Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3426: Heartbroken revenge

Ye Chen asked the female pharmacist to bring another cup of tea, and he just sat there to see a doctor, and came down all morning without any surprises and dangers. It seemed that there were forty patients.

Then go to the teahouse in Chinatown for lunch. In fact, the bodyguards of Alston are not very happy because they feel unsafe.

However, Ye Chen felt that these people were completely worried about being excessive.

In addition to letting them sit and eat with them, Ye Chen could easily tell whether the food was poisonous.

After having lunch at the teahouse, go back to Wang Jihua's drugstore to see a doctor.

In the afternoon there are 60 new patients, and several patients who are going to see the second clinic.

Ye Chen sat there to see an old grandmother who was more than 60 years old. This old grandmother had hiccups for a long time, and her throat kept making uh, uh, uhh, day and night. When Ye Chen checked her, she also found her The two associations are full and the abdomen is uncomfortable.

I have taken a lot of western medicine, but I still have occasional non-stop hiccups, which makes me unable to sleep at night and can only sit until dawn, which seriously affects her life, work and rest.

After Ye Chen checked her pulse and tongue, it was found that the tongue was pale and thin, and the pulse was heavy and stringy. According to Chinese medicine, this was caused by stagnation of liver qi, dysfunction of the stomach, and frequent hiccups caused by qi thrust.

It should soothe the liver and relieve depression, reduce the inverse and stomach.

"Grandma, I'll give you a prescription, and it should be fine by then."

Although this old woman is a Chinese, she should have immigrated to the United States for a long time, but looking at the other side's face, Ye Chen knew that this old woman had a very good personality.

"Doctor Ye, thank you."

Ye Chen began to write her medical records, and then wrote the prescription.

"12 grams of inula, 15 grams of ochre, 10 grams of magnolia flower, 10 grams of Pinellia ternata, 10 grams of agarwood, 12 grams of tuckahoe, 12 grams of tangerine peel, 12 grams of Chinese neem, 10 grams of Tribulus terrestris, tender 10 grams of grass, 30 grams of broad beans, 10 grams of four-flowered skin, 10 grams of fried rice sprouts. 7 doses, decocted in water, 1 dose a day."

After Ye Chen finished writing, carefully checked and confirmed that there was no problem, then handed it to the old grandmother.

Ye Chen will see the next patient.

After reading these sixty patients, it was already around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and when the other patients who had seen the second clinic were seen, it was already around 6 o'clock in the evening in Chicago, USA.

Ye Chen knew that Annie and the Austons were waiting for him to go back for dinner, so Ye Chen talked to the female pharmacists in the drugstores and planned to drive back to the farm with the bodyguards of Auston.

When Ye Chen went to the car he parked near outside Chinatown.

I don't know why, where Ye Chen just arrived, he suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of danger.

When Ye Chen reacted, he knew that the dangerous aura came from his car.

The bodyguards of Alston were thinking about passing by, and when there were many passers-by around, Ye Chen hurriedly shouted: "Danger, run away."

Except for the reaction of the few bodyguards, the passersby around were not very clear.

Ye Chen rushed to a young child, and when he just hugged him, the BMW parked by Ye Chen suddenly rang.

This explosion sounded, and the surroundings felt like a sensation.

The United States has been subject to terrorist attacks for a long time, so now suddenly the car exploded and the car parts were directly blown up, and when several surrounding cars exploded, Ye Chen had noticed that innocent passers-by were not careful. I was hurt by those flying things and the heat wave.

When the surroundings were in chaos, the white bodyguards of Auston were even more frightened. When they hurried to protect Ye Chen with their guns, Ye Chen said, "Hurry up and save people."

Several passersby were injured, and even their clothes were burned.

Among them, Ye Chen hugged the little boy. It turned out to be the most dangerous. However, Ye Chen had already hugged him and blocked him. Now there is nothing wrong. However, he was scared, and he still hasn't reacted.

When the surrounding small cars also exploded, many people immediately called the police.

The nearest firefighter near Chinatown came over immediately, and there were police officers nearby. They also escorted Ye Chen to the gate of Chinatown just now. Unexpectedly, something went wrong.

Fortunately, Ye Chen is fine now, but a few passersby may be injured, the most serious of which is probably the arms and thighs who were burned by high temperature.

When Ye Chen and the bodyguard went to rescue people and waited for the nearby ambulance to take these passers-by to the hospital for treatment, a bodyguard said: "Mr. Ye, we want to **** you back."

"It's okay, look at those patients first."

Originally these patients were innocent, but it was because Ye Chen was hurt. Now Ye Chen must accompany them to the hospital first, and even the medical expenses must be Ye Chen's compensation.

When the police and firefighters came to put out the fire and sealed off the surrounding area, it could be confirmed that Ye Chen's car was targeted and destroyed.

This should be caused by * or remote control *.

Now this kind of * is very powerful, so Ye Chen hasn't approached just now, because of that dangerous feeling, let him avoid it, otherwise, even if he cultivates harder, I am afraid that he might be killed just now.

The *explosion just now was too powerful.

Ye Chen hadn't called Annie yet, but Annie called him first.

"Honey, are you okay?"

Obviously the bodyguard called Alston, and Alston told Annie.

"Anne, I'm fine, but there were a few innocent passers-by who were burned by them. I will send them to the hospital now. I will go back when things are done right here."

"Then you must pay attention to safety."

Annie exhorted.

The killer just fired the gun yesterday. Unexpectedly, it was released today. This made Annie very worried about Ye Chen's safety. She felt that the United States was even less safe than China. She wanted to return to Shanghai with Ye Chen as soon as possible.

Ye Chen accompanied the patients and came to the hospital in an ambulance. Ye Chen thought he had to pay the fee in advance, but it was not necessary. This is a special case and the government may deal with it specially.

Ye Chen could only wait outside.

It didn’t take long for the person in charge of the Chicago city government, as well as the heads of Wei Shenghua’s Chinese community, to see that Ye Chen was okay for the first time. They were relieved and learned that there were no deaths, just some injuries. They are more relieved.

However, judging from the explosion just now, I am afraid that it is a terrorist attack, and it must be handled by the US FBI.

"Doctor Ye, it's still too dangerous here. I advise you not to come to see people anymore these days." Wei Shenghua said worriedly.

Although Ye Chen wanted to help other people with free consultation, some people wanted his life. Wei Shenghua felt that Ye Chen's doing that was not worth it.