Master Doctor in the City

Chapter 3551: The palms and backs of the hands are a

Ye Chen drove all the way to the northeast of Chongming Island, where it was not only the mouth of the Yangtze River, but also the Yellow Sea.

Now Ye Chen drove there, stopped the car, and found that the river breeze was strong at night, but it was summer and the night breeze was very comfortable.

Ye Chen can see many people who drive here to watch, even some people camp.

Because there was no rainstorm or typhoon, no one came to rush. If you encounter bad weather, staying here will definitely not work.

Ye Chen also saw that there should be many people fishing here by the river.

"Remember the last time I saw those retired old people fishing here?" Sun Mengjie asked.

Ye Chen naturally remembered.

He knew that they were retired old people from nearby farms. These old people had nothing to do with fishing. Moreover, the fish they caught were probably all sold, which was considered a profit.

Ye Chen and Sun Mengjie, Yu Xue walked by the side, blowing the wind, looking at the night view of the Yangtze River estuary and the Yellow Sea in the distance.

It still looks good with the moon now.

These people camping should mainly watch the sunrise.

Ye Chen and the two girls didn't stay until after nine o'clock in the evening.

After returning to the villa, Sun Mengjie went back to take a bath and rest. For a pregnant woman, her sleep time was much longer than that of ordinary people.

Sun Mengjie did the same.

When she went to take a bath and rest, Ye Chen and Yu Xue were preparing to swim in the swimming pool outside.

"Don't play until late at night." Sun Mengjie upstairs said from the window on the second floor.

Ye Chen didn't say anything, Yu Xue looked a little shy.

"I want children too." Yu Xue whispered.

She is also nearly thirty, and she is not young anymore, she is considered to be an advanced mother.

Naturally, Yu Xue wanted to have children earlier, so that his parents didn't have to worry.

"I haven't seen your parents."

The last time I said I wanted to meet Xue's parents, I didn't see it again.

"It's okay, they have seen your picture."

Yu Xue's parents had seen Ye Chen's photos, and felt that Ye Chen was younger than Yu Xue, but they didn't know Ye Chen's identity very well.

When Ye Chen woke up early the next morning, Yu Xue was still sleeping next to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen got up lightly and went to the swimming pool downstairs to swim for a while before going to the bathroom to take a bath.

He has to wait for Sun Mengjie and Yu Xue to come out.

When Sun Mengjie came down first, Sun Mengjie looked at him complainingly and said, "Didn't you let you go to bed earlier last night?"

"You know that Yu Xue needs to be satisfied at this age."

Thirty is like a wolf and forty is like a tiger.

Now Yu Xue is like that. What's more, the two have not been together for so long, and Yu Xue is so enthusiastic, which is right.

"Moreover, Yu Xue also wants a child."

"That's fine, anyway, my belly will be born anyway."

If the two are pregnant at the same time, it will definitely not work. Sun Mengjie is not comfortable with many matters of the Qinglong Group, which means that Yu Xue is more assured.

And it is normal for Yu Xue to want children at this age.

After Yu Xue got up, Ye Chen drove with the two women to a teahouse in the city of Chongming Island.

Upon arriving at that teahouse, Ye Chen found that there were a lot of people, especially the old people.

Originally, there were not many indigenous people on Chongming Island, and they were mainly from farms. However, nowadays, many people can't afford houses in the urban area, so they all go here to buy. Now the people who buy houses here, and There are so many elderly people, so now Ye Chen sees that many tea drinkers are mainly elderly people.

Young people should have gone to work long ago, and there is not so much time to drink tea here.

The waitress brought the menu. After Ye Chen ordered the tea, the two women ordered the dim sum.

After the two women ordered, the waitress took them and left, Ye Chen looked out the window there.

Compared to the city center, it is indeed much quieter here.

If you live here for a long time, it is much more convenient than before. Ye Chen thinks that Shanghai should focus on developing Chongming Island in the future.

"Yu Xue, are you still living in an apartment?"

Yu Xue bought the apartment at his own expense.

With an annual salary of over one million, it is easy to buy a single apartment.

"She has always lived in a bachelor apartment." Sun Mengjie said.

"Well, do you want to buy a house for you, in the city, or on Chongming Island?"

If you want to buy it, it must be in the city center, especially in places near Yuxue's work, which is only suitable for vacation or retirement.

"I do not need."

Yu Xue said.

She has money herself, with an annual salary of more than one million, and her salary and benefits have already added up to more than ten million.

In Shanghai, there are many people with more than 10 million people, especially many of them have a suite, and their net worth is more than 10 million. However, it is not bad for Yu Xue to exceed ten million by himself, and it is still cash.

If it is investment and financial management, she is now enough to live in retirement.

"Why don't it, none of his women owns a mansion or villa, it will be you and your child in the future, don't want it for nothing."

Sun Mengjie said.

Sun Mengjie is different from Yu Xue. From now on, this Sun's family will belong to Sun Mengjie and the child, so she doesn't even want to grab anything from Ye Chen.

Of course, Ye Chen's most valuable is his Chinese medicine factory and investment group's shares. Those are the most valuable. Sun Mengjie still looks down on those luxury villas.

However, Yu Xue is different. For ordinary families, relying solely on her own efforts, the annual salary now exceeds one million.

Now Ye Chen wants to buy her a house, she thinks she must, or the house in Shanghai will be more expensive in the future. Moreover, she felt that that was unfair to Xue.

"Mengjie, how do I feel like you are a matchmaker."

"No way?"

Sun Mengjie didn't want it, but Yu Xue definitely wanted it.

"That's fine, you can pick any houses in the city, and you can tell me when you pick them."

"I heard that you bought a Hong Kong mansion worth several hundred million yuan for Ling Die, and two mansion houses in Beijing for Huang Xiaowei, a courtyard house and a villa. You also bought one for Liao Bingxue in Pudong. Set of hundreds of millions of luxury villas."

In fact, all these Sun Mengjie knew.

As for how she knew, Ye Chen didn't know.

These are facts anyway.

After Yu Xue heard it, she was surprised and speechless.

She knew Ye Chen was rich, but she didn't expect Ye Chen to be so generous.

Of course, these houses were not too expensive back then, but now they have been doubled several times and they are naturally more valuable.

"Why did I say false?"

"Of course not. I wanted to buy it for you, but you didn't want it yourself."

Of course Ye Chen hopes that a bowl of water will be smooth, anyway, the palms and backs of the hands are all meat.

However, he also knew that it was impossible to be completely fair.

"I regret it now," Sun Mengjie said.

"I knew I didn't want you to buy it, and I had to buy a few sets for me."

Seeing Ye Chen's expression, Sun Mengjie thought for a while and said deliberately.