Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3527: Heaven is still alive

Originally, Ye Chen didn't want to play with dudes like Li Qinghua, but the other party seemed so enthusiastic that he couldn't refuse, so he could only drive behind.

When he came to the villa Li Qinghua was talking about, Ye Chen found that it was very quiet, not because there were many cars parked.

In fact, because there are too many powers in the capital, the food requirements are naturally very high. In the villages near the capital, whether they are famous or not, some of them are actually really good.

Of course, some villas only greet special people, and outsiders generally don't know it.

The villa that Li Qinghua brought over now is the same.

When Ye Chen stopped the car, smiled with Huang Xiaowei and Han, the nanny aunt got out of the car and went inside. The waitress inside immediately took Li Qinghua and the others in with enthusiasm.

When eating later, Ye Chen felt like he was in a garden. It was very beautiful and warm. Being able to eat in this kind of place really felt pleasing to the eyes.

After Ye Chen and the others sat down, Li Qinghua said, "Bring up all the delicious food without accounting."

Under normal circumstances, these people are billed for their meals, that is, bills are settled every other month or even longer. However, most restaurants do not like such billing.

Especially those small restaurants may be dragged to death because of being eaten like that by those people.

Li Qinghua and the others have money. In fact, they don't need to keep accounts.

However, when I heard that when there was no accounting, the waitress appeared more enthusiastic. When I went to prepare immediately, Li Qinghua asked: "Doctor Ye, how is the environment here?"

"It's really good. It's really rare to have such an environment in Beijing."

"In fact, the environment in Beijing is not as good as Jiangnan. Like when I was a child, every time there was drought and little rain, there would be a lot of wind and sand. In addition, in recent years, the smog in Beijing is really getting worse every year. I want to leave the capital now."

Another dude said, "Shao Li, don't you want to transfer to the southwest for gilding?"

The so-called gilding is actually to let Li Qinghua go to the small place below first, and the poorer and more remote the better, the better, and then transfer to other good places after some time.

Li Qinghua is not too young now. He is in his thirties. He was already suspended in a certain department in Beijing, but he actually did not go to work. He passed by occasionally and basically didn't go to work.

When his parents saw him in his thirties, he was still a fool, and would only eat, drink and have fun with these dudes in the capital. Therefore, they wanted to transfer him to the southwest. First, they could really train him, and also make him suffer a little. However, Li Qinghua is not willing to go.

"I don't want to go yet. I can delay it for a day."

Li Qinghua said.

"How old are you?" Ye Chen asked.

"Me? I'm over 30? Their youngest is 27-8."

At this age, they are not young anymore. However, I did not expect that these people are still thinking about eating, drinking and having fun. It seems that they are still covered by their parents. The relationship is really good and there is no need to think about it.

Of course, Ye Chen is not at their age now, and he has achieved achievements, but these people can only look up.

"That's not small, don't you think about the future?"

"Is there anything to consider? You don't have to worry about money or women when you sleep until you wake up naturally."

Of course, these people are already married and have children, but the woman at home is just an identity. They don't like the wife at home, they all like the woman outside, and the woman at home can't control it.

Therefore, people like Li Qinghua live a life that many people envy.

These people are much better than the ordinary rich second generation, basically, as long as they want nothing less.

It can be said that as long as they don't break the law and don't do too much, they are already pretty good.

"I'm afraid that you won't be able to rely on your parents for a lifetime. I suggest you work harder."

Ye Chen said.

He is not familiar with these people. As for how Li Qinghua and the others will be, judging from the faces of these people alone, it shouldn't be bad.

However, no matter how you have to rely on your own efforts, coupled with family background, these people, whether they are in politics or business, are actually much better than ordinary people.

It's just that these people still don't know how to cherish it.

Li Qinghua and the others didn't expect Ye Chen to say that.

When the waitress brought tea, Ye Chen asked, "Are you sure that Old Li is really dead?"

"I heard that it has been sent to the funeral home."

Li Qinghua said.

"Isn't it acting again?"

Ye Chen knew that the last time Mr. Li jumped to Kunming Lake was purely acting. He just wanted to show sympathy to the people above. He did not expect that Ye Chen would not let them go so easily.

Of course, if the Li family’s children were to be sanctioned in accordance with the law, Ye Chen would not be able to do so absolutely. However, when he later discovered that the Li family wanted to resurrect, he knew that he could not let them go.

"I called and asked."

Li Qinghua took out his cell phone to call an official, naturally it was related to the funeral home.

After he finished the phone call, it was indeed confirmed that Mr. Li was indeed dead. He died by taking a poison. As for the poison, the doctor has not found out, but he has not been sent to the hospital. Died.

I heard that the other party left something before he died, and I hope the people above will let the Li family go for his sake.

As for whether that is the case, Li Qinghua doesn't know.

No matter what, now at home and abroad know what the Li family did.

It was possible to protect them once, and certainly not the second time.

"If you do too many bad things, you will get retribution sooner or later. You can live by doing evil in heaven, you can't live by doing evil by yourself."

When the waitress brought the food, Ye Chen and Li Qiuhua started to eat until 8 o’clock in the evening. After this dinner, Ye Chen prepared to go home with Huang Xiaowei, Han Xiaoxiao, and the nanny aunt. .

He wants to settle the bill, and Li Qinghua certainly cannot settle it for him.

When Ye Chen was about to get in the car, he looked at Li Qinghua and asked, "What is your relationship with the Li family?"

"Doctor Ye, I have nothing to do with that Li family. There are tens of millions of people surnamed Li in the country. Maybe there was a little relationship five hundred years ago."

Li Qinghua's parents really have nothing to do with that Li family.

Ye Chen smiled, and said nothing.

When he got into the car and drove away from here, Li Qinghua still didn't understand what Ye Chen just said. However, he knew that starting from today, this Li family would indeed disappear.

"Shao Li, I don't know what you called him over for?"