Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 342: Angina

When Ye Chen came to the affiliated hospital, it was not nine o’clock in the morning. When he entered the hospital, it might be because of the bet and punishment that he and Qin Dahai yesterday. Those doctors and female nurses saw him. At times, it's all weird.

Soon, Ye Chen came to the cardiology department. Lin Kun knocked on the door outside the separate ward. Zheng Yulan opened the door. When going inside, she found that Lin Jia and Lin Le were both resting besides Lin Kun on the bed. inside.

When they saw Ye Chen coming, Lin Jia's two brothers stood up and asked, "Brother Ye, you are here."

"Sister-in-law, what's the situation with Brother Lin?" Ye Chen asked.

"His condition seems to be more serious. He suffered from colic again in the middle of the night last night and was given a painkiller by a nurse before stopping. Because he didn't rest until late, he is still asleep now." Ye Chen also regretted Lin Kun's appearance.

At the beginning, he didn't have much hope for those heart transplant operations. After all, Ye Chen is studying Chinese medicine. If it weren’t for Ye Junquan’s firm remarks and Lin Kun’s current situation, Ye Chen had already started to give Lin Kun Chinese medicine treatment a week ago. Under such circumstances , Lin Kun no longer has to suffer from this kind of illness.

"Sister-in-law, Brother Lin has a problem with the source of the surgical donor. Therefore, starting from today, I will treat him with Chinese medicine." Zheng Yulan did not expect that she waited for a week, but only waited for the news.

Although she was just an ordinary person, she knew that if no one provided a matching heart, her husband would naturally not be able to perform the heart transplant.

"Brother, we trust you!" Lin Jia said.

"Xiaojia, Xiaole, don't worry, the elder brother will definitely cure your father." However, what makes Zheng Yulan strange is that Ye Junquan has not appeared here since last night.

"Doctor Ye, why didn't Director Ye come here?" Zheng Yulan asked strangely.

"He? He might not come back for a while!" Ye Chen didn't tell the matter, but Ye Chen knew that since Ye Junquan did those things, he would ruin his future for fear. Subject to legal sanctions. In the next few years, he may stay in the detention center or prison. For this kind of thing, he can only blame his own money and selfish desires, and he can't blame others.

"Sister-in-law, you are here first, I'll find the female nurse!" Although Ye Chen wanted to treat Lin Kun himself, the female nurse who was taking care of Lin Kun was nearly two months ago. data of. Therefore, before Ye Chen treats Lin Kun, he must refer to those treatments.

When Ye Chen just went out, he found that the female nurse was coming here, and the other party only came to work at this time. However, she was also very strange and did not see Ye Junquan, the director of the cardiology department.

"Doctor Ye, hello," the female nurse said.

"Nurse Liu, Director Ye has something, and I may not show up in the affiliated hospital in the future. Therefore, from now on, I will take over the treatment of Lin Kun's illness. You go and bring me all the data since Lin Kun was admitted to the hospital. "Ye Chen looked towards and said.

"Okay, Doctor Ye, wait a minute!" Although the female nurse Liu Yun didn't know where Ye Junquan was, she had already guessed that Ye Junquan might be in an accident after hearing Ye Chen's words.

When Liu Yun brought Lin Kun's information over at the office, he deliberately revealed those gossips. Some people guessed that Ye Junquan had done things before, and it was reported that he had cooperated with others to sell human organs. Therefore, after they heard it, they felt that this should be the case.

However, I haven't seen any news reports about Ye Junquan. Instead, I have seen the most conspicuous part of many newspapers. Last night, an extremely large captive illegal trafficking in human organs was eliminated.

When Liu Yun took all the information that Lin Kun had been in the affiliated hospital for two months, Ye Chen discovered that, in addition to the pulse, heart rate, and various data that Liu Yun recorded for Lin Kun every day, these data were not relevant to Ye. Morning is useful, but not very useful.

Looking at the symptoms and treatment prescriptions that Ye Junquan recorded to Lin Kun again, from the prescriptions that Ye Junquan prescribed for several consultations, it is obvious that none of the prescriptions for the symptom is effective, so that Lin Kun’s situation is better than the previous two. The month is much more serious.

After reading this, Ye Chen gave all the data to Liu Yun, and then when he entered the ward again, he found that Lin Kun had woken up.

"Doctor Ye, you are here." Lin Kun asked.

"Brother Lin, I’m telling you the bad news. Heart transplantation cannot be performed because of the source of the heart. Therefore, in this case, you can only use traditional Chinese medicine to treat you. Of course, you must Maintaining the best state now, there is a possibility of recovery," Ye Chen said.

He was really afraid that Lin Kun would be very disappointed, causing him to have problems in all aspects of his emotions. Under such circumstances, treatment would be even more troublesome.

"Doctor Ye, I believe you!" I don't know why, but Lin Kun felt relieved when he heard that there was no need for a heart transplant.

Because of that kind of surgery, although the success rate is very high, even if it is successful, it will only survive for a few years at most, and the cost will be a lot. Now that Ye Chen is giving him TCM treatment, Lin Kun knows that it shouldn't cost that much, and he doesn't need to think about so many other ideas.

When Ye Chen sat in front of Lin Kun and began to ask him carefully when the disease started, Lin Kun said: "This disease may have occurred very early, but I didn't pay much attention to it. It was two months ago. That time was the worst, and it has been until now."

Ye Chen knows that, according to traditional Chinese medicine, heart failure is caused by chronic heart disease, yang qi deficiency, weak blood flow or stagnant blood, poor heart pulse, and blood stasis. It is said that they all appear in the elderly.

However, one of the most obvious features of Lin Kun’s condition is the severe angina at the time of the attack. At the beginning, Ye Chen guessed that it should be related to his age, normal work, fatigue, emotions, Chills and smoking are caused by these problems.

The most important reason is that it was caused by his heart failure. If you want to treat Lin Kun's condition, it is definitely impossible to treat the symptoms of angina pectoris alone.

In the past two months, one of the biggest features of the treatment prescription Ye Junquan gave Lin Kun was to treat Lin Kun's angina pectoris.

Now that Ye Chen saw the prescriptions prescribed by Ye Junquan, he understood. As the saying goes, headache cures the head and feet pain cures the feet. This is the method used by Ye Junquan, and it is also the method used by most Western medicine treatments. Under such circumstances, how can Lin Kun's disease be cured?

After asking Lin Kun about the basic questions, I saw that Ye Chen didn't say anything. Lin Kun, Zheng Yulan, Lin Le and Lin Jia, and even the female nurse Liu Yun, were also afraid to speak.

"Brother Lin, I know what your problem is. Now I am starting to prescribe a prescription for you. If you drink it according to the new prescription, it should be relieved soon."