Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 345: Make another appointment

Ye Chen, who wanted to go back to Sun's villa in the afternoon, could only go back tomorrow. At the affiliated hospital, apart from chatting with Mr. Liao who was okay for two hours, he deliberately went to talk to Mr. Liu for more than two hours. Ye Chen finally knew that the reason why Mr. Liu was belching was that he had eaten the wrong thing. The thing is exactly a kind of colorless and odorless pesticide. He drank the pesticide mixed in a bottle of wine.

The person who prescribed the medicine was his former brother Liu Guoxiang. Therefore, in the face of such a thing, it can be said that family ugliness cannot be publicized. Generally speaking, Liu Guowei will not take the initiative to say it, even when facing other doctors, he will not say it.

Because he was familiar with Ye Chen, he said it out. When Ye Chen asked why the brother Liu did that kind of thing, it was obvious that, as he guessed, it was because of private interests.

Before his death, the father of the Liu brothers had already handed over the Liu Group to Mr. Liu to manage him in advance. Because he had the management ability, he was the most prestigious among the middle-aged brothers.

However, shortly after the death of the Liu brothers' father, the Liu brothers began to have problems with the interests and management of the group. Of course, Lao Liu hadn't thought that his brother would actually be for those things, even his brother's life would be harmed.

So, that night, after he took out the bottle of wine mixed with that special pesticide and drank it, not long after he felt something was wrong with his body, he was sent to a nearby hospital for emergency gastric lavage, but because of intubation and gastric lavage The reason for this was that although he finally cleaned up the pesticide residues, it was a sequelae that led to belching.

On the second day, it was because when Mr. Liu was in the hospital for treatment, the Liu Group was greatly affected by this incident, and the company was hit hard. The brother of Mr. Liu took the opportunity to unite with outsiders. Come, I want to seize the management right of the Liu Group.

Although in the end with the efforts of Liu Lao and the Liu family, those people did not succeed, but the Liu Group and Liu Lao’s body were the same, and their vitality was so bad that the Liu family, who was originally ranked in the top of the Shanghai family, suddenly , Was dropped to a dozen or so members of the Shanghai family.

However, the foundation of the Liu family is still there, and ordinary large companies are really inferior to the Liu Group. This is why the Qin Dahai would want to please Liu Lao, but is also afraid of Liu Lao.

"In fact, apart from the Liu family, many people knew about this. However, because it was a family ugly, I never told outsiders." Liu Guowei looked at Ye Chen and said sadly. He also believed in Ye Chen, and felt that Ye Chen was a good young doctor, and now he naturally chatted with him about what happened back then.

Now let Liu Guowei feel that after Ye Chen’s treatment this time, his belching situation will soon disappear, and he will be completely restored to health, and he can devote all his energy to the management of the Liu Group, and the Liu Group will develop again. It is also very possible. After all, without being affected by his own body, Lao Liu naturally does not need to be like before.

"As the saying goes, brothers work together to cut money. Liu, you don’t want to comment on your family affairs. I know, you must have been sad back then. However, Liu, your illness, I think I will recover soon. This, I can Do it." Ye Chen said, looking at him.

It seems that these people of a certain age and not simple identities have many stories. The origin of this kind of stories is often closely related to their illness.

If Mr. Liu had not drunk the wine mixed with pesticides, he would not have belched, and it would not have caused the situation of Liu Group and the Liu family, and even this kind of physical and mental pain, which tortured him for nearly ten years. .

"Little brother, thank you for your understanding!" Liu Guowei looked at him and said.

Ye Chen didn't ask Liu Lao about his brother Liu Guoxiang, but Ye Chen knew that people who Liu Guoxiang did that kind of thing would definitely not be popular anywhere.

When Ye Chen left Lao Liu's ward, he was still a little bit emotional. He knew that many times, when faced with benefits and money, many times, family and friendship were not as good as those.

Originally, Ye Chen wanted to have a meal with Lin Xinting, but because of Liao Lao, Ye Chen left Lao Liu's place. After talking to Lin Xinting, he went downstairs to find Lao Liao.

"Nurse Lin, your boyfriend is very funny, your eyes are very good! If you didn't know Dr. Ye, I would have introduced my granddaughter to him." Liu Lao said with a smile.

"Lao Liu, I said, he is not my boyfriend yet." Lin Xinting said. But when she heard what Liu Lao said, she became a little worried.

. . .

Ye Chen went down to Lao Liao’s office. Lao Liao didn’t see him just now. He thought he had left secretly. Unexpectedly, he really stayed in that old Liu ward for so long. It seems This kid is very popular everywhere.

When Ye Chen and Liao Lao walked downstairs, Liao Lao said, "Ye Chen, don't call Xiaoxue first, let her prepare to buy your vegetables."

"Lao Liao, let's do it!" Ye Chen said.

Old Liao had to let him call, but Ye Chen had no choice but to take out his cell phone. Then, he dialed the cell phone on Liao Bingxue's side. After the call, Liao Bingxue asked him in a cold voice, "What's the matter? "

"Sister Bingxue, I'll go over to eat in a while, you buy more vegetables!" Ye Chen said.

"Oh, I get it!" Liao Bingxue replies coldly, and then hung up the phone. When Ye Chen was looking at the phone, he didn't expect that Liao Bingxue's tone was still the same, while Liao Lao was looking at Ye. Chen, I feel that the attitude of my granddaughter is really not good. After all, this way, no one can stand it.

Lao Liao got into Ye Chen's car and soon returned to the Liao National Medical Center. When he returned there, he did not see Liao Bingxue. He guessed that the other party should have gone shopping for food and had not returned.

Lao Liao made a pot of hot tea, sat with Ye Chen on the chessboard in the living room, and began to play Go. When playing Go, Lao Liao didn’t seem to focus on Go, but told Ye Chen about it from time to time. Liao Bingxue's personality from childhood to childhood.

Ye Chen now regards Liao Bingxue as one of his patients. Therefore, if he wants to treat Liao Bingxue's disease, he naturally needs to learn more.

Both of them played chess there, but they didn’t pay attention to the chessboard. When Liao Bingxue went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and saw that they were playing chess there, he just said hello to his grandfather. Go inside with vegetables.

Ye Chen just wanted to say hello to her, but he didn't even look at him when he saw the other person. Ye Chen felt a little embarrassed. If he wasn't looking at Liao Lao, and because Liao Bingxue had two mild mental illnesses. He left long ago because of the illness.

"You have seen it, she has always been like this! But, I tell you, her heart is actually hot!" Old Liao said while looking at Ye Chen in a low voice.

"Maybe!" Ye Chen may not be sure. When Liao Bingxue prepared that dinner, Ye Chen and Liao Lao hadn't finished their chess.

However, the two did not continue to play, anyway, winning or losing is the same. While eating, Ye Chen found out that Liao Wenen wanted to be like the last time, and took the two of them to make fun of him from time to time.

This time, Liao Bingxue didn't even rebut the rebuttal, and also ignored the jokes of grandpa. It seemed that she really didn't care about it at all. If that was the case, Ye Chen felt that it would be even more difficult to treat Liao Bingxue.

"Xiaoxue, Ye Chen said, I am very sorry for the missed appointment last week. Therefore, he is going to take you out to see the beautiful scenery of the Huangpu River after dinner." Old Liao said to her.

"I'm very tired, I don't have time and don't want to go out!" Liao Bingxue said coldly.

"Xiaoxue, have you finished the material you published in the "Chinese Medicine" magazine?" Liao Bingxue looked at Ye Chen when he heard his grandfather say that. Originally, she didn't have any hope either. After all, she knew that she had better ask Ye Chen in person if she wanted to write such an article. Because of that incident last week, she was shocked a bit, so that when she saw Ye Chen again, she was cold.

"Sister Bingxue, you can ask me anytime you want to ask, you don't have to go out, you can ask me here!" Ye Chen said with a smile.

Liao Bingxue did not speak. After the three of them had finished their meal, Old Liao said, "Bingxue, go get ready and prepare, go out with Ye Chen and talk while watching!"

After hearing this, Liao Bingxue did not refuse, went upstairs, took the skirt to the bathroom, took a shower, and then stayed in the room, deliberately slowing down. She wanted to see if Ye Chen would Got another call to leave?

After Ye Chen waited for more than an hour downstairs, Liao Bingxue, who dangled in the room and deliberately dressed up, put on the snow-white dress of last week, his temperament suddenly became completely different. When Ye Chen looked over, he had to agree with what Liao Lao said. In terms of temperament, Liao Bingxue was indeed much higher than Lin Xinting, and in this simple dress.