Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 353: Someone committed suicide

The first subject of Chinese in the college entrance examination has just ended. Whether or not they value the scores, most candidates come out and see the classmates they know, and they start to check the questions, or they are saying that they have not done well in the exam.

"Ye Chen, how did you do in the exam?" Sun Xiaowei asked. He knew that his attitude was definitely not comparable to Ye Chen's.

If he also puts his time on playing games and his attitude on his studies, Ye Chen knows that Sun Xiaowei's academic performance will not be bad. However, Sun Xiaowei didn't care at all, he felt that way anyway.

"It should be good!" Ye Chen said with a smile. This is easier than the simulation questions he did some time ago.

The two talked and laughed, or looked at the various attitudes of other candidates. When they came down from the stairs, Sun Xiaowei also said that he slept there for an hour, and the other candidates could not wait to take his time to himself. At that time, he even laughed, thinking that those candidates were really interesting.

He said and laughed, and the candidates next to him were naturally a little dissatisfied. However, now everyone has never known each other and ignores Sun Xiaowei.

"You speak in a low voice, you are different from others, naturally you don’t know it. This is the most important turning point in their lives. A rare opportunity. Ten years of hard work. If the college entrance examination is not good, I am afraid that another year will be wasted. Come repeat!" Ye Chen said.

Naturally, Sun Xiaowei doesn’t know how to cherish it. In his current days, even if he did well in the exam, what would he think? He didn’t need to go to a good university like other candidates. Anyway, now his father is rich, so he doesn’t have to worry about his life after graduation. RV.

When Ye Chen said that, Sun Xiaowei stopped saying it. Of course, this is actually because he still hides a secret in his heart. Only a few people in the Sun family know this secret, even Ye Chen is still unclear. Therefore, Sun Xiaowei thought that, Ye Chen also found it strange.

When I came down from the upper floor, before I walked out to the main entrance of Pudong No. 1 Middle School, I found that many candidates’ parents had come in at the stairs downstairs. Some parents hugged their children and asked how they did the test. , Or feel that they did not do well in the exams, comforting them, and even some of them have already prepared rich lunches, and now they eat directly.

Because I have to take the math test at 3 o’clock this afternoon. In that case, if I can finish eating early and take a break at noon, or an hour and a half, I feel more energetic when I wake up. This is naturally the parents of those candidates. Think of it for your own children.

Ye Chen didn't need to do that at all. After lunch, he just had to wait to come. When Ye Chen and Sun Xiaowei were about to go outside, suddenly they heard someone yelling.

"Something happened, something is about to happen!" At first, Ye Chen thought someone was fighting. When he looked over, he realized that not far from the teaching building, a group of people looked up and even pointed around there. point.

Ye Chen looked over, and found that above the group of people, on the railing of the fifth floor of the teaching building, there was a girl in school uniform standing on the guardrail. Obviously, everyone else could see that the girl was going to jump off the building.

It had just finished the first subject, and some candidates could not bear it, and they were about to jump off the building. Ye Chen didn't expect it, and Sun Xiaowei didn't expect it either. However, this kind of thing is lively for Sun Xiaowei, and for Ye Chen, it is important to save people.

"Hey, why are there such stupid students?" Ye Chen muttered. In his opinion, even if the exam is not good today, there is still time to take the exam next year, and even the next three subjects have not been completed. This year's college entrance examination has not yet ended.

However, if you jump down from the fifth floor and there are concrete slabs underneath, you will really be dead. The saddest and most helpless one will be the candidate's parents.

When Sun Xiaowei was going to see the excitement with Ye Chen, Ye Chen was already walking towards the crowd. When I came there, I found more people around here.

These people are all around pointing and pointing. It is useless at all. It is five stories high, nearly 20 meters high. When falling down from such a high place, a small stone can smash a person's head, not to mention. A girl who is nearly 100 catties in the third year of high school.

At this time, some people call the police to call 110, and someone calls 119 from the fire station, because many of these things are done by firefighters, and some people call 120 to the hospital to prevent the girl from jumping off the building and getting seriously injured. Be saved.

No matter what, these girls are useless to the girls who are standing on the railing and crying, because in Ye Chen's eyes, those people have not yet come. This girl may have jumped from the fifth floor.

Even now, in Ye Chen's opinion, it is best for someone to persuade the girl standing on the railing to come down. However, the shouting of those people was useless. The more people shouted, and Ye Chen looked over, the girl cried harder and became more emotional.

At this time, Ye Chen discovered that even if this girl had a bad exam, why bother? However, he is not the other party himself, and I don't know why the other party behaves like this. At best, he guessed it was related to her exam.

"Ye Chen, I want to stay away and watch, for fear of being hit by her!" At this point, Sun Xiaowei is right. After all, a person of that size really hits it down. Someone will hug him. Suffered a lot of injuries, maybe even broken hands and feet.

Sun Xiaowei and other ordinary people watching could do that, but Ye Chen couldn't. Ye Chen asked him to look aside. Based on the movement of the **** the railing, he estimated that the other person jumped down. , After all, with Ye Chen's own strength, the opponent jumped down so high, he still had a way to hug the opponent well, and avoid that kind of bloodshed situation. Of course, this was when Ye Chen had planned for the worst for the other party, and the other party really jumped down.

"Mengmeng, I'm your mother, hurry up and get down from the railing!" Ye Chen saw that when she saw that she didn't know when, there was already a woman in her thirties standing in the crowd, scared and crying again, watching Shouted at the girl upstairs.

However, when she yelled, the girl upstairs didn't know if she heard it, but just continued to wander on the railing. At this time, the two security guards of the school went up to the fifth floor, not far away from the girl. Hope to persuade the other party.

However, whether it is the security guards or some invigilators who know the girl rationally and emotionally, it still has no effect.

Ye Chen felt the girl's eyes on the railing. When there was some change, he knew that the other party still did not listen to the advice of the security guards. When the two security guards wanted to go over and hold each other, only the girl closed her eyes and opened it. With both hands, he jumped directly from the railing on the fifth floor.

When the girl’s mother fainted with fright, some of the people watching downstairs avoided, some were at a loss, some opened their hands, hoping to hug the other person At that time, Ye Chen saw the speed and approximate location of the opponent's jump.

When the girl was still three or four meters away from the ground, those people couldn't hold her at all. When they thought that the tragedy was about to happen, no one thought that Ye Chen, who was also watching, actually stepped on the ground and jumped directly. Ye Chen hugged the girl before the girl touched the ground.

Surprised, Ye Chen hugged the opponent in the end, turned a few times, and stepped on the floor steadily. The opponent is going downstairs from such a high place, the gravity is naturally very large, most people can't bear it at all, it is possible to have a broken hand or foot, and it is more likely to be killed.

However, after Ye Chen easily dissolved the gravity just now, except for the moment when he felt numb when he hugged the girl with his hands and feet, there was nothing else.

In everything, naturally people feel very surprised, even a miracle, so that they can be saved by Ye Chen.