Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3484: The basics are still too bad

Ye Chen sat in his office seat, surrounded by thirty newly recruited members of the Chinese Medical Association.

"Anyone of you knows all the acupuncture points of the human body?"

There are a total of 720 acupuncture points in the human body and 402 for medical use. Among them, there are 108 key acupoints, which are divided into acupuncture points and dead acupoints. There are 72 non-lethal acupoints and 36 fatal acupoints.

Of course, the total number of degrees is not necessarily, Ye Chen thinks there may still be new acupuncture points that have not been discovered.

In his case, these 720 acupuncture points were all familiar when they were eight or nine years old.

Of course, in addition to people having acupuncture points, animals like those for livestock, and even some birds have their own acupuncture points.

Now, when asked by Ye Chen, all these 30 students can only bow their heads.

"Know a hundred raise their hands."

The members of the association shook their heads.

"Fifty ones."

Still shook his head.


Finally, some students raised their hands.

Ye Chen seemed to understand, why suddenly felt that the basics of Chinese medicine of these students were not as good as each.

"If you want to learn acupuncture and moxibustion well, you must know where the medical acupuncture points are even if you close your eyes. I suggest you use the summer vacation time to memorize all these acupuncture points."

"President Ye, what books do you recommend us to read?"

""Acupuncture and Moxibustion" is the foundation, and you must be familiar with it. There is also the first monograph on acupuncture and moxibustion in China by Huangfu Mi, a medical scholar in the Jin Dynasty, "Acupuncture and Moxibustion A and B Classic", Yang Jizhou's acupuncture and moxibustion monograph "Acupuncture and Moxibustion", and Sun Simiao Prescriptions for Emergency Preparedness, Wang Weiyi’s "Tongren Acupoint Acupuncture and Moxibustion", Wang Zhizhong’s "Acupuncture and Moxibustion Zisheng Jing", Gao Wu’s "Acupuncture and Moxibustion Essentials", Wang Ji’s "Acupuncture and Moxibustion Questions", etc. Of course, if you have a strong memory and a good foundation in learning ability, you can learn all these things."

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, Ye Chen thinks acupuncture is the same.

For example, when he met the acupuncturists in Chinatown in Chicago, USA, they were simply trained. They didn’t even understand these simple human acupoints. Some of them belonged to dead points. If you don’t pay attention to acupuncture and moxibustion, you can directly kill people. .

"This is to learn the basics of acupuncture and moxibustion, please write it down."

The members of these associations hurriedly wrote down. They knew that Ye Chen didn’t like to be joking. When Ye Chen participated in the Kampo competition in Japan, he got the bronze figure. The figure was the acupuncture bronze figure of the Song Dynasty. Ye Chen had already It was given to the University of Chinese Medicine. These students have seen it.

The acupuncture points on the human body are clearly marked.

However, they also knew that compared with Ye Chen, they were indeed far behind.

"President Ye, are there others? How do we practice?"

"First familiarize yourself with the acupoints of the human body. It is best to have a human body model in addition to the acupoint map of the human body. If the bronze statues are too expensive, you can’t have one for each student. I will give another 100 to the college. You can go and see if you have time."

These acupuncture bronzes cost more than 10,000, a hundred, which is at least more than one million.

More than 10,000, which may not be a big deal to a good family, only two better mobile phones, but ordinary people don't have that much money.

Ye Chen didn't give one to everyone, and gave it to the academy, and classmates could watch it later.

Of course, if it is the Huaxia University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ye Chen will give away a thousand as the opening ceremony, which is no joke.

He knows that this bronze statue of acupuncture and moxibustion is very important for improving the acupuncture foundation of these students, because it is not only visual, but also touchable. Only when it is touched can they truly understand it when giving acupuncture to the patient.

Now these are the foundations of learning acupuncture.

"Then how do you learn about pulse conditions?"

This is the basics of traditional Chinese medicine. It is necessary to read, hear, and ask. Basically, these students have already been in contact with them in the first year of freshman year. However, the foundation is not very solid. Usually, I don't know if the pulse is right, and the teacher did not say.

"It seems that the foundation of your pulse condition is not good. During this period of time, we will first improve your foundation of observation, hearing and inquiry."

Ye Chen felt that these students wasted the tuition.

By eight o'clock in the morning, when patients began to line up to see acupuncture, the old aunt, the first patient, walked in.

"Doctor Ye, it's nice to see you." Hearing that Ye Chen personally took the students to practice and study, the old aunt hurried over to find Ye Chen to prepare for treatment.

"Old aunty, why are you uncomfortable?"

"Gout, walking for a long time during the day, and even buying vegetables are painful."


Ye Chen didn't expect this disease of wealth and honour to be more and more.

Thinking of Li Gaorong and they all suffering from this disease, if they were in Shanghai, there might be many rich people.

Of course, this is the same as they are obese, they usually drink too much alcohol, and the food they eat is not digested well, resulting in high uric acid.

If it is in the countryside, few of these villagers suffer from this disease.

"Auntie, you sit down first."

When the students of the association sat down and let the old aunt sit there, Ye Chen said, "Which one of you will come to see the old aunt first?"

"Doctor Ye, haven't you seen me?"

"Of course not, let them try first."

When the first boy came over, he seemed a little nervous to see the old aunt.

The so-called look, smell, and inquire, start from looking at the patient's face, and then check the old man's uncomfortable areas. Now the old aunt has joint pain, redness and swelling in the big toe, and even some edema.

"Grandma, have you checked out those tophi?"

"Not yet."

. . .

It took about ten minutes for the other party to finish the reading. Ye Chen didn’t say anything. He asked the next classmate to check again. If you have asked, you don’t need to ask. If you haven’t asked, you can fill it up by yourself. The most important thing is to look at the pulse and The tongue looks like these, and every doctor looks at it differently.

The prescriptions prescribed at that time must be different.

After giving these students a chance to try, it was already an hour later.

In fact, these gout conditions should be treated according to the dialectics of Chinese medicine, and different dialectical results can be obtained. They are definitely different, such as phlegm and blood stasis block, wind-cold-dampness syndrome, spleen and kidney yang deficiency, damp-heat blockage, liver and kidney yang deficiency, etc. .

The prescriptions prescribed for different symptoms are definitely different, and the dialectics is wrong. The prescriptions prescribed at that time will not only make the patient get better, but may make the patient’s condition worse. This is a quack or misdiagnosis. Up.

However, now it is specifically about teaching acupuncture, and Ye Chen will definitely give this old aunt acupuncture treatment.

"Auntie, do you want to have acupuncture treatment?"

"Doctor Ye, can you have acupuncture? I want to try it."