Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3416: remind

Cupping, under normal circumstances, will not kill people, but if sudden death occurs, there must be a reason.

Cupping is most suitable for people suffering from these diseases, such as colds, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, diaphragm spasm, neurogenic vomiting, chronic gastritis, neurasthenia, neurasthenia, migraine, facial nerve palsy, trigeminal neuralgia, impotence, cervical spondylosis , Frozen shoulder, acute lumbar injury, sciatica, stiff neck, tennis elbow, gynecological diseases, menopausal syndrome, acute tonsillitis, toothache, neurodermatitis, childhood dyspepsia, pediatric diarrhea, enuresis, etc.

However, some people are not suitable for cupping, such as those with heart disease, blood disease, skin disease, skin injury, mental illness or nervousness, tuberculosis and various infectious diseases, various fractures, extreme weakness, pregnant women, women's menstrual period, overfullness, Cupping therapy should be banned or used cautiously for hunger, thirst, drunkenness, etc.

People who are too thin should not use cupping.

Ye Chen, who was a little obese white man in front of him, only checked and found that the other party might have a lung disease. Unexpectedly, he dared to cup him here.

The staff here became scared, especially when the receptionist saw that something was wrong with the white man, and Ye Chen had already taken out the silver needle.

The first to apply acupuncture to save people, he not only saves people, but also because of Chinese medicine, he does not want to be corrupted by others.

After Ye Chen took a few needles, the white man's expression slowly recovered, and an old man who looked like a child hurriedly came over and found that the young man was saving people with acupuncture and moxibustion.

"Master, just now this white man appeared unwell after cupping, this young man took acupuncture himself."

"you are?"

The old man with Tong Yan Hefa looked at Ye Chen and asked.

He felt that this young man was not easy.

"Old sir, my name is Ye Chen."

Ye Chen?

The name seemed a bit familiar, but for a while, he did not recall it.

"This white man is obviously suffering from lung disease. Unexpectedly, you dared to cup him. He had a lung problem just now and almost killed him."

Like some of the taboos of cupping, people who are already suitable, and disease types, these are the most basic.

The old man looked at the apprentices behind him and didn't know what to say.

After all, their main purpose of opening a store in Chinatown is to make money, as long as they are undead, but if they are dead, they will not be able to compensate for the collapse of the store. The lives of these Americans are too expensive.

"Mr. Ye, where did I hear your name?"

"Master, he just said that he came here to do acupuncture, how come he knows acupuncture now, is it someone from another acupuncture shop?" the receptionist said.

When the others heard it, they looked at Ye Chen with something wrong.

Ye Chen didn't expect that these people would think this way. He had just saved the white man's life, otherwise they would all go to jail.

"I don't know good or bad, if I didn't take action just now, you will all go to the cell." Ye Chen said coldly.

He has always been a good person, but that is not to say that he has no temper.

Now he already knows that this kind of acupuncture shop, fearing that these so-called masters of acupuncture and cupping, are all for the purpose of making money.

Ye Chen pulled out the silver needle and was about to leave. The old man felt that Ye Chen's identity as a young man was not simple.

"Sir, as the owner of this shop, I remind you that whether it is acupuncture treatment, cupping treatment, or even Gua Sha treatment, there are many taboos. To become a qualified acupuncture master, you must at least be familiar with the acupuncture points of the human body. Moreover, you don’t have to look at the acupoint map and remember it. Otherwise, if you have such short-term training, no one will be able to bear it physically. Not only will you die, it will also cause other Chinese medicine shops to close.

Ye Chen was about to go downstairs. Hearing what Ye Chen said, the old man hurriedly chased him and said, "Mr. Ye, how come I feel that your name is more familiar."

"I'm from Shanghai. Actually, I didn't come in for acupuncture. I just wanted to see how well you are."

From Shanghai?

Is this the little genius doctor?

Ye Chen had previously won the Eastern Medical Contest, the Champion of the Korean Medical Contest, and the Champion of the Japanese Korean Medical Contest. Even in Chinatown abroad, he has treated countless patients.

To say that Ye Chen's popularity is not high, that is impossible. As long as you have heard of it in the traditional Chinese medicine circle, the old man did not expect that this young man would actually go to Chicago's Chinatown.

"Are you really the genius doctor Ye?"

"Old sir, how come a genius doctor? However, the medical skills are better than ordinary people, and they are more cautious. Practicing medicine cannot be purely for making money."

The old man looked more ashamed.

Now he is also in a cold sweat. If the white man died in his shop without the help of Dr. Ye, he is afraid that it will be a medical accident. Not only will he lose a lot of money, he may also be kicked out. Back home.

Going downstairs, and seeing the whites and blacks who were receiving acupuncture treatment there, Ye Chen had no idea what to say.

Although Chinese medicine has no side effects, how can it be possible?

It is the third part of the medicine, the ancient masters of Chinese medicine made it very clear.

Regardless of these acupuncture treatments, cupping or Gu Sha, if there is nothing wrong with your body, it is best not to touch it.

When Ye Chen went out, Annie was waiting patiently outside. When she saw Ye Chen coming out, Annie asked happily, "What did you do inside?"

Ye Chen shook his head and said, "It's terrible. Fortunately, I just rescued someone."

The old gentleman wanted to chase it out, but found that Ye Chen had already left with a young white beauty.

"Save someone?"

"A fat white man was unwell and went to cupping. He couldn't bear it. He almost fell to the ground. I saved his life."

Annie didn't expect it to be so thrilling.

Although Ye Chen knows that TCM is accepted by more and more whites and blacks, it is better, but it must not be abused, and the basics of TCM must be at least qualified. Otherwise, it is really necessary to follow those people just now. Something happened.

Of course, he had reminded the old man just now that if he didn't want an accident in the store, he would definitely stop and rectify first.

Along the way, Ye Chen found that in Chicago’s Chinatown, he found many shops that were mainly acupuncture cupping and Gua Sha like the one just now. They should be more profitable. Otherwise, how could they have opened so many?

In addition, there are many Chinese medicine shops, which should be opened by Chinese.

Apart from this, there is no Chinese medicine hospital here. Private doctors like those who are in Chinese medicine stores give people consultations and receive consultation fees.