Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 332: Liao Lao's vigilance

Faced with the pressure of Lao Liu and Ye Chen, and even more to keep the job, Qin Dahai had to do that, and went to the entrance of the hall downstairs of the affiliated hospital with some difficulty. It was strange to see other doctors, nurses, patients, and patients’ family members. In the eyes.

Qin Dahai, wearing a white coat and a mask, began to roll out like a stupid bear at the entrance of the hospital hall. From the entrance of the hall to the entrance of the outermost wall, it was about two hundred meters away. Now he Tumble like that for a few minutes at most.

It's just that Qin Dahai would have been so embarrassed when those people were pointing and smiling while watching. Even, someone has recognized him long ago. This time he is in the affiliated hospital, and it will not even take long before he will become a "famous" in the Shanghai medical community.

Ye Chen on the corridor watched there for a while, while Liao Wenen next to him said: "Ye Chen, he wouldn't be too much if you play like this?"

"Excessive? If he doesn't provoke me, I don't want to care about this kind of person. Also, Mr. Liao, his level of Chinese medicine is really too average. I really don't know how he got into a department director?" Ye Chen said.

The affiliated hospital is so big, there are hundreds of full-time doctors and nurses, and there are other doctors who are not named, those doctors who are intern, add up more.

In this case, the affiliated hospital can be said to be like a small society, with various relationships, various transactions, and hidden rules. It is also very possible.

Now Liao Wenen has retired. Although he is still the honorary dean of the affiliated hospital, the management authority in the affiliated hospital has long been ignored. Therefore, he also ignored those things.

However, what Ye Chen said just now, he naturally believed. Since Ye Chen had said that Qin Dahai's medical skills were ordinary, then Qin Dahai really didn't have any level. However, his ability to be the director of the gastroenterology department indicated that Qin Dahai should have a backstage in the affiliated hospital.

Liao Wenen smiled, and Ye Chen went into his office and sat down. Ye Chen didn’t look anymore. He knew that Qin Dahai was more pressured by Mr. Liu, and he certainly wouldn’t dare to cheat anymore, so this is considered to be a loan to Mr. Liu. Little momentum.

Now that Qin Dahai hasn't really resigned, he just made a fool of himself in front of everyone. Ye Chen has already given him face and even let him go. Otherwise, with Ye Chen's current ability, it would be very easy to really want him to leave the affiliated hospital.

When Liao Wenen looked at Ye Chen, he felt that he was still too young and passionate. Therefore, it was nothing to play tricks on Qin Dahai just now. After pouring a cup of tea for Ye Chen, he asked, "You are here because of this?"

"Of course not, I mainly look at Lin Kun's condition." Ye Chen said. After he picked up the teacup and took a sip of the tea, he found that the tea tasted better than the green tea in Ye Junquan's office and more suitable for Ye Chen's taste.

"Then how are you going?" Lin Kun's situation, this week, Liao Wenen also went to see it in person several times, if he was treated according to his Chinese medicine method, he also felt that the effect was not obvious. Of course, he already knew that Ye Chen was going to pay Lin Kun for a heart transplant.

Now it is important to save people and cure diseases. Liao Wenen naturally does not distinguish between those. Does it belong to Chinese medicine or Western medicine?

"Heart transplantation, it is undeniable, the treatment effect for Lin Kun should be the fastest. However, I am most afraid of the source of the heart donor. Therefore, I have to confirm this matter, otherwise, I may harm other people. I have become an indirect murderer, and I don’t want to do bad things with good intentions."

Hearing what Ye Chen said like that, Liao Wenen naturally smiled with joy. He felt that Ye Chen was different from others, besides acquiring the true medical ethics of pure Chinese medicine, it also explained his principles and bottom line of life.

Generally speaking, in the face of this situation, even if he could stand up and help Lin Kun, it is already very good, and there are very few. But now Ye Chen wants to know this clearly, which shows that Ye Chen is also a very smart kind of person.

Of course, Liao Wenen has spent so many years in the field of Chinese medicine, and as the former administrator of the affiliated hospital, he has a better understanding of these matters than Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, let me tell you a real and irritating thing first!" Liao Wenen said.

"Old Liao, you say." Ye Chen said.

"It's like this. About a few years ago, in a city near the sea, a female worker got ordinary urinary stones. She went to the hospital to see a doctor, but the doctor in charge performed her surgery. However, when she woke up , But found that one kidney is missing!" Liao Wenen said very simply, and also looked calm.

After Ye Chen heard it, he was really angry. He even clenched his fists. He had already guessed what happened.

"How about the female worker afterwards?" Ye Chen asked.

"Oh, what can an ordinary person do? She told the news to the news media, and many news media did not dare to expose it. In the end, her family made the matter a big deal, and the hospital only explained the doctor's mistakes. She just pays a little." Liao Wenen also said helplessly.

To say that a person treats urinary stones, the treatment of Chinese medicine is naturally to drink Chinese medicine, and then let those urinary stones be discharged automatically. The better method of Western medicine is to use advanced medical equipment to break the urinary stones, and then automatically remove them, without any surgical operation, let alone getting her kidneys out.

"What about her kidney?" Ye Chen asked.

"The doctor in that hospital said that the kidney was kept in the laboratory and was broken. However, it is not clear whether the female worker had the same kidney." Actually, this matter, whether it is in the Chinese medical profession. , Still in the western medical field, many people know it.

Those in the Western medical profession, because of their disgrace, are unwilling to mention it. However, if it spreads out, it will really have a great response in society, because then, who else would dare to perform this kind of operation, it may be possible that an organ in his body may disappear within minutes.

Based on Liao Wenen's life experience and his understanding of the medical world, he had already guessed where the kidney was. However, the female worker is just an ordinary person. Who will give her a head? Of course, it is precisely because she is an ordinary person that the attending doctor dared to do that.

"These scumbags are not worthy of being a doctor. If I know about them, I will definitely not let them go!" Ye Chen said. Undoubtedly, this made him feel a little disgusted with this, and even more vigilant.

It can be said that after he came to Shanghai, he really knew that the source of those organs in China was not only taken from those criminals who were sentenced to death, or donated after the car accident, but also through various Illegal sources of various channels.

The source of donors for the heart is obviously less than that for the kidneys. Under such circumstances, Ye Chen is even more vigilant.

"Lao Liao, I already understand." Ye Chen wanted to ask Liao Wenen about this matter. However, through his real and terrifying little thing, he has already understood.

"You are still young, so you don't know much. Sometimes, reality is more cruel than you think. But if you stick to the bottom line and principles of being a human being, you won't make those mistakes!" Seeing Ye Chen's expression, Liao Wenen said Did not fully recover, patted his shoulder and said.

After all, he didn't want Ye Chen to be greatly affected by this incident.

However, Liao Wenen didn’t know. It was precisely because of this incident that Ye Chen understood that the only way to revitalize Chinese medicine is to make more people trust and trust the Chinese medicine of his country, and he doesn’t have to do anything to deal with those. Surgery minor illnesses can be treated directly by Chinese medicine, so naturally there is no need to see a western doctor.

All this, Ye Chen knew that he might have to pay a lot to really do that.