felt that the little girl still has body temperature and the other's body temperature is still hot.

When she checked the other party, she was still angry. She was still alive. She picked up Xiao Yuqing next to her, wearing a flight attendant suit, but the flight attendant suit was already dirty. Just when she picked it up, Ye Chen knew that Xiao Yuqing was still alive. While alive, her heart beats very evenly and very rhythmically.

Ye Chen directly kissed Xiao Yuqing, who had been in a coma for a long time.

When the plane was about to have an accident, the captain and the deputy captain immediately asked the stewardess to notify all the passengers through the radio. The little girl was with her father, but the little girl didn’t know how to jump on a parachute. It was in that situation. In desperation, Xiao Yuqing hugged the little girl, put the parachute on her back, and then jumped down from an altitude of 10,000 meters. When she came down, the speed was very fast, and the wind was also very fast. He didn't know where he would fly, but , It is safer than staying on the plane and crashing, and the possibility of surviving is also higher.

Xiao Yuqing hugged the little girl and fell down. She has passed out into a coma. If ordinary people encounter this situation, the possibility of surviving is really low. However, Xiao Yuqing has followed Ye Chen to learn how to refine Qi for so long. Expectations.

It was this mental method, at the critical moment, that spiritual energy saved her, and there was even Xiao Yuqing she was hugging.

Xiao Yuqing was kissed by Ye Chen and opened her eyes in a daze. She thought she was dreaming and thought she was dead. Unexpectedly, she really saw Ye Chen.

"Ye, Ye Chen, where are you and where am I?"

"it's me!"

Ye Chen first untied the parachute, then carried Xiao Yuqing on her back, and then picked up the unconscious little girl.

As he went over there, Ye Chen said: "I received a call from your colleague from China Eastern Airlines yesterday in China, saying that the plane crashed. I immediately rushed over with my visa and came to look for it.

Xiao Yuqing only knew that Ye Chen was really the fastest time to come over when something happened. However, now she felt very uncomfortable all over, and she didn't know what was the reason, but she felt safe lying on Ye Chen's back.

Now she was really frightened, especially the moment she jumped from the plane, and even regretted that she hadn't heard Ye Chen say that and resigned earlier.

Unexpectedly, something really happened this time.

Xiao Yuqing hugged Ye Chen's neck tightly, afraid that this was a dream, and even more afraid that Ye Chen would leave.

When Ye Chen ran a long distance, even when he was still swimming to the shore, standing on the shore calling for help, the Canadian paramedics came over and saw that it was this young man again, and they also helped them. , A stewardess, a little girl.

"Young man, you are really a hero!"

Said the paramedic.

"This is the girlfriend I'm looking for, God bless, she is still alive, please hurry up and send them to first aid."

Ye Chen said in English.

When the paramedics rushed to **** the two people there, Ye Chen followed back.

Yang Kuan had been waiting there. He just heard that another flight attendant had been rescued. I don't know if it was the girlfriend Ye Chen was looking for, but the flight attendant also died.

Unexpectedly, when he saw Ye Chen running back with a wet body, he looked very excited.

"I found my girlfriend and was just sent by ambulance staff!"

"Really? She must be alive!"

Yang Kuan knew what Ye Chen looked like.

"Still alive!"

At this time, the staff had already brought the dry clothes to Ye Chen to change, naturally they were afraid that they would have a fever. People here are all wearing special clothes, and Ye Chen just jumped down to save people.